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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. With Cubase Pro you only get HALion Sonic SE 3 and the Pro set of sounds. I'm not sure what content that is exactly as I upgraded to HS3 and then Halion 6 a while back which both come with 35+ Gb of sounds. I'm pretty sure that it should be more than 700Mb though.
  2. @Brian Lawler Yes, they certainly make you work for a freebie! I lost count of how many clicks I had to make before it was installed. @Zo I also have around 700Mb in that location but the main 35Gb content is on another SSD which I have set up in Steinberg Library Manager. Most of what's in ProgramData appears to be shortcuts to stuff I have moved to the SSD. If you have anything there that you want to register in SLM the easiest way is to double click on the .vstsound files.
  3. Thanks Larry! Downloading now (and keeping my fingers crossed). Release notes New certified gear models from Mesa/Boogie: Mark IIC+ MarkV California Tweed Triple Crown 1x12 California Tweed 2x12 California Tweed 2x12 Road King 4x12 Road King Black 4x12 Road King Vintage General optimizations and bug fixes.
  4. Thanks Mark. I was logged in but it didn't work. Then I tried logging out and logging back in again and this time it worked. Thanks for the suggestion although I will still hold on for now. Might work for others though.
  5. Weird, I own Mesa 1 but there was no in-cart discount. No doubt some IK gotcha that I didn't think of ?
  6. Thanks Simeon! Sounds pretty nice for a small (180Mb) and free download. Using it in Halion. Now all I need is that Simeon Piano Skills VSTi that I'm hoping you will bring out soon. ?
  7. Cool that they did this so that anyone who missed them last time can have another go ? Also, it made it a bit less stressful for me as I got them the first time around.
  8. I already own this but I noticed in my PB account an update to v2.0.5 which is newer than the one I have installed. No idea what has been updated (there's nothing on the Songwish website either), but might be useful for anyone who hasn't already d/loaded this version.
  9. They sure are keeping us on our toes guessing when the freebie(s) will be ?
  10. Gotta agree - the content seems meagre for the price. Different type of thing but compare that to what Slate give you for 9.99 a month.
  11. Same for me, and Amber is the only Ujam Guitar I don't have. ? I do have an active Bitwig Studio 8-Track sub but that only gets me... - Loopcloud Welcome package - 50% offer on tunecore The upgrade from 8 track to Studio is currently 259 USD/EUR but that's probably not enough of an incentive just to get Amber for free.
  12. One day I hope to rock as much as you Fleer! Good news about Unify - been testing the Windows beta and it also rocks.
  13. Also use the code DIXONBF21 to save another 9 bucks.
  14. Well said @husker In January this year, after a very heavy bout of GAS over last year's BF/Christmas, I decided to try not looking at the Deals Forum for a while to see if my GAS situation improved. So what did I learn?... 1. Main thing is, as Husker, Larry and others said; I missed the camaraderie, humour, goodwill and experience of all the good folk who post here. That includes Larry, abacab, Fleer, Mesh, LavaJawa, Simon, Marc, Matt, Scook, Mark, Husker and a whole bunch of others. Seriously, this is a unique forum and long may it continue! 2. I still kept receiving emails from brands where I had previously subscribed or bought from so there was still way too much temptation, just none of the enjoyable banter that went with it. 3. My GAS situation maybe slightly improved but that was probably due to already owning so much stuff. Overall, I think it's probably time to admit defeat and come back home (and just in time for the Sonokinetic 12 days ) Now I've got some catching up to do !
  15. @InstrEd I had a Keylab Essential 49 which started triggering note events randomly on one of its keys. I returned it to the shop where I bought it (Gear4Music) and they sent it back to Arturia. I then received it back from Arturia supposedly "fixed" but the problem was still there. That made me lose confidence in Arturia because if they can't fix their own keyboard then who can? Also, it smacks of a lack of quality control i.e. checking that the fault had actually been fixed before returning it to a customer? So I got Gear4music to replace it with an M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49 which has been fine and I actually prefer the keybed to the Arturia (it also has aftertouch if that makes any difference).
  16. Probably easier to start the notes earlier, assuming these are virtual instruments so you would just be nudging the start point slightly to the left. That's what I often do in this case either manually nudging the offending notes or using quantise with a negative offset.
  17. Glad it helped Max. I have only ever used it for vocals and was going to say that it's really meant for vocals but then thought I would try out some instrument scenarios. So first I recorded a 4 on the floor kick beat on one track (EzDrummer frozen to make audio) and myself singing notes deliberately out of time on another. To my surprise Vocalign Ultra was able to tidy up my vocals to be in sync with the kick drum. I then tried the same thing with a flute and trumpet part using Sampletank 4 instruments. I made the flute part perfectly in time and then copied the MIDI from that to the trumpet track and manually moved the notes around to make it out of sync with the flute. I then froze both track and used the audio with Vocalign Ultra. Initially the trumpet sounded weird and then I realised that match tuning was selected After de-selecting match tuning it was able to match the timing and bring the trumpet back in sync with the flute apart from one note which I had probably gone too far with when I moved it out of sync. I have to say that I was slightly surprised and impressed with the results for non-vocal alignment although I guess the results might vary depending on the specific situation.
