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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. I was going to call you mixor. Well it made cents at the time
  2. Everyday I come in my DAW room and turn on my lava lamp, speakers and background lights. Not by some exotic dance as Bapu would have you believe but but switch. I start my session if I'm not working on a specific song or backing track by thinking up something in my head. An idea, melody, rhythm, lick, or sound then start putting tracks together. I mean to do a recording and post it but I always run out of time. I get it recorded but I never keep anything I don't save the session and then repeat the same thing the next day. One of these days I'm going to keep going till I have a song and actually post it. I guess I've grown lazy in my old age.
  3. I love raspberry anything! Mostly pastries though
  4. "my Doctor and anyone else that knows me reefers to me as having an Abby Normal brain. " So Abby normal is a good thing! Sweet!
  5. I must interject, due to the fact posted above, that because of extracurricular activities the amount of usable gray matter is balanced to the average person due to millions of brain that are cells are killed. ( you know who you are and what you did) This results in a almost normal person which is why my Doctor and anyone else that knows me reefers to me as having an Abby Normal brain. Thank you for your support
  6. Which reminds me, according to a study, it is concluded that the volume of the cortex (grey matter) is highest in the professional musicians! Drummers TOO!
  7. Welcome tomixornot! Glad see you here! I too took the plunge into Bandlab. Looking pretty good!
  8. Speaking of random thoughts craigb, have you ever seen a Ewes drink a glass of water? WATER. craigb water is the source of all life! 7/10ths of this Earths surface is water! Why, do you realize 70% of ewe is water! And as Coffee House Dwellers you and I need fresh pure water to replenish our precious bodily fluids
  9. I interrupt this Fred for an important massage! DID YOU KNOW Vending machines kill 4 times as many people as sharks per year?
  10. That's why I learned to play by ear. When that gets hurt I go to feet and toes sometimes but playing by nose works best
  11. Groovy! I was looking for a new show to get into that has coffee in it! I found a house with it with Becan so I Am happy!
  12. I'll hold out for the Walnut Special Sale when Cherry ES-335's go on sale sale
  13. My Fred My precious Fred .....what has happened to you?
  14. " isn't a vuvuzela a female body part?" Sounds very fun to play with admire and or make soup
  15. "Depends on which of "us" you're referring to, the "smart" one or the "smart-ass" one." or OKAY
  16. Wow I Am loving CbB! Going thru tutorials this weekend to check out differences between it and Platinum! I feel smarter and more like Craig every minute!
  17. Try some pads and with instruments you haven't used. Think in compound time. Try varying rhythms. Try to hear sounds melodies in your mind then playing and recording them. Write and rewrite what you come up with. Listen to bands you've never heard of. Check out songs on the Song Forum
  18. Wow I need a chord like that one! AND it's under $50!
  19. What cool kids? In the CH? ha haha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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