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Fret Flintstone

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Everything posted by Fret Flintstone

  1. The introductory pricing runs through December 31st but the release date will be during Q4. More information on the status there below for those who think this will be any issue to meet (we learned from AT JS). Thank you Peter, I'll be doing the upgrade to AT5, AT5 MAX doesn't get me anything extra as I own everything released for Amplitube prior to today, which will work out to be $105 give or take with Jam Points, that's fairly reasonable to me, probably more than fairly reasonable considering what I spend on single Amp Amp Sims that I never use, and here I'm getting 5 new Amps not to mention the rest of the stuff, and in a package I get a lot of use out of. lol, well I hope so, that wait nearly drove me crazy, and although I promised myself I wouldn't, I just Pre-Ordered AT5?, now I just got to try and put it out of my mind until release day.
  2. @Peter - IK Multimedia Peter Peter, where art thou Peter? I'm not at all keen on Pre-Ordering now taking in to account how long the JS Pre-Order dragged on for. I would have purchased A5 on the spot had it been released. Will we get notification before the Pre-Order period expires?
  3. That was a Cakewalk thing, and one (of the many) things I hated about Cakewalk. Installation changes/sets the registry setting to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\VstPlugins. I have my plugins in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins, so I just edited the registry entry to point to there.
  4. Landing October 29 from IK Multimedia Well, seems more like a 'Park and Hover' than a 'Landing', being only Pre-Order . . . bummer https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/
  5. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/amplitube5/?pkey=amplitube-5 or maybe not, I was about to hit the buy button and noticed it says Pre-Order. Don't think I'll pre-order after the JS episode, 6 months later . . . . . . .. . .
  6. The green lights will match your profile pic ?
  7. https://www.tokyodawn.net/tdr-molot-ge/
  8. Did anyone else see the Les Paul hidden in the cliffs around 10 sec's in?
  9. Maybe I could swap my MODO Drums for it? The spinning thing at the end of the vid does look Vish, and could be taken as a partial Guitar pick shape. With those 2 links above I get exactly the same thing. I hope it is Amp5, they have been trying to push out as many Amp4's as they could in the last few months.
  10. Excellent, looking forward to taking it for a spin after I get back from the Doc's . . . DINO!!!
  11. Done, easy breezy, sqeezy peazy Shows up fine in Studio One Pro 5 ?
  12. I thought it was common knowledge that Cakewalk was loosing money, and had been loosing money from back in Roland years? There are plenty of threads about it on the old forums, one even has a link to a document on Rolands own official web site showing that Cakewalk was loosing money year in year out. I also recall Craig Anderton making a comment in one or more of the threads on the old forums saying something like that under Gibson Cakewalk was loosing money year after year, and you couldn't expect them to continue. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Blame-HIM-for-Cakewalks-Demise-m3729414.aspx#3729569 http://forum.cakewalk.com/Hard-Honesty-Mixed-Feelings-on-the-Fate-of-SONAR-m3736571-p5.aspx#3738533
  13. If it's of any help. I just logged int o JRR and made a purchase whilst eating an Apple Everything went fine
  14. For me, there ain't nothing like gellato on a Tuesday, and everyday is Tuesday around here, love it ??
  15. One would assume that being the "best free overdrive pedal plugin" would indeed be partly because it was free? ??
  16. hmmm, that sounds eerily similar, but not quite the same, to your problem in the Nembrini thread.
  17. Works fine here in Studio One 5 Pro, are you using the demo or the full deal?, if demo it may be a restriction. However I recall in my 8 years of using REAPER that it could be/was a little funky when it came to using 3rd party vst/vsti's, in my case BFD2/3, BIAS, ReValver, Amplitube and a few others. Haven't used REAPER for around 6 years now. PA's sound like shit, this one sounds a whole lot better, just use better IR's . That's just my personal take on it.
  18. There's nothing 'only' about 50. I use to be 'only' 50, now I'm 'only' 56. Yes, it's hideous, if you have it, see if you can give it back. The only good thing about it is it has no associated pain, apart from mental anguish, but no physical pain.
  19. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=262178&start=39261
  20. $169.15 in cart at JRR, was hoping for $149 then discount, but that's close enough, gets me RX8 up from 7, the new reverb, Nectar 3 Plus (who doesn't want a 'Plus') from Nectar 3, another year of Groove 3, any additions and updates made to existing plugs, not to bad, that will do me anyway. If they release something like Ozone 10 in the near future I guess they will also release a MPS 4.1 at a discount to MPS 4 owners like they did with MPS 2 - MPS2.1, that would be ok with me, even if they didn't, just getting Ozone 10 Advanced individually at a discounted upgrade price from Ozone 9 Advanced would be fine with me. I'm in!!!
  21. Is this of any help, it goes from previous no Plus version through to latest https://www.izotope.com/en/products/downloads/nectar/nectar-release-notes.html
  22. Contacting him directly worked like a charm during the great crash, I done it a couple of times. I had an experience like yours where everything went fine until the very end, where it just shit itself. I didn't receive any purchase stuff from JRR, but it was shown in both PayPal and CC or Bank account whichever I used at the time. I contacted JRR support and they had it sorted in no time, a little stressful, but all good in the end. Personally I wouldn't and don't hesitate to purchase from JRR, that may change if I have a bad experience, but been using JRR for many years a no real issues.
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