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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. $131.99 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/crucial-mx500-2tb/p/N82E16820156175?Item=N82E16820156175&cm_sp=Dailydeal_SS-_-20-156-175-_-01152023
  2. We have just updated Slice to version 1.2.2! The update can be downloaded in my account at the my updates tab at our website. New installations do not require the update. All full and demo version installers have been updated to the latest version. Version 1.2.2 * Stability fixes. * UI Improvements. * Fixed issues with looping, gating and reversing slices in certain situations. * Global loop mode now ignores play to end and works the same as per Slice looping. * Improved the original transient detect Slice mode and changed the name to “Auto Instrument” * Added 7 new Slice modes. Different modes will work better for different types of loops. * Slice markers can now be dragged by the line and not just the top handle. * Gate didn’t work for the first slice while reversing. * Gate didn’t work while looping and reversing. We have uploaded a walkthrough video to YouTube showing how to use Slice answering frequently asked questions about the plugin and how to use it. https://initialaudio.com/
  3. https://cherryaudio.com/products/surrealistic-mg-1-plus
  4. Get it here https://www.toneboosters.com/tb_goniometer_v1.html
  5. $274.99 at Best Buy DOD https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-16tb-external-usb-3-0-hard-drive-black/6427998.p?skuId=6427998
  6. Check 'em out here https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=12408
  7. https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=121
  8. Starting at $19.99 Brainworx bx_oberhausen The World's 1st TMT Synth! Our bx_oberhausen. A virtual instrument like no other. Stacked with patented TMT & M/S features, and offering a powerful set of effect modules. $249 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code OBER-2499 Code expires Jan 14, 11:59pm PST DS Audio Thorn Cutting-edge spectral synth for creating captivating modern sounds, from snappy and aggressive to elegant and soft. $199 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code THORN-1999 Code expires Jan 14, 11:59pm PST Unfiltered Audio LION A dual-oscillator synth with over 40 built-in effects, a randomization engine, a peerless modulation system, and MPE support. $199 $24.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 87% with your checkout code: LION-2499 Code expires Jan 14, 11:59pm PST WEDGE FORCE Matcha The DI guitar synth that will transform sterile MIDI tracks into real guitar sounds. Just add an amp! Play authentic and expressive guitar parts live on your MIDI keyboard or program them in your DAW. $199 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code: MATCHA-1999 Code expires Jan 14, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  9. 57% off all plugins https://auroradsp.com/plugins
  10. 24-Hour Weekend Flash Sale Grab your surprise deal now! Hurry, we have a surprise offer for you to get Techivation plug‑ins at a huge discount. Don't wait — this offer ends soon! *Valid until Jan 15th, 2023. https://techivation.com/coupon/WEEKEND45/?
  11. $169.99 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B7CMZ3QH/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1
  12. 49 Euro intro price https://rastsound.com/downloads/brass-boutique/
  13. Vicious Antelope has released Ballad Keys, a free soundbank for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2. Ballad Keys contains 24 key presets based in emotional piano soundsource. They fit for ballad music productions as well as deep house and cinematic based styles. The sonic atmosphere, the calm character and some richness in harmonics (in a nice or even in a dissonant way – like the Ballad Key 17 patch) are the main defining elements for most of the presets in this soundbank. In some presets the low pass filter that is being used cuts a significant amount of high frequency stuff. If you need to play on higher registers of the keyboard and the presence bright sound elements are wanted, you could disable the filter for total introduction of those frequencies or adjust the key follower of the filter to higher values for more subtle restoration of the highs. MW adds vibrato – most of the times this vibrato is very subtle. Patches were created with Omnisphere 2.8 and run best with this or newer edition: Software 2.8.4d. Soundsources v2.6.1c. Patches v2.8.1c. https://www.viciousantelope.com/product-page/ballad-keys-omnisphere-2
  14. Select Libraries for $17.50 https://zero-g.co.uk/collections/january-chillout-deal
  15. This offer will expire on 01/16/2023 1. VOCI BY DESIGN SALE = $49.99 USD 2. VOCAL TOOLS LATIN SOPRANO SALE = $34.99 USD 3. PARAVOX YOUTH SOPRANO SALE = $37.49 USD https://www.beladmedia.com/3-products-save-50/
  16. $50 https://8dio.com/products/intimate-studio-woodwinds?variant=41310052090056
  17. This is... the Goes to Eleven Bundle. Marshall Bluesbreaker 1962, Plexi Super Lead 1959, and Eden WT800. Get all three killer amp emulations for just $99. That's a savings of $198. This bundle will be gone in a few short days. Act now! https://www.softube.com/unlockable-offers
  18. All plugins have just been updated with the following new additions and enhancements: Apple Silicon Native AAX support (Pro Tools) Changes to oversampling settings are refreshed on the fly (rather than on session reload) PluginDoctor has been added as a supported host Updated SDKs and frameworks for expanded host compatibility We also updated individual fixes and enhancements on the following plugins: True Iron 1.3.3 Resolved low frequency echo issue that occurred in some DNA models when feeding momentary low frequency transients (e.g. 808 kicks) into the plugin newly expanded oversampling settings (up to 32x) AmpCraft - 1992 1.0.2 Eco mode: this option substantially reduces CPU usage during realtime monitoring (up to 70%), with minimal change to the sound KClip 3.5.1* Completely rewritten visualizer, is more performant on a wide variety of systems Font changed for more visual clarity *must own KClip 3 to get the free update; if you own KClip 2 or earlier, there is discounted upgrade pricing to v3 *ALL UPDATES ARE FREE FOR EXISTING OWNERS* https://kazrog.com/account/login
  20. Its new to Antares, and requires internet connection
  21. CodeMeter Grem. It's a machine authorization scheme that runs as an app in the system tray
  22. Run the SDC to update upon exit
  23. $84.99 with code SSCNA332 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/samsung-1tb-870-evo-series/p/N82E16820147793
  24. $99 https://audioplugin.deals/product/galaxy-x-by-best-service
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