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Everything posted by ZincT

  1. Very interesting, thanks Zo. I need to make notes about how he uses those IK plugins so that I can try it myself.
  2. Thanks jdf. That's a great price and sounds good.
  3. Thanks John! For anyone who missed it there's more information and some great song demos over on the old KVR Fathom thread --> https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=482501
  4. Can anyone recommend a good (preferably free) Bodhran VSTi? I have one in Halion Sonic and another in a "World Instruments" ST3 add-on but I don't seem to have anything in Kontakt (nothing in the factory library that I can find). Thanks
  5. I got the strumming to work by holding the chord on the blue notes and pressing the purple notes (G#, A, A#, B) near the green ones above the main blue notes. Here's what the documentation says in more depth... F#4 : Toggles Strumming Mode on or off. G4 : Toggles Strumming Mode to the opposite of what is currently set in the GUI when pressed down, and returns to the previous setting when released. This is used in either mode to quickly and temporarily switch modes. G#4 : Plays a downstrum (all downstrokes). The strummed notes are whatever is being held in the normal playable range. The speed and dynamic of the stroke is based on the control settings on the Strumming Page (see below). A4 : Plays an upstrum (all upstrokes), again based on what is being held in the normal range. A#4 : Plays a partial downstrum . This plays an downstrum starting from the bottom string, with the engine selecting the number of strings travelled based on the Strum Distance setting (see below). B4 : Plays a partial upstrum . This plays an upstrum starting from the top string, with the engine selecting the number of strings travelled based on the Strum Distance setting (see below).
  6. Very tempted by this but I still need to put Riffendium to good use!
  7. I am building quite a collection of Melda plugins myself and I like what I have although I need to spend more time with some of them as they can be deep. I appreciate being able to install on my laptop as well as my main DAW PC. I also have MXXXCore which I like the concept of. I got the FreeFXBundle last year which is a no brainer for anyone wanting to dip their toes in the water and then I upgraded it to the paid version. I also really like the Melda installer which is very fast and includes "cleanup" options. Waves could learn from this! They are also good value thanks to the weekly deal, various sales and the 20 credit freebies they gave us last year. I will probably get this deal before it's over --> https://vstbuzz.com/deals/75-off-mrhythmizermb-by-meldaproduction/
  8. Thanks as usual TS and for the individual links ??
  9. I would also like to but they do make some compelling plugins.
  10. Thanks Larry. After updating my Waves plugins the Waves license files could not be found (as reported during the CbB scan at startup). I keep the licenses on my C drive and Waves Central showed that they were there. Anyway, using Waves Central I moved them from C to the cloud and then back again from the cloud to C and they now scan fine. ? Go figure.
  11. Thanks Mark and apologies, you are quite correct. That'll teach me for not reading my own sig ? I will edit my post so as not to cause confusion. Sig also now updated. Thanks bakers!
  12. Thanks for the updates. ? Some useful additions and fixes. The BA update failed but thanks for adding the "manual update" link to the failure message which sped up finding and downloading the update manually. CbB update was quick and painless and it opened the project I was working on earlier today without issue.
  13. Hi ØSkald, I'd say you did an excellent job! I don't know the song and haven't dissected it in detail but just A/B 'ing between your track and the version I found closest on YouTube it's pretty close. Cool solo and some nice harmony guitars. For anyone else listening the solo starts at about 2m 40s and I compared it to this version on YouTube (is this a good one to use ØSkald?) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWyBO7DSXwA
  14. One of the best Will! Such emotion conveyed in her voice it sends shivers down your spine. Also an exquisite acoustic guitarist. Songbird was my first album of hers closely followed by anything I could lay my hands on. I discovered her after she had died and I can remember reading her story and feeling depressed that there would be no new material to look forward to. That said there is plenty to enjoy and they even released a special remastered edition of Songbird last year with extra tracks.
  15. It's an impressive piece of music Rob. I could easily imagine this opening a colonial war movie. I like all of the various parts and how they transition. The "damn the torpedoes" approach seems to have worked.
  16. ZincT

    Sweet Afton

    Beautiful song Bjorn with a lilting Celtic feel to it. It's fits so well with the poem by Robert Burns.
  17. Same here husker. However, I just checked and I see that it's the free Factory Selection that is updated to 1.4.2. Larry, are you sure it's the Fatory Library you are seeing at v1.4.2 and not the Selection?
  18. Thanks HS. I shall give this a go at this price. I notice that you can also buy at this price even if you don't have a song ready. Instructions for doing this are given at the flash sale link.
  19. I listened to Broken in Silence and it is spectacularly good! I can hear some influences from Thomas Dolby. Every aspect sounds pro. Very nice work. I plan on catching up on the other songs today!
  20. Great work Noel! Really enjoyed it. I can also hear elements of Return to Forever but it actually reminds me of a Bill Bruford album I had on vinyl way back when ( called Feels Good to Me). Thanks also for the CbB/Bandlab usage insights.
  21. ZincT

    Thy Kingdom Come

    Really beautiful piece. Would love to see how you put something like this together. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Excellent song, production and video. The video was a perfect match for the song. You also managed to keep it interesting from beginning to end by subtle changes throughout.
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