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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I have plate 140. If you want to post a link to a google drive or something, I would be glad to take a look. I am very curious about what’s going on. If you could make a bun, that would work. If you don’t have a google drive I could set up a folder for you to upload the project to my google drive.
  2. Sounds like a volume / gain env on the bus or somewhere. You could also try turning off the reverb and adding another copy of it. It that works, it’s possible an envelope problem.
  3. Do you have RX also? Is spectral layers better in any aspect as compared to RX? Thanks for all the info. Ingot it with v5 too but only played with is a tiny bit. I will look up the @Grem thread too. Thanks!
  4. What do you like about spectral layers? What do you do with it?
  5. I have had this happen before, but when I looked back and a check box in the new track was not checked or a new soundcard port was added.
  6. If you have it working on a new project, it might not be V-Vocal at all. It could be bad clips it is trying to reference.
  7. I am a Helios fanboy! I love the saturation. I keep it on a mix bus. Sometimes I think PA is just moving some knobs around again.
  8. That’s a really long list for a 0.0.1 increment.
  9. I’m still on 5. I almost went for that v7, but decided I’ll wait another version or 2. I think V7 is much better at plug-in scanning and management. Just not enough.
  10. ? That would make it WAY beyond me lol!
  11. Yes this one is another hit! Great sounding pitch shifter. That sounds so much better. Is that 2 pitches I hear? It sounds like the original and the pitch shifted one together. Thanks again! Max
  12. I have tried to contact them but no answers. Any ideas? It has not been used. I have never had this happen before. Any suggestions? Other than go get some tube tech stuff and forget about PA.
  13. And allow the scanned plug-in log message “12 new plugins added 2 deleted” To stay on the screen. I don’t like to sit and wait on the scans. It is the perfect time for a fresh glass of water. It would be nice to see the numbers when I get back. The message is usually gone after I return. Another thing that could help is to add a bottom section to the log file with the new and deleted plugins listed.
  14. How Is Tube-Tech on the cpu? I still have it on my want list.
  15. I’ll have to go try this out. Are there other arps that are really good? Not trying to hijack.
  16. Yes it is a great plug-in. I only wish it was more efficient.
  17. Noel said to was about 3,000, but that was last year! A special thanks to Noel and all the tech guys for all your hard work. I don’t know what has been going on in the tech department for the last couple of months, but I’ll bet it’s going to be phenomenal!
  18. I always wanted an NS3. Unfortunately I bought a XS7 right before the Nords were popular.
  19. Max Arwood

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Is that a new song lol.
  20. Sample robot $273) is great but don’t overlook the competition Samplit 2 for only ($139) https://www.soundlib.com Both these two do about the same thing. I have used both of them and one other. I use sample robot and Samplit 2. I tend to use samplit 2 more because of the ease of use. It also might do a better job looping the samples. You could build that midi file John was talking about and, it would work well on some sounds. It is kool that these programs can do all that work for you plus more. The most important part of the sample it to find a section to loop for a sustained sound and pick exactly where it should be, and to see that the beginning and end of the loop are exactly the same volume. The loop cross points need to be nearly perfectly in phase so you done hear the bump everytime it loops. Same for the volume at the crossover points. I have sampled my favorite from my K2500, some K2600, some from my motif XS. I tried a couple on me Yamaha wx5/vl70m. Too much expression stuff in that machine!! You need a good clean preamp to get the most out of this type software. I use a Millennia HV-3D. I have focusrite, Behringer,Presonas, and even an apogee pre but I still prefer the Millennia. The only thing that I have had that was better was a custom Mark Levinson. (Lost that one in a divorce ?)22.
  21. Both of these do automatic sampling. Just sit back and relax.
  22. Samplit and samplerobot These can copy the sounds to waves. You would also need a playback sampler synth like Kontakt full version (not the free one) to play the sounds
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