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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Beautiful song. Nice nice vocals. It makes me really miss my voice. I can only write instrumentals now.
  2. Wonderful addition I say!!! I don't remember it being here before but a needed addition
  3. Glad to hear everything's ok. Pizza!!! kick back and take in a music documentary off Kenny's list
  4. String Swing is what I used on the solid bodies. Hercules for the classical guitars
  5. I was thinking about getting a Lespaul jr or SG till I found out how much that would cost. Now I'm seriously considering putting a humbucker on my Stat
  6. for me it means grinding my own beans
  7. I love it too. It sounds incredible! I used it on Autumn Leaves. No effects or anything like that. I don't think it needed it
  8. yep just get up walk over pick one up and play. If I Am lazy and dunt want to move at all Rapture pro and my A-300
  9. This is a sweet setup. Grab one and walla easy access
  10. Butt then Yes it’s all Greek to me
  11. All I know fer Shure about the Greeks was the were 300 of them. I don't mean to brag but here are my baby picture
  12. ppffffffft! WHY would I get that? Come on, I Am at lease going to wait for the blue ray version to come out
  13. One for the front and one for the back cover
  14. Dear Strammy, May I borrow your P bass? Dear James, May I borrow your black Les Paul?
  15. We should put bikinis on them all ?
  16. I love those guitars! I see the Paul is ready to go ~ nice~
  17. I put my guitars up on the wall. Since I’ve acquired chronic amnesia, I can’t remember when, I needed all the help I can get
  18. I have a stub piano with knobs and buttons on it! when I play this wire I have connected to the pc it lights up. Just like my lava lamp ?
  19. I apologize for being useless especially in the 4th octave I apologize for existing in only a 3 octave universe I apologize for speaking Greek (well it's greek to me too!) I apologize for not knowing any key except what Bapu taught me which is Am I apologize for not having a lute or harpsichord to fall in love with but I Am working on it I apologize for being a weirdo ,,,wait ,,that wasn't Craig (you know whom you are!) most of all I apologize for apologizing
  20. But if I do that wouldn't I have to apologize to Mary
  21. Useful if you're not familiar with it If you already know this ....carry on
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