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Everything posted by norfolkmastering

  1. As I have a large number of audio interfaces (seven MOTU units), I want to rearrange the order in which they appear in the Devices list. Why? Because I want the interfaces I use most to appear at the top when I do track output and track input selection. Is there anyway to do this within Cakewalk?
  2. Thanks for the advice. I had a look at the file and can see the parts you are referring to. Yes I'll make a back up before editing!
  3. I'm doing a major reorganise of my Cakewalk set up and I want to set all the ASIO port friendly names back to their default port names. Is there any way to do this?
  4. Has anyone experience of running a MOTU Ultralite M3 hybrid and a MOTU 828x in the same system? I've tried connecting them both via USB and both units are recognised by Cakewalk. However projects are very slow to load and even more reluctant to play audio. I have no problems running multiple Ultralites in the same system. It is only when I introduce the 828x that the problems start. Both types of interface run from the same MOTU driver so I am not trying to run multiple drivers in Windows (which I know is not possible). Suggestions for a fix would be welcomed.
  5. I'm beginning to use quite large numbers of physical audio ports with Cakewalk and I'm having issues above 32 ins and outs. Of course it might be an interface driver issue but I wanted to find out what the Cakewalk limit is?
  6. It has to do with an external controller I am using. Quite difficult to explain but if there is a way to change the default state of a track or bus 'Bypass Rack' button to not active when a new track or bus is added, it would be useful to know how.
  7. Usually I right click and use 'Insert Stereo Bus' or of course you can use the Toolbar Insert Stereo Bus. Neither gives you any options.
  8. Is there any way to change the default state of a track or bus 'Bypass Rack' button to not active when a new track or bus is added? I mean without having to resort to templates? Thanks!
  9. I now use the CTRL key when adding FX to a track so the control panel doesn't open immediately. Is there any way to do something similar when adding an FX Chain Preset?
  10. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll experiment and see what works best for me.
  11. I have some track FX that I want to keep on all the times, even when the track 'Bypass Rack' is active (so I mean it would be trying to switch off all the FX). Is there any way to do this?
  12. First thanks for all the responses to a topic I never properly understood before. Can I ask one more question on a similar topic, maybe Mark knows the answer as it's very obscure! Is there any way to detect when a plug-in control panel has been opened? I mean you click on the little bar on a track (the prompt OPEN 'xyz' appears) and a VST panel pops up so you can operate the controls. Thanks
  13. I'm trying to understand the difference between two different types of track selection: If I click on the track name, then the track name is highlighted. If I click on the track number (below the name) then both the track number and track name are highlighted. Could someone explain the differences between the two types of selection please.
  14. Thanks for info. If I understand you explanations, I would need to create two 'dummy' MIDI tracks for every instance of Blue Cat Remote Control 3 I wanted to get external MIDI I/O to/from. Sadly not very practical when I would be using perhaps 40 instances on a project. I will contact the designers of the plug-in and see if there of a way to get direct MIDI access to each instance, otherwise I may need to find another VST MIDI controller plugin. Suggestions for alternatives would be welcomed!
  15. I understand how to set the MIDI I/O for a Blue Cat control, no problems with that. I think I am struggling to understand the MIDI routing in Cakewalk. I have a large number of Blue Cat VST controls to get to the outside world and I don't see a practical way to do it? Why can't I see the Blue Cat MIDI in my MIDI-OX monitor?
  16. Thanks for the ideas. I can see that using screensets would allow a snapshot but I want this to be what happens when I open track or bus FX during mixdown. I think that means I would have to create a snapshot for every track and bus in my project. Is that correct?
  17. When I'm about to work on a particular track during mixdown, I want to be able to open all the plugins allocated to that track (typically one EQ and one Dynamics) with a single click and get them to position themselves where I set them last time. Anyway to do this in Cakewalk?
  18. I'm trying to use the Blue Cat Remote Control VST plugin to get MIDI CC values output from its control knobs to control an external hardware MIDI controllable device. Blue Cat's Remote Control is a VST3 plugin and supports 'Enable MIDI output' which I have ticked. I'm using MIDI-OX to monitor MIDI activity but I just can't get any MIDI output from the plugin. All help would be appreciated!
  19. Can I ask what you mean by 'in the Media Browser'? Do you mean where the .cwp file is stored in Windows? And when you drag the second project to current project's TV, do you mean into the Cakewalk GUI? Where exactly do I have to drag it to? Thanks
  20. I know this has been raised many times before but with the promise of new features for the reborn Sonar, isn't it about time that the external insert system was given a complete overhaul? I use a lot of analogue gear on my tracks during mixdown and it's really bad that when I allocate a 'mono' port to the send, then the other half of the port is no longer available for use in a different insert. No other professional DAW has this limitation. Not sure how to start a poll on this so maybe someone could help with that? And on the topic of getting audio out of the track to feed analogue effects gear, can I also add to the wish list: 1. The ability to create an external insert with only the send configured. Why? This would allow external gear to be fed completely clean, so I mean before any other FX in the chain. It almost works at the moment. The insert send meter shows audio 'flowing' but no audio actually emerges from the allocated port. 2. The ability to store an External Insert as part of an FX Chain Preset. You can do this 'by the back door' at the moment using 'Convert FX Rack to FX Chain' but when you load this (let's say in another project), then Cakewalk refuses to play. It is clearly broken! So let's see if we can get the guys at Cakewalk to commit to a full update of the External Insert system during the first full phase of Sonar development.
  21. On traditional audio consoles the track insert send is normally fed with audio all the time even when the insert is switched out. It is the insert return which is switched into the audio path when the insert is activated. My question is whether there is any way to get the Cakewalk external inserts to operate this way? Its really useful for checking that external gear is 'seeing' audio and checking send levels into external gear without having to make the insert 'live'.
  22. I have exactly the same problem that the visible/hidden status of tracks and buses is not being saved with the project. When hide a number of buses then save the project, then the buses reappear when I load the project again. I'm running the last version of CfB. I tried creating a couple of test projects and all have the same issue. Were you able to get to the bottom of this issue?
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