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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. whoisp

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    To of my fav artists for sure. If i had a 10th of their skill i be happy, throw in some chilli peppers and we rocking haha
  2. Lovely groove, awesome arrangement
  3. whoisp

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    To be honest, not my normal style at all, but last few songs ive been mixing styles to learn Cakewalk. I've never used a DAW until January , so been messing with styles to help learn more in-depth across the board with recording and production techniques to mixing and mastering, so been a steep learning curve but I'm happy and competent with where i am at now. Savings up for melodyne plugin for Christmas, which will help with some ideas i have. Thanx Kurt
  4. whoisp

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    thanx a lot, maybe i will do a album by end of the year or next year
  5. whoisp

    Bad To Be YOURS!

    Youtube back up! Playing with music production, foot tapper.....
  6. Thank you, i love cakewalk is the main thing haha. Music is my best way to express and get that stress out. Iv'e been in a court case that's been dragging on for 8 yrs so was a bit of a release after things were adjourned. However, i was in court today, adjourned until February 2022 again, yep fxxk the system. The authority on this matter have no jurisdiction and are trying to escape accountability and seems they want to were me down. Narr its a cakewalk in the park...
  7. Probably not enough f'ck the system what you talking about haha, no copyright issue, apparently Ai mistake because its banned my whole account, still waiting for them to get back to me.
  8. Band on YouTube but its on Facebook, here's the link, i know bizarre https://www.facebook.com/whoisp/videos/171454391729150
  9. It's good to write from bass. Singing whilst playing bass riffs can be very tricky, Sting developed quite a unique style writing from bass, fatc i think his best work was from bass. Funny you said about being banned from YouTube, i woke up this morning to a couple people saying my link is broken and ive been banned from YouTube again, what is going on. Nice lovely message "We have permanently removed your channel from YouTube. Going forward, you won't be able to access, possess or create any other YouTube channels." iv'e put appeal in from google account has it was Ai mistake last time, so i hope its same again because i don't even know why.
  10. Had to listen to this again, had more time today. I do like how it came in was real unexpected change. I love the keys and baseline in this, why banned though, social media can be a bizarre place for silly censorship
  11. ive made a few track 10mins lately, its just nice to chill to some tracks. Id like to hear some vocals in parts, a sexy female voice in parts would be killer. Nice track
  12. loving the sinister epic feel, makes me want to buy a car or something haha
  13. that was waiting for drums in sections, i think it would help you groove when playing and find more direction. Get some midi drums grooves hooked up which will give you more freedom. Creative Sauce tutorials by Mike will also help in that direction which you mention with the basics
  14. whoisp


    Nice harmony's
  15. whoisp

    Walk A Mile

    loving it, im so getting into electronic music at the moment. and a quirky key change
  16. whoisp

    The Gas Giants 1

    i was waiting for a little drum and percussion tease to come in and out in places, i wonder if you tired it? Nice syfy feel
  17. Thank you so much Treesha, at least one person likes it, i enjoyed making it and iv'e been really exploring styles this year to dabble with sound tracks.
  18. Cheers Jack, learn't a bit about side chaining with this one and messing with position of vocals
  19. This is now band on YouTube so Facebook linkhttps://www.facebook.com/whoisp/videos/171454391729150 Oh well its different i guess. Goes up through the gears and i get excited at the end with some punk rap i think ill call it, but banned huh appeal in.
  20. I had a song banned but got it reinstated. Local government were stalking my social media so i left them the song below done on a old 8track ebfore i had cakewalk. Im back in court next month from a matter going on for 8yrs. They actually blocked my right to prosecute the Police and the Police have now charged me for a facebook post her in Plymouth where the Police give nut cases guns, bizarre world. Fact I'm working on a song called broken world which is fun haha
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