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Everything posted by whoisp

  1. Ive always thought about getting Scheps Omni channel strip for that reasons. Basically 5 modules for preamp color, EQ, de-essing, compression, gating and im could be black friday buy as i think waves are doping a one off purchase for it
  2. PC76 U-Type Channel Compressor is also solid state like the SSL 4000, what you think the different is just the FET colouring with more options
  3. Demo for a female singer, this is the before she does the vocals (hopefully a big vocal) This is the creative idea with my vocals to gives some ideas to the vocals. The vocals will be stripped and she will get it clean without hearing the vocals first, see what she does and then i will give her my vocals to see if it inspires something different for her. Builds up more in second half
  4. The Cakewalk Next "new" DAW been under development for five years, which did create a bit of confusion with current CbB. Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) aka that will go back to Cakewalk Sonar in reality is basically continued development of the existing platform CbB with enhancements yet to be disclosed in full that created some confusion. Talk about the interface and bundle plugins Permanent activation will be available once the two "new" DAWs are released and CbB depreciated with crossover period i assume. Reality, people will now have to pay for something that is free, so now Cakewalk Sonar is competing with with a stable Studio One and others on price etc , so i am guessing they are getting it solid before launch, given soon as you force subscription or yearly payments people tend to shop about for best deals etc
  5. Same here, i used it back in the day when it first came out in dos to win95, we used it a university to illustrate midi signals and triggering for code. I left uni and Life got in the way of carrying on with cakewalk . Down the line i noticed Gibson made an absolute dog turd of it when they could have been king if they have foresight. I just hope they don't screw it up again....
  6. To be fair, i never check my typing, even quantum physics probably easier to understand.
  7. I was more of saying the best 4 you use, yes you could have your best 10 or 20 but if you only had to use 4 given you can create some of your own plugins with stock. The AlesHiltonA1 you mention, could use EQ and pan with two mono tracks 100% left and right with sending bass track down the middle to expand or limit your width, you can use EQ and Verb to them manipulate the mid side and tops to give the same illusion of width etc. We all have our own preference of mixing, what plugins we use and i think its important to understanding our mix and what we do with plugins that we can also do with stock to the same effect. Cakewalk Boost 11 is a peak limiter plug-in that can increase the loudness of your audio tracks without clipping or distorting them which you can control transience, good to control drum ceiling also good on mix bus. The ThrillseekerLA mkII is a nice little compressor you mention they do a good sat to, nice freeware.
  8. Its subjective with what you get paid and if you get cuaght like Morvan and Pilatus that did not sing any of the vocals on their music, so Grammy award was revoked like Milli Vanilli lol
  9. Sorry to hear, I got royal screwed in a divorce with business etc
  10. Vital is good because its free haha, but its another hungry on the system, but the synths normally are, i know synthmaster its easy for my to stay with it as i mainly use it for FX but they all have the same functions really
  11. I only got the Ozone 9 elements, at the time i could not justify the extra costs and clearly see the advantages, the same with Melodyne, i upgraded to 5 but not Editor, i don't really need the extra function which would be £250 on black Friday after checking. I use my own Boss hardware Multi FX for Guitar and same with vocals. I may dabble with the TH3 as i also record a dry second input. YEs, you are 100% Ozone is a hungry beast, i use it on my mix bus, vocals and mastering only, i may stick it on something if needed. Depending on what cakewalk does with CbB and how long it runs and how good the new one will be, i may have to change to Studio One, ive never used any other DAW less logic at uni years ago. I will after see what the new one like after its been stable for 6 months or something.
