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Everything posted by SUPAREELS

  1. Really enjoyed this . you got talent mate and what a great voice to record ! As a comment I would have cut the bass quite a bit but that would have been a BIG mistake, having listened to this. I love the ambience of this mix and stereo separation. Kudos for the vocal work, you did a dam good job because that's a powerful voice and getting rid of the 'plosive' content would ruin the whole thing .. (did I just go out for the evening ? 'cause it feels like it ).LOL Wouldn't expect anything else from you .. great job ...getting gushy again tush ? Stay well my friend Steve
  2. All good here ...like the song loads ... I have no intention of hijacking this post BUT did our Mr Lynn Wilson give the FOO FIGHTERS A hand with the vocal work on Dave's 'waiting on war' Cause it sounds just like him ..... LOL

    A WORD

    Like paintings ..you got to know your limitations and when to stop ... then except the warts an all ... Thankyou Paul for the comment, much appreciated Regards Steve

    A WORD

    Thanks mate Steve
  5. Relaxing ... more please mate .. Video was all consuming, watched it twice .. so far Steve

    The Darkness

    It reminds me of Pink Floyd .. sort of an Ummergumma'ish .. Just needs Davids guitar to come in .. Love it Bjorn ..really ? Steve
  7. Always love your stuff ..but did you miss a bit of timing here and there? .. most probably me. Great lyrics ! Steve

    Nomad's Land

    Love this .. I had this on while I was playing 'Skyrim'.. such a peaceful bit'o'music .thanks and well done. Steve

    A WORD

    Sorry Keith .. it's down to tenses..... looks like I read the comment in the future tense .. as in ... I read ( pron :- reed ) or I read ( pron :- red ) . Anyway thanks for your comment .. hope it cleares it up @ I didn't mean to offend through my ignorance .. Many thanks again Steve

    A WORD

    Thanks Tom I never knew any of this stuff ...very much appreciate your time. Back to the drawing board .. can't wait to try ? Regards Steve
  11. Ditto Tom's input ... But I like how it makes me feel so good work .. getting into vids at the moment so I'll check out P/B/V Thanks for the post SR


    Just waiting for the film to start ... Utmost respect to you .. from Mr Gushy ? Steve

    A WORD

    Thanks Keith, if you read through some suggestions ( which I always take on board ) , some of my pears have suggested exactly that, hence the laughter emogee, It didn't work for me when I tried putting a drum and bass track on, most probably due to my skill level or preference when listening to it .. Anyway I hope you get the emogee thing, cause I wouldn't want to offend ? and many thanks for your input & comment. ATB Steve

    A WORD

    I have to agree with you Andy, after reading Kurt's comment, it made me feel that drums and bass could pull the melody out and it hadn't occurred to me while writing the song .. so I have tried laying complimentary bass with a drum track, just to get a feel .. maybe it's my skill level but it spoiled the 'message' and has not worked so I wont be returning to this song with a view to alter it. Thankyou for listening and the helpful comments.? Steve

    A WORD

    Thankyou for the comment Treesha, it may be of interest to note that I recorded this song using platinum then mastered it on my Tascam 688 to get the analogue feel after which I used Power Director for the video plus the Tascam track ... bit nerdy but just putting it out there in case of any interest.? Steve
  16. I can only echo the positive comments ... you are a gifted guy ..no doubt. Excellent work? Stay well Steve


    Graced my ears! So good, you tick the heart to say 'like' ... that ain't half the truth of what I got from this work ..blimey mate ..all I'd say is thankyou ..loved it (Getting a bit gushy so I'll stop)? Staywell Steve

    A WORD

    ..... And I'd love to be able to play Baker street .. a bit beyond my pay grade mate LOL ... thanks for the comments Lynn, I'm made up Stay well Steve

    A WORD

    Thanks mate means a lot coming from you ? Steve

    A WORD

    I never really thought of putting drums on this one Kurt ... Hmmm ...if I was good enough at skins I'd have a go 'cause I bet that would add to the dynamics, thanks for the input, I might see if I can though ??

    A WORD

    Thanks for your comment Bjorn, your enquiry about D365, It was a typo and should have read PD 365, which is a video editing software package I'm getting into right now. I am experimenting with different codecs and recording methods both audio and video ... heavy stuff (a bit like going back to college ) but hey, it keeps me from going nuts in these covid ridden times.☢️ Stay well mate Best regards Steve

    A WORD

    New vid ..trying out D365
  23. No crits .. Just love your stuff keep 'em coming .. Steve?
  24. Thanks Gary ... I think? LOL ?
  25. Thanks guys .. this is a bit of a bubble gum type song with the usual key suspects but I was trying out my expertise on playing drums to a track in real time .. I guess I miss the ball there Bjorn LOL .. Still I recovered my pride and have provided a serious remix ..no drums ... and a l o n g ending no snips ? ...Plus wishing EVERYONE on this site, some of which feel like real family. all the best for your coming year ... stay well XX
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