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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Its a great track, you are polishing something i wouldn't notice becuase i love it lol
  2. whoisp


    Facebook video link https://www.facebook.com/whoisp/videos/507874125586902
  3. Always love your guitar work, i need to send you a track so you can do some noodling for me lol
  4. whoisp

    Dis Chord

    Mellow jazz to my ears, why does that remind me of Cheech and Chong , love it
  5. whoisp


    well as a ex para,, had to listen and glad i did. Great mix, always love your work Nige
  6. whoisp


    There's many things I can tell you......... but its a little quick number i was experimenting with Please Follow on YouTube, i return the favour please ask.
  7. Cheers dude, just working on a little checky 3min number next much different
  8. Cheers Nigel, keep rocking it
  9. Cheers Wookie, hope you keeping well.
  10. Just start a new page as a digital creator, seems like half the planet has lol
  11. Thanx, makes me laugh some of the things what people get banned for, you didn't call someone a potato did you lol
  12. Facebook video Link seems to be better quality https://www.facebook.com/whoisp/videos/411422678684855
  13. First song in months, bashed it together in-between court dates. Now in the Royal Court London... Hopefully over next year... When all is Said and Done. Everything that could be done, was done. And there nothing left for you to say. There is no more music for you to play.
  14. Driver Mode - WASAPI Shared is possibly overloading. Your workspace is probably set on 64bit DPE with 96 sample rate you say and Audio data render bit depth is probably 32bit would need a high rate buffer of 512 at least (more over load) when not using dedicated ASIO like Wookiee suggests. When you have many track and plugins etc overloading CPU on top of buffer you will get dropouts on majority of systems without dedicated drivers.
  15. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Ive lost my FX setting for that sound and i am absolutely gutted.
  16. Had the same problem, found out a troll reported me with some made up make believe when i asked Youtube Nothing wrong with it great artist use to a great song, i feel a bit of U2 in the guitaring style
  17. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Cheers steve, held back on them just in the right place i think... subtle
  18. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Cheers Ross, not sure what i will do next
  19. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Cheers, ive been busy this weekend and a crazy week ahead P
  20. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Cheers KSband, you working on anything?
  21. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Its the vocal that has the digital edge. I need to get a vocal chain i am happy with, i changed it and made it worse
  22. haha oh well i upload another short little song last night Midnight show, its much better than this one
  23. whoisp

    Midnight Show

    Inspired to do another short 3min soundtrack hope you like the Midnight Show..... Give it a like or share and follow on YouTube please.
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