  12. Interesting that quite a few use Melodyne and Ozone., i must be in good company lol
  13. What is going on there, no CbB running?
  14. Well your are another that mentioned Soothe, what does it offer you ?
  15. Knowing what you know now, what 4 plugins (Not including stock) that you can't do without, your best 4 or what you use and why? I know i am personally missing some great plugins but we all haev a work flow and preference. I hear so much about things like Fabfilter Pro-Q and Soothe but my thinking int he beginning as a ex ITV sound and Video engineer, was EQ is EQ and you can get by with stock to get near the same results. Also i latter mention, one of my plugin in choices is Ozone due to its versatility. Serum gets mentioned a lot and Soundtoys Decapitator. Again, stock does well with SoftTube and Compressors, emulators you can create your own Decapitator and Serum at the time Serum was out of my budget as id already over spent... In my 4 i have i Melodyne for its multiuse purpose use of audio correction and midi capabilities. I also could not do without Addictive Drums, its so versatile for what i use it for. I only choose Synthmaster on cost and ease of use at the time of purchase, given you can get the same sounds out of most Synths. Lasty i use Ozone 9 which i don't just use for mastering but for extra Q on buses and vocal chain. So that's my simple 4 Melodyne, Addictive Drums, Synthmaster and Ozone 9 My wish list is maybe Fabfilter Pro-Q and something like RX 10 Any advice guys?
  16. So what about the current Cakewalk, will it still work? But basically one day when we update windows or load a new plug its will stop working or something along those lines
  17. Beautiful, Intro is sublime. Just my brain, at about 27sec when it drops in, my mind is telling me something but i don't know what, maybe just acoustic with no bass for split second or a pause to a slide down on bass with acoustic comes in, silly i know might be just me. There a couple similar places like this where there could be the split second pause for a big hit for greater emphasise, don't get me wrong love the production, it tick a long nicely and you probably tried it, but sometimes these gaps work or don't. I am only nit picking because you asked haha great work
  18. Basically Pow-r3 as lots of dynamic range (*Smother) and Pow-r1 is more squashed for dance (Lounder)
  19. I still bounce MP3 at 48 (320) highest quality possible you will notice the width is much better on test and less anti aliasing problems with sibilance, not that i use mp3 only to send to friends for demos over wattsapp etc Differing i use POW-R 1 as there seems to be no difference to 3 but im told its better to use Triangular for the perceived loudness where im sure loudness would create more noise and dithering logically, which is not a good thing What differing you sue tom?
  20. 100% with you, same for guitar an bass. Doesn't matter how great our systems are, loads of tracks, automation, fx and plugins can eat engine load and processing. Some plugins are very naughty haha
  21. Yes we can become bogged down in tech settings with DAWS and devices. I still will mess with my buffer for mixing vs recording. On a busy project i might bounce project and automation down to one track so i can track vocals. I like to have a stable system so i can just get creative. I still get the odd crash but its normally me rushing in a busy project or a problem plugin. I still bonce my -6db premaster 48/32bit but there is little difference on imagining to check loss even if i bounce pr master at 24, very rare a issue. The only loss what i use to get is repeatedly bouncing down samples i created. I use to have a sample project for creating my samples to then export them in to projects after bouncing. Like an idiot, i didn't realise i could bounce a track(s) and "automation" to a new tracks within a project durrr. So i was using patches and sends to record etc old school. So now my samples and tracking i do in same project im working on. I only used short cut key bounce (no automation only clips) and never new i could bounce automation with track menu, embarrassing lol
  22. I only can record at 24bit my SPDIF and Audio interface are 48/24 stable, i use the 64-bit Double Precision Engine in project for maximum dynamic range and precision but bonce back to 48/24 for digital platforms and video. I create my samples with in the project which is set to 32bit render so there's min loss. I think i defaults at 32bit floating point is the internal processing protocol that Cakewalk employs anyway but it is set at 32 Would you set record to 32 even though my ad on 24
  23. Sorry i was meaning using 48/24bit files instead of 32bit files. Meaning if i remember, 32bit takes about 33% more storage space? If you keep rendering every thing off in 32bit .i.e if you create your own samples like i do and use loads in a project like i do with lots going on, automation plugins and FX etc project gets big and slow. I do say some where in the thread keep files and all setting to 48/24 just so everything a standard. CbB does have the 64 DPE which i use
  24. anything that eats and shits ..... passes gas but im not sure the fart dynamic range that can be represented by a 32-bit (floating point) file is 1528 dB ? but you could get some sonar blip at 700khz
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