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Fret Flintstone

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Everything posted by Fret Flintstone

  1. Turn the Page - Page Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same
  2. Yeah, Peter is back, I was thinking there for a while the Forum had killed you ? Nah, I hovered over your Icon/username now and then and seen you were still visiting ?
  3. You should like it, hope so, doesn't have to be metal, you can pull back them horses and still sound excellent.
  4. Darn it . . . I thought that said Bedrock.
  5. I purchased this upon release, and I must say it has come home to roost with Amplitube 5. ?
  6. oooh, I think I will be doing that as well, I don't think I'll bother installing it (at least for a long long long time, if ever) 4 is fine and gives me no trouble.
  7. No. I wouldn't even jump back onboard if it was free . . . wait a minute, it is and I haven't. S1Pro FTW
  8. Yes, that is my understanding. Also unsure about the access with web browser. But the workspace thing looks pretty good in the videos, there is a lot of stuff that looks good. I'm thinking of getting a sphere account as well, it is apparently kept separate from your normal account stuff on your PC, so you could use either or, it seems that it is set up not to upset anything you already have.
  9. A person that goes the Sphere route will have everything, all the FX, everything. A person who goes the perpetual license route will only have what he/she has purchased. So the Sphere person could possibly use stuff that the Perpetual person doesn't have
  10. Yes, didn't you get the memo?. To late now I guess, you've already defiled them ?
  11. I got this and the new GK Bass amp for $34.98 with my $75 voucher.
  12. and perhaps some some online meetups and learning stuff.
  13. It's always like that, most times there are many fixes and additions that never make to any of the commonly available release notes etc, you have to dig or wait until you come across them or read about someone doing the same. Don't know why, but that seems to be the way in my experience
  14. I own the highest tier and latest version of everything as it stands (prior to this Pro malarkey) and if it all goes pear shaped what I have now should keep me in good shape, plus the gazillion of other plugs ready to go, so no real biggie, but I do like Izotope.
  15. Reading the following from Izotopes latest Email, I get the impression that at least for Ozone (Likely the rest as well?), it is 'Subscription' only from here on. Is there any other way to read that? Sad if they are going that way only.
  16. I'm out because I already own everything except for a couple of EDM, HipHop 'till you drop, who put the C in RAP, type libraries and Mixbox, all of which I'm not interested in, let alone willing to pay $499 for. But hey, look on the bright side, I learned what 'bahooki' means ?
  17. Going by the original, which never gets any use, and never did, I think you should rein in your excitement, having said that, I wouldn't mind being pleasantly surprised.
  18. Look, over there, it's a Rabbit!!!
  19. Yes the Clarent is excellent, I got the lot when everything was at 50% off a while back, I already had Caliburn, Vermilion, Creme, One and Matchlock, so picked up the rest at 50% off, then Clarent came out and it is excellent. The ability to have them all available in A360 is pretty good as well.
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