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Everything posted by bayoubill

  1. Come to think of it, Bapu has had the most influence of my playing over 10 years and is why I sound like I do today LET’S GET HIM !!!!!
  2. Happy birthday Mesh and Daryl!!! May each be better than the last!
  3. I just don't get it. XX wants me to be healthy so she said I need smoothies, I completely agreed and today I make me a chocolate smoothie with banana thrown in for that extra health. Well she said it 's not a smoothie but I beg to differ! I filled half a glass with 2% milk , added 1 banana, a respectful scoop of chocolate ice cream then blended. I added more sustenance with a peanut butter sandwich on the side to complete the wholesomeness of a nutritious and beneficial meal! What's wrong with that?
  4. I don't know about all that BUT I Am an expert on playing with myself!!!
  5. I Am sirtanly going to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to them! I Am also going to eat cake and ice cream on their behalf to deaden my belated birthday pain
  6. I looked at the clock and accordion to that about 20 minutes
  7. Sorry to hear about that. I feel your pain
  8. I started in 1964 but after blisters and no one that could show me anything I put it away I moved to California in late 65' and picked it up again. I learned some basics and Chuck Berry boogie rhythms but didn't play all that much I think late summer of 67' I was leaning against a car in my front yard listening to the radio and heard the most amazing songs ever for the first time and my life changed forever. I'd never heard anything like it and from that point on all I've wanted is to learn all I can about making music with a guitar. It was Jimi Hendtrix Are you experienced. It wasn't even released yet I don't think. I struggled with that Silvertone till I could buy a better one. After working at Jewell Paula Record company thru the summer of the next year I bought an American Standard Stratocaster and a Fender Princeton amp. Thus in 1967 it began
  9. I Am cooking BBQ ribs potatos Obrian and garden salad for supper then cake and ice cream! again
  10. I've tried that several times but the cake and ice cream get all runny and all
  11. ok I admit this is all my fault ? I apologize to all the Fredsters for not letting you blatantly know it was my birthday i feel unclean now ☹️ On the upside I have an excuse to eat cake and ice cream again for Daryl and Mesh's birthday the 7th!
  12. this displays a sense of synchronicity curiously in 2 parts
  13. Every time I walk into my little studio I Am refreshed by the scent of new guitar smell. It's intoxicating! Being a Fredster of the coffee house so I feel this is impertinent ah ... important information! even though no one said happy birthday to me it's ok just fine my feelings are not hurt one little bit
  14. I remember when I was told “ happy birthday “
  15. I still use Dimension Pro Expansion Pack 3. Works for me and it doesn't cost anything
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STRUMMY! this all looks very familiar jasha view
  17. " I'd say something else but the forum is rated PG " I feel your pain ? I grown rather fond some some of the pictures here
  18. I was randomly thinking why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? or If the temperature is zero outside today and it's going to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold could it be? but more importantly If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
  19. Sung LIke "Leaving On A Jet Plane" All my bags are packed I Am ready to go I Am standin' here outside my door I'd love to take you out for llama pie But the dawn is breakin' It's early morn The taxi's waitin' He's blowin' his horn Already this is so loathsome I could die I Am leaving on a jet plane Don't know if she likes Jack or gin Oh babe do you have llama toe?
  20. Right gray shoe with bluegreen laces
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