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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. And everything that they do sounds WONDERFUL!
  2. BTW...quite a few freebies https://mercuriall.com/cms/details_freestuff
  3. Yep...I only entered THIS group buy to help out the numbers...not that my measly one means a lot...but help is help, despite really not caring about getting the 11 synths that I don't use...I mean....have....
  4. Closing time......you don't have to go home but you can't....stay....here....
  5. $99 https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/channel-strips/manley-voxbox.html
  6. $30 https://soundpaint.com/products/cinematic-drum-kits Alive Cinematic Percussion 38 Programs / 8 Parts 4.8K Real-Time Samples™ / 6.88GB Soundpaint™ Engine (Free) VST, AU and Standalone
  7. Wow...you could hardly get the Mic Stand and Pop Filter for that price!
  8. Short and sweet: for the next 48 hours you can get Mercuriall products with a 50% discount! Get a free demo, fall in love with the tone and purchase a full license with a great discount at https://mercuriall.com/cms/ Then write the best riff of your life!
  9. SpringVerb is an algorithmic reverb plugin that recreates the physical interactions of a spring reverb. We approached the recreation of this peculiar sound implementing a mix of research papers and adding our own twist, with SpringVerb you can change every aspect of the spring themselves like the intrinsic vibration time (which determine the length of the reverb) the damping of the springs (which affect the decay time of the reverb). With the resonance and brightness controls you can change the self resonance point of the spring and the highest frequency it can reach (both of this control also affect how the reverb propagates inside the spring) HoRNet SpringVerb is available now for just 12,99€ and you can try out the demo before buying, we also offer you a complete refund within 15 days from purchase if you don't like the plugin! https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-springverb/
  10. $99 on Musician's Friend SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/pro-audio/m-audio-air-192-8-usb-c-audio-interface/l69993000000000 AIR 192 8 USB C Audio Interface Specifications: Included software: Pro Tools | First M-Audio Edition Ableton Live Lite Eleven Lite Avid Effects Collection AIR Music Tech Creative FX Collection Plus AIR Music Tech Xpand!2 AIR Music Tech Mini Grand AIR Music Tech Vacuum AIR Music Tech BOOM AIR Music Tech DB33 AIR Music Tech Strike 2GB of Touch Loops Content
  11. Run the Toontrack Installation Manager to update
  12. Buy two and get 2 more FREE and 50% off Bundles with code BUNDLE50 https://www.waves.com/plugins#sort:path~type~order=.default-order~number~asc|views:view=grid-view|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=20
  13. $79.99 https://audioplugin.deals/lyric-series-string-quintet-by-kirk-hunter-studios
  14. now $19.99 instead of $199 No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/duy?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  15. including Modern Retro, Virtually Erskine Grooves, and Stanton Moore Grooves for $19.99 each No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/fxpansion?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  16. Extra discount with code GROUP at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/sampleson?dir=desc&order=special_from_date
  17. Run the Steinberg Download Assistant to update
  18. Unfiltered Audio: TRIAD, LO-FI-AF and SANDMAN PRO are designed by musicians to inspire and push creative limits Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 pm PST on May 26, 2022. This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. TRIAD BYOME’s big brother, Multiband Modular FX! TRIAD combines state of the art processing, versatile modulation and dozens of effects. $199 $79.99 TRIAD-7999 Use voucher code during checkout! LO-FI-AF Go beyond standard bitcrushing with artifacts and degradation from MP3s, CDs, vinyl, tape cassettes, and more. $149 $36.99 LOFIAF-3699 Use voucher code during checkout! SANDMAN PRO A Swiss Army knife delay unit that doubles as a transmogrifying time machine for your sonic travels. $49 $19.99 SMANPRO-1999 Use voucher code during checkout! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  19. I picked up Bloom for something like $3 a while ago...it was definitely worth $3
  20. Get 25% off in the Soundiron Questionably Barbershop Sale. Expires May 29th. "Questionably Barbershop is a simple 4-piece male vocal ensemble, crafted in the style of an old-timey Barbershop Quartet featuring basic chromatic sustains and staccato articulations, improvised scat and bebop phrases and even a couple of classic Americana folk song construction kits. Buy now with 25% off!" $14.25 at Plugin Boutique and get DUO Free! https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/2607-Questionably-Barbershop
  21. I might get this...as the only other Manley Massive Passive that I'm aware of is the UAD, and since I can get it at the reduced $59 price, it might be worth it! It falls a little over my buying guideline of "Must be at LEAST 50% off", so will probably pull the Demo to see
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