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Tony Carpenter

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Everything posted by Tony Carpenter

  1. I was Soooo tempted by this. Along with my 25.00 voucher it was almost done. Then I came to my senses
  2. My piggy banks have long been given up... I could never keep one even a week...
  3. I used to have this, the extender and the C4 pro (rare) all good except for whenever Logic Pro X got an update. I sold them, later bought a Behringer X-Touch which was MUCH cheaper, and runs MUCH more reliable!. Then I went to Studio One Pro, and use a Series 3 Studio Live mixer :). And for the final ease of use added a Faderport2.
  4. No brainer, much easier than VEP!!. And, £26 for me. With discount off JRR.
  5. I wasn't going to spend this month... there goes that LOL... at that price, couldn't resist :).
  6. I think that the model iZotope has for ugrades and how they track your stuff you own is horrible, but, I love all their stuff that I use. And, as I've said before, it's FAR cheaper to sub each year than play the staggered upgrade path they present. If you are using enough and want the latest all the time, obviously :).
  7. As my Dad used to say, getting old ain't for whimps!!.
  8. No brainer. Added it, £16 for me. Straight on the OH BUS. Finally took an ultra wide angle of the drums btw :).
  9. It’s the one thing that keeps my mixes sane these days. My ears are long gone in high frequencies and my current room is not adequate yet.
  10. https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/delay-modulation/ams-dmx-digital-delay-pitch-shifter.html Up now.
  11. Soundtoys are a bit of joke, if you go to their website, log into your account, trying to charge 429 for upgrade from one of their plugins, but you can buy all 21 for 229... really??? who's the clown in charge of that. I'd fire them!.
  12. Or, you can just download decibel meter on to your phone/tablet?.
  13. I’ve already spent my quota. Got a second Yamaha REV500 (rack module) and a DBX266XL 2 (rack module). Love eBay sometimes.
  14. The reason I said what I did, and I should have qualified, I personally don't care about stuff like spectral editing, on cost wise, and I own previous all advanced models. With the exception of RX, (don't care), it is cheaper for us to be on sub with the way iZotope does their costs of each upgrade, and more specifically the release model. It always worked out a LOT more expensive each year. The latest pro releases match the advanced versions, and they are constantly adding new features. All inclusive. My RX looks like full advanced to me, it definitely has more modules than when I was on the standard one.
  15. If you regularly use iZotope, especially the full suite, do yourself a HUGE favour, get the pro sub. It's worth the savings each year, and you just get ALL the updates as they happen.
  16. Grabbed it. Why not at that price, great addition.
  17. Bargain!! Between survey discount and this it finally made sense to get it, £13.68 NOICE!
  18. I paid this time, because when I updated those still under WUP, the others mysteriously stopped working. Anyway, most of mine were on 13 already, I think I had maybe 12 that weren't £93 later, all done.,
  19. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone knows what I could do to get a double latching switch for my new acquisition, it has a distortion and reverb one of each phono socket on rear. Cheers, Tony
  20. I PAID £18.00 and some change. I've never found these things very helpful in the past, too much EDM feel, BUT!, I think this might actually rival dare I say, BIAB?... LOL... we'll see!. I have a very nice collection of stuff I can throw it at, I might finish that opus of mine. If not, I didn't pay a whole lot, just uninstall.
  21. I bit the bullet, I love SSL. I'll see if this was just an impulse buy, or worth it ;).
  22. I pay pro sub with Izotope now, I just get it all as it arrives. Bliss :).
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