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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. 91% off - $39.50 Full version of Kontakt 5.8 or higher is required. https://vstalarm.com/product/boutique-pianos-collections-by-sampletekk/
  2. There are a bunch of "3 for $10" Bundles here also https://www.adsrsounds.com/sale/plug-ins-sale/
  3. There are some soundpacks for $5, or 2B Clipped is $7.43 https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/2b-played-music-2b-clipped-3-clip-distortion-plugin/
  4. $89.99 on Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Line-6/POD-Studio-UX2-with-POD-Farm-1274034482949.gc
  5. Get the update here https://www.meldaproduction.com/downloads 16.03 changes MXXX MSoundFactory MDrummer Added a powerful Compander module to all modular plugins such as MXXX, MSoundFactory and MDrummer. MCabinet Added cabinets : Aluminium, Bismuth, Cabmium, Cobalt, Hard key, Iridium, Lithium, Nitrogen, Radon, Xenon MGuitarArchitect Added stompboxes : EQ-Bass, WahVolume MRecorder added record only above threshold feature, which will start recording only if input peak audio level is above set threshold. Added info about saving. MRecorder added retrospective recording, which if enabled, records automatically in background, even if normal recording is OFF or paused. MSoundFactory Improved modulation visualisation to display only one voice even if multiple are played at the moment. MSoundFactory Added filter visualisation to FilterBasic plugin. MTurboAmp Added Compander to all stages. MGuitarArchitect Added DelayTap module. Added native ARM AAX support on macOS. MTuner Detected cents visualisation parameter now shows proper value in cents, so that it is displayed better in most DAWs. MDrummer Improved MDrummer’s multi-core performance. “MPs to update in root” option for banks in modules in modular plugins exchanged to “MPs to update level” providing more flexibility. Advanced right click menu on easy screens now works even in submodules. Various minor improvements and fixes. MTurboReverb Device ‘Cobalt plate’ was loading with incorrect parameter values. MTurboComp Devices where displaying incorrect title and help. Fix MRecorder When “Synchronize all instances” was used and record was canceled, it did not delete records from all instances. Fix Destroying a plugin with tabset, in which some tabs are disabled as popups, could lead to a crash. Fix MSoundFactory Huge peaks could occur in Wavetable when enabling Unison while playing in some specific settings. Fix Sample rate reducer caused infinite feedback when the reduced sample rate was above the project’s sample rate. Fix Reordering multiparameters with partly enabled “Assignable parameter ranges” could mess up the targets. Fix Preset backup may have not imported presets created by versions prior to V16.
  6. Sweet! Only $14,000 extra for automation!
  7. Pure Platinum Passion The 2004 Flute Platinus is an emotional and expressive instrument, featuring 6 legato types, sustains, trills, short notes, dozens of arcs, and more. The player we recorded was deeply invested in every single note on her instrument. When the notes come alive in Soundpaint, that passion is felt on every key, and it feels like the player is sitting right there. Platinus includes several vibrato types covering a large range of emotional intensity. If that wasn’t enough, vibrato can be further diald in using the Time Rack Module. With 3 microphone positions (Close, Decca, Wide), the sound can be an emotional and intimate, distant and dreamy sound, or morphed anywhere in-between. Platinus is available now. $20. https://soundpaint.com/products/flute-platinus
  8. Take a deep dive into iZotope's Ozone 10 Karl Rose is back with an in-depth tutorial on the latest version of iZotope's amazing mastering plugin Ozone Advanced. Get a comprehensive look at each of the powerful processing modules that make up this awesome plugin. SWA Complete iZotope Ozone 10 covers all the features of this extensive software mastering package. Each processing module is covered in detail with an explanation of the interface as well as how it works along with many practical examples. $49.95 https://streamworksaudio.com/course/swa-complete-izotope-ozone-10/
