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Everything posted by Doc H
Yes. One of my prerequisites when making the consideration.
On top it all I was starting have issues with insomnia, which coincided with the bouts of migraines. Since having dropped the caffeine that seems to be leveling out. The no caffeine has had me one edge for the last week. I've had episodes where I have been irritable (ok, very prone to anger outbursts). This is effectively day 9 and I still find myself wanting to smack the shiznit out of people. I had a problem with a gear purchase this week and the poor sales guy on the other end of the phone noticed I was pretty wound up. Not exactly the way I want to be remembered. I think the next time I have to call in on a problem I'm gonna priced the call with, "Hi, I'm Doc. AKA Karen."
Here's one Bapu would appreciate. I got a new bass on its way..... Should be here tomorrow. I needed a new one that was tonally more versatile than the one I had. I'm thinking the Bartolini's in this will be better than the ones in my Ibanez GSR.
Are you making fun of Idahoans? Just asking. I don't live there anymore
He shouldn't be touring at all. He has a form of arthritis called ankylosing spondylitis. I hear it's just painful for the guy to move.
Yes. Completely. I’ve suffered from migraines most of my life. It’s been quite debilitating. Before getting on Aimovig 5 years ago I got at least 20 a month. Unfortunately, my body has built up a resistance to the medication and I have to make some life changes again. Over the last year I noticed the caffeine has been triggering the migraines. Or rather the inconsistency of intake from day to day. I talked to my neurologist and was advised to cut the caffeine from my diet. I’ve already cut out cured or processed meats, aged cheeses and anything that has MSG (which is a problem, a good portion of my diet is Japanese - an influence from my mother who is from the old country). The only caffeine I’m getting is from the decaf coffee. Apparently, that’s gotta be limited in quantity or it’s gotta go altogether. Grumpy, am I? Yes. Easily frustrated? Very much so. I never realized how much of an affect caffeine has on a persons’ ability to focus. Because I am feeling that I can’t focus on anything for any length of time.
It's going to be wholly dependent upon your max connection speed and type of service that's available in your location. your service will greatly determine the selection of the appropriate router that you should get. Not to be coy in a response but more information regarding what service you have available and download speeds might help in recommending the appropriate hardware you may want to consider. That being said, you might consider a router that is specific for gaming as they tend to prioritize media throughput.
Yes folks... it's a thing. and I'm just about ready to yell at the school kids to, "Get off my lawn." (as inspired by Paul Gilbert).
I really find that hard to believe, Ed. Just sayin'
There's always crooks when it comes to the estates of the rich r famous. This ran in the local Houston news back in June. https://abc13.com/zz-top-bassist-dusty-hill-estate-sale-charleen/12006772/#:~:text=HOUSTON%2C Texas -- The widow of Houston rock,and she has decided to take legal action.
dare I say it? Could it possibly be a song about X's?
congrats Keni!
and here I was sitting on pins an needed
Actually interviewed Randy Jackson about 5 years ago.
Hanging with Nigel again?
Focusrite….. but that’s personal preference. I’ve been using their gear for at least the last 10 years…. Maybe more.