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Everything posted by SUPAREELS

  1. The idea seems to be good although I think what is apparent is the vox is too low, something I will address on the final mix, thankyou for the feedback on this and taking the time to comment. Steve
  2. Thankyou for the encouragement and comments as I have a lot of history in this project so I hope I can get it done and staged .. as for now ...it's back to reality as the boss wants me to put in a new Kitchen ! Life in the fast lane ?️
  3. Hi David, I can't see frothy coffee .. but I can see a ballerina dancing to this as a movement and the clapping of hands as the curtain draws and she bows ... I just love this stuff, the pictures in my mind kinda make me feel happy I listened ? ATB Steve
  4. Thanks for the comment Nigel, means a lot to hear that ... ATB Steve
  5. Thanks Tom ... (still laughing ..my ears are nearly gone as well !) Always means a great deal when a comment is posted to YouTube ,,, so thanks for that. Sadly I crashed a hard drive and lost/corrupted data for this song ?. So the vox will have to do ..sorry mate. The lyrics have been posted on YouTube, so you can see the words .... if you wanted. All the best mate Steve
  6. Thanks Lynn I remember your smashing comments when I posted the original, Hope the family are keeping well ... all the best mate and thankyou for your comments on both this one and the new project I'm working on ? All the best to you an' yours Steve
  7. I've taken the comments on board and cleaned up a few points .. see what you think guys if you have the time Advance thanks All the best SM
  9. Puts me in mind of 'Foreigner' and along with Badfinger one of fav bands ...So all good here ? ATB Steve
  10. Thanks Nigel .. means a lot when I consider your work ! ATB Steve
  11. Hi David, I lived and worked in London for more years than I care to mention before moving to the suburbs and then retiring here in Devon. But London is my real home, although it changed so much as I grew up ( like so many other capitals ). I really did see the changes described in my words and in 2019 I wrote a poem called 'The morning sun in old London town' .. bit of a mouthful so I changed it to 'The London way' in this work as a song after a visit to the Tower of London with my grand kids. Not musically my best but I think I caught the feel of the place .. well to me anyway ? I am glad you liked it ? Take care ATB Steve


    https://youtu.be/yCefNshhfGc Not really my thing but this is a re-post as it seems better quality ... I think
  13. Hi Lynn and all your mates who made this happen, thoroughly enjoyed this bit'o'work and the video is impressive ... so much so it could be a professional mainstream job. I think as Jack C has noted there are a few, lets say, timing issues here and there, but this issue of bees is an extremely serious one ! Your message should be well read / listened to, if people take the time to read up about this issue and others like it and what it means to our ecosystem then you sir, have completed your best work ever. Hope that's not too heavy .. but ATB Steve
  14. Still a bit creepy though LOL
  15. Already been there .. another enjoyable piece ... and I'm honored thanks David ? ALB Steve
  16. Love this classic chord/guitar rift .. please put some words with this to bring on the tears. It's a flower in the rain growing on stone with out a place to call a home .. there you are ..a start LOL Love your guitar playing ... so much feeling SupaReels
  17. As usual I'm taken by the maths in this piece. I look forward to a longer set with a title like The Tortoise & the Hare, I believe your music could paint a fantasia kind of feel .. Just an idea .. ish. I continue to love your work because I wouldn't know where to start so I find it engaging and different ... in a good way. Thanks for the post David Stay safe Steve
  18. Thankyou for the comment Paul .. it isn't my thang either so I'm knocked out with the feedback .. must'a caught you fellas on a good day ? ATB Steve
  19. Thankyou Makke for your comment, I have a long way to go with this kind of stuff but it's encouraging with this kind of feedback. Steve
  20. Note perfect ..and I have to say the guys here are spot on in that this could be the great Hank Marvin ! Thanks for the post, really enjoyed it ?? How about 'Apache' for your next rendition .. it was my first 45 record when I was a kid LOL Steve
  21. Thanks for the excellent feedback and your observation regarding the 'airy sub-rumble' is spot on! It is embedded in the BBC sample and difficult to hide, even with a HPF ... but I'm trying EQ'ing now and if that doesn't work I'll just use another sample. Thankyou again for the feedback Tom. ATB Steve
  22. Thanks mate, it's not something I would think would appeal to you, so your comment is well taken. Haven't been here a lot just lately and not seen stuff like 'black dog' from you, wondered if all is well in your camp ... hope so .. take care Lynn and stay well Steve
  23. Might be free stuff but the talent isn't .. love to do this piece live on the street .. ? ATB Steve
  24. Thankyou so much mate, as said it's not my normal stuff but maybe I could get into it .. we'll see ? All the best Steve
  25. Thankyou for the comments, all of which I will address on a revisit . As said, when it comes to this stuff I am a newbie so I'm knocked out with your post ? ATB Steve
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