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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. whoisp

    Spiritual Mind

    Thanx for feedback Tom and great advice regarding YouTube. Yes, my phone only records at 720p and my webcam. So I only render at 720p. I use Sony Vegas pro but i can do higher res has I do notice YouTube even kills the 720p quality. I can render of at 2560 x1440p so I should try on next video and see what the render time is like, 5 mins 720p takes 10mins max and I can render 2560 x1440p in 4 sections then a final render to glue them together. I do have premiere and After FX but never got round to using them. I know Sony pretty well and compatible with my phone codec when I use the green screen. I try not to spend to much time on video and nmore on the music but I do enjoy messing with video too so will try for sure, thanx again P
  2. whoisp

    Spiritual Mind

    i did production with two bass guitar riffs, took me ages lol Simple bass all way through but effective i think
  3. whoisp

    Spiritual Mind

    I was torn with the drums because i did some major programming, i think if it was instrumental i would brought up more but i was undecided so brought the kick in to some sections and held back in other sections so would not upset vocal balance.
  4. whoisp

    Spiritual Mind

    Was given the song title, hope i did it justice. I start on the keys "with" a electronic vibe accompanied with bass guitar and then i get funky...
  5. Cheers Nio, if that's you on Spanish guitar its amazing work
  6. Cheer's Lynn, no sides just a song that seems to have upset a few, when iv'e only quoted people haha
  7. Cheers Nigel, i best chill the message on next rack, apparently someone want the track deleted
  8. Thank you Jeff, oh boy you can vibe on the keys, love your blues edge
  9. I don't think people would want the song removed from heaven haha
  10. People can find problems with absolutely everything. Which does say more about the person, what they find is a problem and what they are self promoting with their thinking, are they looking for problems or is the universe sending them. Does the universe send what the soul needs and the problem will be a life lesson. Some of our most important lessons to be learned are the ones where people have problems with context of what they "believe" the content or message says and so the affirmations keep coming our way to remind us there is only one rule with music and that's there is no rules haha
  11. It's more of how people interpret for themselves. I would say its a legitimate question, look at whats going on is it? haha
  12. I use a "whisper track" every now and again. really works to and character with some vocals, especially female vocals
  13. I did mess about with it, the verb was meant to give it that airy verb feeling, i thought it worked. I run it past a few people and they like it with this level of verb sitting in the music vibe instead of out in front more. Different headphones, monitors and people audio systems or eq setup also makes a big difference with the vocal. I got to a point and just made a decision with my ears. Irony i am normally always the type what put vocals to far in front or to loud haha
  14. Yes the community really should help, we all love music and its free to subscribe and i always listen to people tracks anyway. Why should we let YouTube etc monetise our work . Anyone wants me to subscribe i will and i love listening to what people are doing .
  15. i guess its my first tune that's got the Phil Collins element, its the vocal verb doubler i created. Yes i agree was going to sit vocal in front more.
  16. I'm totally with you on your rant.... probably why the video/song was stuck in me...
  17. i was going to sit the music back and put vocal more out in front, your right and another person pursued me against it lol I am one for put vocal out in front and les verb... listen to myself i should haha
  18. Percussion took some time on this track but i think it works well with the bass and drums. If you can subscribe i would be grateful, just stops YouTube monetising my channel
  19. whoisp


    Should have This is War (where killers are hero's) finished in couple of days, will be different again i think
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