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freddy j

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  1. Hey Cakeboy. I must admit that I have not been a big follower of Reggae either. When the UK punks took a brief interest in it in the late 1970's (e.g., The Clash) I started listening to it but not on a regular basis. During that same time the club scene in the Florida Keys was playing a lot of it (not so much any more). Every once in a while I will take a listen to some of the new stuff and try my hand at it. However, the timing always seems to trip me up. Thanks very much for listening and for commenting! Hi Wookie. Ya, I think that the rough sounding guitar panned center kind of pushes it out of the reggae category a bit. The story line is similar to the story of Louie Louie by Richard Berry -- a Calypso song. In trying to cover all the bases added the tag "Caribbean" I know cheap trick. I very much appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment. Thanks pal! Hi Jack C. Thank you for listening and for commenting. I very much appreciate it! Hi Jerrydf. Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment. I especially appreciate the input on the organ and I am going to be calming it down a bit.
  2. Cool Latin or Brazilian feel to this . Unfortunately, on my system there was a lot of static which I could not clear up. In spite of this I enjoyed the listen.
  3. I tried both links and ended up on a blank page. My bad luck - I was looking forward to hearing it.
  4. Great mix and I love that guitar work. Very good indeed!
  5. Very good indeed! Good instrumental performance and vocal performance. Not being familiar with Robyn Hytchcock, I would have to say given the topic of your wonderful lyrics and the general style of the music --- it does kind of remind me of Ray Davies. I enjoyed it very much!
  6. Here is a little story of a guy who tries to see some of the world but has seen enough. His bags are packed and he is heading home to his family and girl. I tried to do this song in a reggae style but timing is always an issue when I tried before. Also my ear infection is gone but hearing is not perfect. So there might be issues -- such as is the organ panned left too loud. Therefore, comments, crit.'s, suggestions, etc. will be much appreciated. Thanks! jA BOAT IN THE HARBOUR https://www.soundclick.com/freddyj
  7. freddy j

    Celestial Oblivion

    WOW!! The transition from the into to that driving sound and vocals was impactful. Composition, arrangement,lyrics, musicianship, mix, etc. were stellar! To be intentionally redundant --WOW!!
  8. A beautiful match of lyrics, vocal presentation and music. Also impactful lyrics - sad story!
  9. freddy j


    Uptempo, cool and smooth. Yes that bass is great. What is not to like?!!
  10. freddy j


    Cool piece Jack C. It has a wee bit of a Talking Heads feel ( the vocal presentation). It brings to mind a song from the 1960's called Liar Liaer --- a bit of a bubblegum style. This has it beat by a mile! Love that bass closing it out.
  11. Interesting -- sounds good. When are you going into production!
  12. freddy j


    I love the sense of urgency in this song. I also liked the ending fade. It game me the chance to catch my breath. Another home run Wookiee!!
  13. I commented on several songs about a week or 2 ago and none of them seem to have been posted?? Including my admiration of this song!! Anyway - this song was like all of the others that you have posted --- TERRIFIC! you have a wonderful sense of taking sounds and sculpting (to borrow from another art forum) them to create some interesting and great music. Well done!
  14. Hi Wookiee! Thanks very much for the kind words --- very much appreciated! I hope that you are feeling better and the infection has been vanquished!!
  15. Wow what a production indeed!! The music was complex, well played and fun. The lyrics were also. The visuals were also a treat and also well done. The whole thing was a treat and most enjoyable. Oh ya, and it also sounded very Beatlesque (quite an accomplishment! Excellent work.
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