  9. WHOOSH A true sound design instrument and enables you to create breath taking whoosh and pass-by effects. It is possible to precisely design sounds varying from whistling wind whooshes or completely over the top granular sci-fi effects. $45 until Jan 3rd $99,00 US reg. Price https://sites.fastspring.com/tonsturm/instant/whooshv15 Learn More Futuristic Design The Futuristic Design preset expansion pack for our highly-acclaimed WHOOSH software. This powerful combination enables you to design and perform cutting-edge sci-fi & high-tech sound effects for your upcoming projects. $59 until Jan 3rd $129,00 US reg. Price https://sites.fastspring.com/tonsturm/instant/futuristicdesignexpansion
  10. Up to 90% off https://splashsound.org/index.html
  11. OSC Audio has announced the release of springVerb, a macOS, Windows, and soon to be iOS, stereo spring reverb plugin (VST3 / AU / stand-alone). Here's what they say: springVerb is a macOS, Windows, and soon to be iOS compatible stereo multi-mode spring reverb. Designed for VST3, AU, AUv3, and stand-alone use. Spring reverb has a long history, making debut on organ sounds and really getting noticed when being built into some of the most famous guitar amps known to man. In today's musical world, spring reverb is now pretty much used on anything that could use just a touch of ambience. springVerb is packed with a 3 spring modes to give you a wide range of sounds to bring to your mix. The included Highpass Filter, Lowpass Filter, and controllable Decay*, help springVerb use on any source: RedSprings A full body big spring sound. Turn down the decay for a classic touch of spring, or crank it to 10 and let the spring go wild for massive ambience. DigiSprings A slightly smaller spring compared to RedSpring, with a less intrusive sound great for adding subtle touches of space to your source. CaliSprings Traditional guitar-amp based spring reverb with twang you'd expect. This sound includes a guitar cabinet which can add an interesting flavor to your sounds. This one is particularly designed with guitar players in mind. Decay does not affect this mode.*. All settings can be saved and loaded in your sessions as well as crossplatform presets. All parameters offer automation control to get the most expressive sound. iOS Coming Soon. Price: Free for a limited time (Reg. $1). https://www.kvraudio.com/product/springverb-by-osc-audio
  12. OFFICIALLY COMPATIBLE We are excited to let you know that Overloud plug-ins are officially macOS 13 Ventura compatible*! All TH-U editions and all the Gem plug-ins needs to be updated. This update is FREE for any registered users, also for the free products. Go to your Overloud user area to download the updated installers. https://www.overloud.com/user/login See how to update... https://www.overloud.com/node/169 *Ventura compatibility cannot be guaranteed for discontinued products.
  13. $129.99 at Best Buy DOD https://www.bestbuy.com/site/sandisk-2tb-external-usb-3-2-gen-2-type-c-portable-ssd/6486262.p?skuId=6486262
  14. $26.69 with code FORUM at JRR https://www.jrrshop.com/ssl-native-x-delay
  15. If you have The Orchestra Essentials, you could buy the Upgrade to "The Orchestra" for $199, and take $40 off making it $159...then buy the upgrade to "Complete" for $199, use the $40 code again, AND use the Best Coins you received for purchasing the first upgrade, and that makes it about $150...so a total of $309, which is $30 cheaper than buying "The Orchestra Complete upgrade from Essentials" for $379 less the $40 making that $339.
  16. What do you call a Lama who is always late? A "delay" lama! I'll get me coat....
  17. https://8dio.com/products/majestica-2-0?variant=41310157865160
  18. 'Ice Element' for Full Kontakt is available for free for a limited time: https://rastsound.com/downloads/ice-element/
  19. Run Waves Central to update Includes a Wave License Engine Update to 2.5.0 after update Select Update to update the engine
  20. $24.50 https://sampletekkdeals.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=84
  21. 75% off - $49 at Plugin Boutique https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/71-Dynamic-Processor/2948-PUNISH
  22. $29 intro offer...$115 after https://www.bestservice.com/firemaximizer.html
  23. 24 hrs only with the coupon code iexist https://www.samplescience.info/2020/12/vhs-dreamwaves-is-ambientatmospheric.html
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