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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. IMPRESSIVE! Always great for everyone to know exactly where your head is!
  2. my feeling are not hurt one little bit ?
  3. D’uh I forgot about that. Dang I wonder if they’re still there?
  4. They stuck at me several times. Luckily they didn’t get me.
  5. I don’t kill them though. I took both to the lake edge and released them
  6. Jerry reed didn’t have any in that photo
  7. Cept for my gray hair
  8. Dat’s pretty accurate
  9. Yesterday I had to battle a Water Moccasin on the porch. This morning a rattler in the kitchen. It's getting to where is not safe in the bayou!
  10. I play what I like so I like what I play. Hopefully others will too as long as it's in Am
  11. Interesting. Are they playing together or separately?
  12. If an arpeggiator that can be edited becomes available please let me know. I sure could use one
  13. I don't mean to brag but I was the one that came up with glow in the dark sunglasses
  14. Grass is cut, all is back where it belongs! Everything has dried out enough Chili cheese dogs with lots of onions and Becan. Root beer and a hot fudge sundae GOT may be tonight also even though I Am not Shure I'll like it after some of the comments I've herd
  15. Thanks Ed! Taking a short pause from unpacking. Gas is turned on electric is on. I think all that's left is the Nintendo ? after all I still love Zelda and Metroid
  16. If I have time I'll write up a tune and call it Flood Warning. Gotta put things away and restore sanity
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