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Matthew White

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Everything posted by Matthew White

  1. Now updated for the changes made in the 2020.4 Cakewalk update.
  2. Now updated for the changes made in the 2020.4 Cakewalk update.
  3. Now updated for the changes made in the 2020.4 Cakewalk update.
  4. Now updated for the changes made in the 2020.4 Cakewalk update.
  5. Now updated for the changes made in the 2020.4 Cakewalk update.
  6. ? Oh man I have a lot to do! Why did I make so many Themes? lol. Will wait till main release before I start though. Thanks for the list @Morten Saether ?
  7. Thanks for the suggestions but as these are your own personal preferences it would work better for you to change these items yourself with the Theme Editor, if I had to do that myself it would either mean changing the theme from what I wanted it to be or making 2 new more new versions with just these changes which I would then also have to update if any new GUI items are added in future updates, making these changes for yourself will allow you to experiment with what works best for you, if I do, it the changes may not be what you had in mind or what works best for you. For what you both wish to do is easy, for you @Mike Swindlehurst, just export your chosen Meters from their theme and import them into mine. For you @David Baay, just change the clip background colors. Instructions for doing those tasks if needed are here.... Cakewalk Theme Editing Basics Guide This may also be helpful... https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/9500-young-ladys-illustrated-guide-to-theme-ing-cakewalk/ Good Luck!
  8. M-Unity has two versions available, the only difference being in the Audio and MIDI Meters, there’s a regular segmented meters version and a non-segmented (solid) meters version, I know you can select to show non-segmented meters in Cakewalk but they just use a color file and have the level text over them and they also have a colored background so I find all that makes it a bit awkward to see easily so I’ve just replaced the meter images for the segmented meters with images of non-segmented meters which I find works best. Free Download Here.... M-Unity Cakewalk Theme A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️ https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite
  9. @jsg Is it by any chance one of my M-Themes this issue is in? If it is, can you let me know the name of the theme please so I can sort it?
  10. Another option you could try is changing the MIDI icon, either export some from other themes then import one to your own theme, or open the icon in an image editing program and re paint it, change brightness, contrast, hue, saturation etc, what ever it needs to show better in your chosen theme.
  11. Take a look at this, I have no idea what pro tools looks like but a couple of folk here have said it looks kind of like pro tools.
  12. So, after a break from Theme creation and using Cakewalk more with my own Themes I've realized how harsh most of them can be on the eyes so from now I will try to make any new Themes easier on the eyes starting with this one and hopefully from the next one even more so. Free Download Here.... M-New Gen Cakewalk Theme A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️ https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite
  13. Wow! Whilst I'm not keen on the "Young Lady's" part of the name and wonder the reason for using that, this is an amazing piece of work! Well set out and very helpful, I appreciate the time and effort put into this, I once made a start on something like this but soon quit as I felt it was too much for me and it wasn't looking as good as yours does either. Good stuff! Thanks!! ?
  14. lol, How ironic, This was asked just a few days ago..... https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/8274-customizing-question/
  15. Just checked and it appears it can't be changed in color preferences, the theme editor can be downloaded free via BandLab Assistant and is easy enough to use if you just want to change a few colors in a theme. If you need more help with that, there's a group on Facebook with helpful step by step guides or I can post links here to any of those guides that you may need if you're not on Facebook or don't want to join the group. ?
  16. @Jerry Freese @User 905133 ? I never know off the top of my head, I always forget and have to search every time except for the easy ones like track names lol. It doesn't help that the Theme Editor appears to be neglected and colors that change one thing are, or become (after updates to Cakewalk), colors that also change other things, this is one of those. To change the color of the text for Sends, you need to change the color for 'Horizontal Sliders' so this will also change your horizontal sliders to the same color (as seen in the 2nd screenshot below) and that may or may not be want you want to happen, that can and does put a spanner in the works for theme creation and I often have to compromise in some areas due to this lack of separation with some colors.
  17. M-Blue Slate has a sort of blue slate color throughout and although it’s not based on any particular piece of studio equipment or plugin the blue slate color is reminiscent of some. Enjoy! Free Download Here.... M-Blue Slate Cakewalk Theme A combined total of around 150 hours, sometimes much more, goes in to creating each Theme I make, then there's more time spent to update them whenever BandLab makes changes or additions to the Cakewalk GUI to ensure any changed or new items display correctly and match the Theme, I also don't make all these Themes for myself, it's more of a hobby and to share the end results with the Cakewalk Community for their use and enjoyment at no charge, Any Tips/Donations via the following link for my time and efforts in creating and updating these are greatly appreciated, however small. Thank You! ❤️ https://www.paypal.me/MatthewJohnWhite
  18. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  19. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  20. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  21. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  22. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  23. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
  24. Now updated for the change made in the 2019.9 Cakewalk update. The new 'Auto Crossfade Button' has been changed to match the Theme.
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