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Everything posted by norfolkmastering

  1. Mark Just a note to say that in my tests, changing a send destination does not seem to be triggering a topology graph change. Would you mind checking this as part of the update work for the next release?
  2. Thanks for explaining this. I'm now putting my pattern variations on to a second MIDI track and this works okay for me.
  3. Thanks for the suggestion. I wanted to use the take lanes so that the changes in the overall pattern would be easy to see, so I mean if the main pattern was in take lane 1, then only the changes would appear in take lane 2. I'm assuming there is an easy way to highlight part of a MIDI part and mute it? If it's not possible to use separate Step Sequencers on each take lane then I will need to use an additional MIDI track for the changes, let's see how it works out.
  4. I have laid down a basic two bar MIDI drum pattern using the Step Sequencer and then extended the clip to song length. All fine. Now I want to make some changes at certain points in the song. I would like to do this by creating a second take lane and then use a separate instance of Step Sequencer on the second take lane. I can't find a way to do this. When I highlight the second take lane and view Step Sequencer then a blank grid appears. So far so good. But when I add a a pattern to this second instance of Step Sequencer, it adds the MIDI notes to Take 1 and not to Take 2. What am I doing wrong please?
  5. Just to echo Alexey's post above that I have been able to control the destinations of sends using AZ Controller. I use AZ to set sends to any external audio port using the port's friendly name. The issue I do have (which I think that Alexey alludes to above) is that I can't get any feedback from the Cakewalk API when a send destination is changed (whether that be done using the Cakewalk GUI or whether I do it via AZ Controller). Is there a way to make the current send destination 'friendly name' readable via the API?
  6. I am getting the same issue on the current version of Cakewalk by Bandlab. Would someone from the development team be able to check if they see the same issue?
  7. Is there any way to add a track or bus FX without having it open its control panel immediately? I'm particularly interested in having this 'minimised add FX' for use with FX Chain Presets.
  8. Has anyone found a way to successfully add an External Insert within an FX Chain Preset? Although External Inserts do not appear as a choice when you right click on the FX Chain container, I found it is possible to convert an External Insert FX into an FX Chain. That part works fine. However when I save that FX Chain as a preset, delete it from the track or bus and then load it again, the Return Port allocation has disappeared and been replaced by 'None'. The Send Port allocation is recalled just fine so it's a bit strange. I'd like to use External Inserts within an FX Chain presets so I have a quick way to route a track or bus to specific external effects (which are connected via a number of External Inserts). I have dropped a note to Mark McLeod about this issue but I'd be grateful if anyone who has tried to do this can share there understanding, in case I am doing something wrong!
  9. I'm having reliability problems when trying to use assignable controls within an FX Chain preset. At the moment I am trying to use the Sonitus Compressor within an FX Chain preset. No problem to create some assignable controls and buttons and to assign them to functions within the Sonitus. However when I save the FX Chain as a preset and then call it up in another track then about 50% of the time, the assignable controls are no longer linked to the relevant functions in the Sonitus Compressor. Same problem if I call up the preset in another project. I don't know if this is an issue particular to the Sonitus Compressor? I've tried adding a Waves plug-in and it seems to be 100% reliable when using with assignable controls. Has anyone had similar problems?
  10. If you stick to default track names (Track 1 etc) which I sometimes do early in a project, if I reorder the tracks then the names change to reflect the track position. Is there any way to stop this happening?
  11. Thanks the video was a big help. It's still a bit more complicated when you are not working with partial overdubs but I'm getting there!
  12. Hello again. So I spent some time trying to use the comping feature. Can I ask your advice on one specific difficulty I am having. Let's say I record a first take of the whole performance. It's all fine except for one mistake part way through the take. So I record a second take which starts a few bars before the mistake and ends a few bars after the mistake. I then choose exactly where I want to changeover to the second take and where I want to revert back to the original take. On T2, it's fairly easy to use the isolate function and drag to make the time selection of the part of T2 I want to use. However now (I think!) I need to use the isolate and drag function on T1 from time zero to exactly the same time index as the start of isolate for T2. This is not easy! Is there a better way to do this and perhaps a Cakewalk video which shows how to do it?
  13. Thanks for the further info. Really helpful. I tried comping but I found the editing and crossfading of the clips more difficult than working with separate tracks. This might be lack of practice on my part so I'll have another going with the comping facility. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks! Yes I wanted the Bus FX and Automation switched out so that worked just fine. What do you use the source category of tracks for? You seem to get an exact copy of what you already have?
  15. I am struggling to get the bounce to tracks working as I want. I have four mono bass guitar tracks which together make up the entire bass performance. I used fader automation to decide which parts of which track I want. I tried the following settings: Destination: New Track Channel Format: Mono Source Category: Tracks (with the four desired tracks ticked) Mix and Render: set as defaults When I press okay, the result is four new tracks with exactly the same audio as the four source tracks. I don't get a mix of the four tracks down to one new track as expected. What am I doing wrong?
  16. I'm using Session Drummer 3 with Cakewalk's Step Sequencer. When I create a new instance of Session Drummer 3 and open Step Sequencer it always defaults to a limited number of rows which I then have to edit to get the drums sounds I want to work with. Is there anyway to store a Step Sequencer template so the rows I want to work can be recalled quickly?
  17. Yes that makes sense. I was logged out from my BL account for many months.
  18. I just installed the latest Build 13 and on starting Cakewalk I'm getting the old 'Activation required' request. This takes you to the Bandlab login. After a couple of attempts I was able to get logged in to my Bandlab account and reactivate Cakewalk. So far this seems to have stopped the message reappearing but I will keep testing.
  19. I have tested the cached Routing and track/bus ordering with AZ Controller and a large compliment of physical I/O Ports. It seems to be working correctly as per the interim release which you provide to me in March for testing. Thanks for taking care of this.
  20. Hi Mark, yes that works but it's a bit clunky. Anyway to make that into a macro so I can do it as a single keyboard shortcut?
  21. I tried this: Ctrl+Shift+Page Down takes you to the next marker Ctrl+Shift+Page Up takes you to the previous marker I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut to take me to the first marker in the project timeline. Anyway to do this?
  22. Does anyone know if there is a way to make a keyboard shortcut which would take you to the first marker in a project's timeline?
  23. I add my vote to having some way to have longer faders.
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