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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Where's that confounded (rubber) bridge?
  2. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials
  3. ADPTR AUDIO: SCULPT, Streamliner and Metric AB are designed for the needs of modern producers Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 pm PST on May 21, 2022. This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. ADPTR AUDIO SCULPT The future of dynamic and tonal control. Thoroughly and cleanly reshape your sound. $299 $79.99 SCULPT-7999 Use voucher code during checkout! ADPTR AUDIO Streamliner Hear exactly how your music will sound on all major streaming services. $199 $36.99 STREAM-3699 Use voucher code during checkout! ADPTR AUDIO Metric AB Compare your mix to any reference mix in real-time, with a simple click of the A/B button. $199 $24.99 METRIC-2499 Use voucher code during checkout! https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  4. 70% OFF USING SLO70 CODE (offer valid until Monday 22, 11:59 CEST) BST100V2 modeled on Soldano SLO100* https://www.nembriniaudio.com/collections/guitar-amplifier/products/bst100-v2-super-overdrive-guitar-amplifier
  5. UP TO 74% OFF SONOKINETIC From symphonic strings and expressive ensembles, to colossal pipe organs and Middle Eastern percussion, save up to 74% on a wide spectrum of creative tools from Sonokinetic, until May 31. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/sonokinetic-offer-2022/
  6. $49 https://www.two-notes.com/en/product/hot-picks-may/
  7. Over 30% Off Offer valid until 26.05.2022 WINDMASCHINE Wind Design Instrument With Windmaschine we are proud to present a playable VSTI that is a faithful reproduction of the Windhowler Mole Effect but also takes it to a whole new level. Manually perform breathtaking wind sound effects in real-time. OFFER $119 US * Regular $̶1̶7̶9̶ ̶U̶S̶ https://tonsturm.com/software/windmaschine/
  8. https://www.pulsesetter-sounds.com/
  9. Birthday Highlight: Abstract Vibes Stir your productions up with modern, transient rich vibraphones recorded with various sticks and special techniques. Grab this exciting instrument library today for 75% OFF!” GET THE VIBES NOW Limited-time Offer - $14.90 https://karanyisounds.com/product/abstract-vibes/
  10. That's Audiority's birthday! We are celebrating our 12th anniversary offering 35% discount on individual plugins. Promo ends on June 1st. https://www.audiority.com/shop/
  11. VOLUME 1, FREE! Yes, you deserve it. SILVER FREE - Volume 1 includes the emulation of a fabulous, dark, and characterful vintage Japanese Spring Reverb built in the 1970s. It's easy! Check the 'purchased' section in your Acquarius Desktop. Silver Volume J - Part One is out! The number one reverb in your arsenal. https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/silvervolumejpart1
  12. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/embody-ivs-alan-meyerson-edition
  13. $169.99 on Musician's Friend SDOTD https://www.musiciansfriend.com/stupid?icid=210190
  14. 5 Euros https://klang.cologne/klang21_packs.php
  15. Production Expert review https://www.pro-tools-expert.com/production-expert-1/universal-audio-hitsville-eq-collection-released-for-uad-spark-and-apollo
  16. About 30 Kilohearts plugins are a freebie now. https://kilohearts.com/products/kilohearts_essentials
  17. Just like Cakewalk...they mean the COMPANY lifetime...not YOURS!
  18. Run the IK Product Manager to update! Introducing Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip General Reliability Improvements
  19. (should be open later today) https://www.softube.com/unlockable-offers
  20. $199 at JRR - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/ujam-instruments-usynth-bundle
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