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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. buy 2 or more and get 60% off https://rastsound.com/meet-the-classics/
  2. Introductory Price: SAVE $40.00 Limited Time offer: Expiration 01/10/2023 Welcome to SVE ~ Created with a combination of sampling manipulation techniques and advanced scripting within Native Instruments Kontakt 5 or higher, String Voice Expression is a lush and emotional string-based scoring tool. Generated solely by voice samples, a very unique virtual instrument becomes a powerful sketch pad for the working composer. Learn More https://www.beladmedia.com/string-voice-expression/
  3. 2B PLAYED MUSIC | 2B SHAPED FILTER | 1.8 UPDATE 2B Shaped - Filter Edition has been renewed! improved interface and performance improvements. Existing users can download the 1.8 update via their 2B Played Music account or the download link in the order email. https://2bplayed.com/product/2b-shaped-filter-edition/
  4. $99.99 on Guitar Center POD https://www.guitarcenter.com/Sterling-Audio/MX8-8-Active-Studio-Monitor-Black-1500000215771.gc
  5. $49 - no extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/xils-lab-kaox
  6. $29 Intro Price https://tone-empire.com/shop/lvl-01/
  7. To put my money where my mouth is I am announcing one final "crazy sale" that I came up with recently. Expect another email from PA shortly, announcing "Dirk's Farewell Sale".
  8. $249.99 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B787PNL7/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?th=1 2 Tb is $119.99 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08FSNKNSV/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1
  9. https://audioplugin.deals/
  10. 24 Hour Weekend Flash Sale Techivation T-Exciter This weekend you can get our T-Exciter plug-in 30% off and use this unique sounding plug-in to add extra sparkle and excitement to your sound. Use the magic link below to access offer. *ends Jan 8th, 2023 $27.30 Buy
  11. SPL PQ The king of parametric EQs! High headroom analog mastering EQ with proportional Q for exacting performance. $349 $99.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 71% with your checkout code PQ-9999 Code expires Jan 8, 11:59pm PST SPL IRON Powerfully rich Vari-Mu compression for mastering and mixing. $299 $29.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code IRON-2999 Code expires Jan 8, 11:59pm PST SPL Transient Designer Plus The king of level-independent transient control! Adjust attack and sustain of anything. Snares, other drums, piano, masters, etc. $199 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code: TDPLUS-1999 Code expires Jan 8, 11:59pm PST SPL TwinTube Tube tone and warmth for your DAW. Make your bass drums, guitars and vocals stick out. $199 $19.99 Local VAT taxes may be added. Save 90% with your checkout code: TWINTUBE-1999 Code expires Jan 8, 11:59pm PST https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products.html
  12. $19 https://soundiron.com/products/quadral-2
  13. I've been waiting years for Punish to hit that....and it never happens...
  14. $69 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/30-Distortion/9725-FURY-Crossgrade-from-PUNISH-or-PUNISH-Lite
  15. $58.35 https://www.sonicacademy.com/products/ana-2
  16. $50 - requires FULL Kontakt https://8dio.com/products/anthology-vst-au-aax-samples-kontakt-instrument?variant=41309980491976
  17. I have hung up my music hat for good now and moved over to visual art completely. I will be deleting all my music work offline sooner than later so if you want to get a free (or donationware) Ableton, Native Instruments, Arturia or Kilohearts pack, preset or instrument from the Flintpope Music Shop please do so asap! https://bit.ly/FlintpopeMusicShop P.S. Someone will say why not leave them online? I will say why? They are slipping into the out-of-date, behind the times zone soon and I have lost interest in the complex process of producing these items, promoting them and then receiving very little in return. I can make a piece of art in a shorter time, enjoy its production infinitely more and make a reasonable profit from the process.
  18. In this free tutorial, join singer, songwriter Alina Smith for 2 hours packed with vocal production tips & tricks. Level up your vocals with pro-level production skills. Learn how work with vocals and get tips and tricks to make sure your vocals sound and sit right where you want them. https://www.adsrsounds.com/sound-design-tutorials/live-vocal-production-with-alina-smith-tips-tricks-and-qa/
  19. Our new year’s resolution is simple: provide our esteemed contingent of Tone Heads with the pinnacle in class leading tone! What better way to kick start 2023 than with a knock-out sale across individual DynIRs and DynIR Cabinet Collections? From now until January 23rd save up to 50% across our expansive collection of individual cabinets and cabinet collections and make 2023 a year your tone will certainly remember! https://www.two-notes.com/en/january-sale-2023/
  20. Well...it only took them 8 days to put it in the cue!
  21. Latency Free - Full Featured Designed specifically for live performance MSRP Price: $179.00 USD Intro Price $89 https://harrisonconsolesstore.onfastspring.com/ava-lv-intro
  22. BureauJuice : Reverse delay with oddities T1990 : Tape simulator w/ saturation and filters All for $1.99 THIS WEEKEND ONLY https://audiofb.com/plugins/
  23. WHAT'S NEW THIS MONTH? We're excited to start the New Year with another big update for AmpHub! Version 1.4.2 2023.01 - Added Serpent Queen 2005 amplifier model (based on a 2005 Splawn QuickRod) - Added option to save model settings as default - Added shortcut buttons for preset management - Changed model settings menu trigger modifier to Two-fingers-click on OSX - Updated graphic interface for amplifier models: - Cali Dual Rect 2Ch - Frantic Kobra - Frantic Drachen - Fenix Bass 1959 - Fenix Brown Combo If you are using version 1.3.1 2209, you can now update to the latest installer from within the plugin. Simply click the Alert Box on the top right corner of the plugin to be prompted. Alternatively, click the button below to visit the Download Center. https://www.stltones.com/pages/file-downloads
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