  18. @Max ArwoodDifferent products for different things. As usual with such products there is some overlap. Melodyne is primarily for tuning a vocal (or other instrument) part in the greatest of detail. The version I have (Editor) can also adjust sibilance, timing, gain envelopes and a whole host of other things like audio to MIDI. For the full rundown see here --> https://www.celemony.com/en/melodyne/new-in-melodyne-5 Vocalign Ultra is primarily for ensuring that multiple vocal tracks are aligned, timing wise with a main vocal part. It can now also do some pitch modifications but I wouldn't use it in place of Melodyne for that. It also now uses the same algorithms as their Revoice Pro product which is a step up from Vocalign Pro. See here for more information --> https://www.synchroarts.com/products/vocalign-ultra/overview I demoed Revoice Pro but disliked it's workflow and messy UI. Vocalign Ultra is much slicker and does more than Vocalign Pro 4 (which I upgraded from). I find I can do most things I need to with Melodyne Editor and Vocalign Ultra (and Pro 4 before it). There are no hard and fast rules but my typical workflow for using them both would be as follows (take it as read that I would also remove dead space/breaths etc in vocal tracks): Record all the vocal tracks, main, harmonies, doubles etc. Tune/edit the main vocal track as necessary using Melodyne. This might include breath control, sibilance, timing, pitch and gain etc. Either use Autotune or, if necesary, tune any dub tracks as necessary with Melodyne (any that are not too bad you could use Vocalign Ultra to tune in step 4). Use Vocalign Ultra with the main vocal track as guide and all of the other vocal tracks (at least the ones that are supposed to align with the guide) as dub to align them. In Vocalign Ultra you could optionally adjust the timing and pitch of the dub tracks in comparison to the guide for creative effects (using manual adjustments or presets). You could (and I did) use Melodyne alone to align the tracks with each other but that is a manual and time consuming process (not sure whether it's easier in the Studio version).
  19. I normally have my Oxygen Pro set to Studio One DAW config as I use it with Studio One Pro 5, but for the Mackie/HUI setup to work in CbB I had to set the Oxygen config to Pro Tools. These were my preferences and controller page setups (I still have the ACT one in preferences but disabled for ACT and WAI)...
  20. I have made some progress with this. I was reading this thread .. ... which made me wonder whether setting Mackie/HUI control on the Oxygen Pro (Pro Tools DAW config) and then configuring a Mackie/HUI control surface in Cakewalk would work. Long story short; it does!
  21. I have installed the latest CbB with hotfix and all of the old projects I tested seem to work correctly. These include quite a lot of Soundtoys and Waves plugins which seem to work as they did in CbB v2020.11.
  22. Very strange. It's still acting the same here. I would be curious to see a step-by-step of what you did. For example, are you using MIDIIN3 for ACT? What does your ACT config page look like? Which DAW do you have configured on the keyboard?
  23. I'm not at my keyboard right now but I have seen that behaviour on knobs when the keyboard is in DAW mode rather than Preset mode. Try switching the keyboard to Preset mode. Sorry, I haven't really dug much further in Cakewalk. EDIT: I tried that and it's doing the same for me. The sliders/transport are working fine but the pan is jumping from 2%R to 98% L. I never really got the Arturia working properly for transport control either. That's one area where an update from Cakewalk would be appreciated - to support a few of the more common newer keyboards out of the box (or maybe to convince h/w creators to include Cakewalk configs).
  24. My Oxygen Pro 49 has arrived and I have to say that the keybed is really nice and it seems like a great controller keyboard. It feels solid and well made and is quite a bit heavier than the Arturia Keylab Essential 49 making it seem more substantial. I set it up for DAW control in Studio One Pro using the DAW preset which works fine. This uses virtual MIDI3 in/out on the keyboard for Mackie control. Without changing the keyboard DAW profile (I left it on Studio One Pro) I then set it up in Cakewalk using ACT on MIDI3 which also seemed to work fine after some manual configuration. I used an existing Oxygen 49 profile and MIDI learnt some of the buttons/sliders on the new keyboard which I then saved as a new profile for the Oxygen Pro 49. @Mark Morgon-Shaw Presumably this is also what you did? I discovered that MIDI2 seems to be the DIN connectors on the keyboard but I'm not sure what MIDI4 is used for (any ideas?).
  25. Just received an email from Vengeance Sound to say that the sale end in 3 days so get your expansions cheap(er) while you can!
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