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Everything posted by SUPAREELS

  1. It's hard to offer adjustments to a piece of music written with a loved one in mind. For me when my Dad passed I dug a huge hole in the back garden and made a fish pond from it with a waterfall ... that was my way to ease the loss ... I have listened to this twice with that thought in mind to give a balanced opinion, and the only thing I would say, with respect, is that the drums need to inject a grater feeling of, say, a parade ground, so the listener feels that everlasting rhythm carrying through, while the cellos, oboes and strings along with the piano play their part of sadness ... There are some tech things with the mix like pinching notes but hey .. it's for your Dad so ..all good. S
  2. Excellent lyrics .. yep kinda ZZ vibe ..there's a lot of work here, not wasted on my good self so well done .. others have given crits that are beyond my pay-grade ..I just liked it ?? S
  3. Now THAT'S what I'm talking about, grown up instrumental ... Cans, my comfy leather chair, large scotch and a bit of H/S ... (Made me think of Christmas some how) thanks for the posting and journey, great stuff mate. S
  4. I get the Enya draw but I don't agree, your voice cuts through the slow arpeggio which makes it all a little less like an Enya rip off. I like Enya a lot ( I have all her albums ) but this is your song ..so keep it that way .. One nig is that as a lyrics lover, I wish you had the words on SC . I enjoyed listening to this so thanks for the post S
  5. I missed this .. until now ! So many instrumentals posted here with, IMO, very little thought other than the usual synth mash up ... so I always listen ( usually for a few bars) but never comment 'cause to me they usually leave me cold. This has thought and timings that give movement, it really is a lovely bit of work and I love it ! The build, mix and overall 'feel' makes it worth that 2nd and more listen ..So well done mate ... for what that's worth. S
  6. Saucy bugger ... ?! I still listen to 'Hold me down' Ace track... Yes this mix is much better, Somehow that guitar sound and playing makes me think of the way the great John Lennon played .. so all good back here in Blighty Keep'em coming, S
  7. How do you do it every time ...bloody good lyrics and funny, great mix ...one thing is I'm hanging garlic over the door till it's over ? ..Thanks for the heads up ! Nod to James ..? S
  8. Apart from a very low vocal ( shame that ), I really like this and your stuff Kevin, your vocal work is haunting and original .. think I'm becoming a fan mate ... S
  9. Well done guys, took me w a y back to Peter and Gorden. Sure the mix has a 2020 vibe ,but I can see them doing this song back in the day. Not too keen on the drum part, seems a little on the raw side, but it makes this track pretty cool. never the less. One of my favs from you .. I have ... and will n'joy this one again ! S
  10. Thanks John, I really appreciate the time and advice (How did you know I really suck?). My reason for the uphill struggle is that for the most part I can get achieve a result that I want with my songwriting, but there are times I want a fill that just doesn't seem to be easy to find even using the myriad of VST's to hand. I couldn't justify $5000 dollars but your idea of mix and match makes sense as it's all about the dynamics and sound ... plus a competent skins man! Once again thankyou it's a great help and I'll try it out S
  11. Have to say I was sold on the title, and this song , mix and masterful video didn't disappoint. This, for me, represents utter perfection is song production. I've followed your stuff for ages now and this is one of your best ...so thanks for the post S
  12. Can those in-the -know give me some advise / help via UT on playing basic drums and rhythms ... I will be moving to a detached house in the near future and I've never ventured into the field of drums .. well not real one's at the moment, as I found a deal on Ebay for an electronic yammy set . I'm gonna have to build another sound room/recording studio and that's gonna go in the garage. I think I have everything down on soundproofing ....and it'll cost a bomb ... Plus as I have a load of gear in my old studio, that gets smaller by the shopping for toy's, it's time for a fresh start. Anyway, as a songwriter, I would like to, eventually ,play my own beats and rhythms ... I've got most instruments that I play Ok'ish but this is a completely new field for me, I never thought my right foot wants the bass drum to keep a beat with my right hand ! Nightmare! and I can count to four and divide ... so that's good. Anyway this HAS to be the right place to ask.

    Happy Place

    Ultravox ... re-born ...Excellent work! love the build, but then I am a fan ? S
  14. Vocal is hot chocolate,warm an sweet ... supa cool, great work m8 ... just didn't like the end bit is all, did you do it live ? S

    Wasted Years

    You play the piano, so just practice how ( say C ) ..sounds in E or G ... with a vocal done in C and still running ..hard to start but you have the voice for it .. there are other keys to suit ... play it on the ol' joanna and give it a try M8 S

    Wasted Years

    Love the message and sung with passion ..Godda agree with the 3pt harmonies on the chorus. Good one m8 ? S
  17. Buggered me brain up ... I really couldn't understand the rhythm at all ... if Zappa saw my face he's blow smoke in the air and ask who my mother was ...and then I see Jesse's comment .. .far too clever for my old brain .. but boy... you play that ol'gitar well S
  18. I get it now ..Brilliant ! Loadsafun S

    Desert Chant

    Sometimes you have a way of pulling music into an ethereal feel, without knowing it ... You have to listen to this twice (or more) to really understand it's power.... Just a thing , sometimes my son-in law and I listen to stuff in the studio into the early hours ...he's ***** about bands and their history,and can't play a bloody thing, I'm into how the sound relates to the listener and yep, it's war at times, but ... he loved this, as do I .. so well done .. Thanks M8 you have skill ....and then we listened to Diamond Sky .......... ( The block will pass ) S
  20. Can't believe it .. this is most probably the very best thing I have heard and seen on the site since I joined years ago ...... the video matches the song perfect, the misses vox is right on, the mix ..well what can I say ... WELL DONE YOU LOT ! I think it's time I retired from this songwriting stuff ... just leave it to the pro's Talent in spades !
  21. As a big fan of yours all I can say is 'Brilliant' ! S
  22. Just great, mix sounds OK for this kind of song ... made the sun come out here in Westward Ho! ... looking forward to the video, so thanks, wouldn't change a thing ? S
  23. Sorry Pal, that's a typo... should have said ... reaching for feel that you can hear in your head, but can't achieve. I have to say the revisited version is so much clearer and I still think this is a top notch story that suits your vocal, I think it would work great in a live set ... good on you ? S
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