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Alan Tubbs

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Everything posted by Alan Tubbs

  1. ASIO drivers organize the outs in stereo. Just the way it is.
  2. Yes. Change your piano track to track one and recorded in mono. Track two (mono) should be the vocals. Now you can treat the two instruments separately with eq, vol automation, panning etc. OF Course there will be bleed as the piano will overpower the vox at times. Same with your vox over the music. but unless your room is treated your are likely not recording a great signal, which muddies the soundstage. there is a lot to recording, esp acoustic instruments. As said above, it is like learning a new instrument. Keep at it and you will get better. as to the recoding, the vox seems to have much more reverb, while the piano doesn’t. That sounds unnatural. But not bad for an early recording. Stevie Nicks only had to worry about singing in a million dollar room with a million dollar’s worth of equipment and a million dollars with recording talent. Think about it that way.
  3. Alan Tubbs

    Studio Desk

    IKEA used to have a desk that worked for studio desk. You might give them a look and add some floor racks.
  4. Why stereo recording of mono tracks? you should have two tracks of mono WAV files that you MIX together in real-time to a stereo wav file. Then render that mix to whatever spec you need, wav, mp3 etc. you can then append that to video. FYI I don’t work with video in sonar.
  5. Never let complexity overwhelm production. Still this next release should be exciting.
  6. I’ve had problems with all three synths, rapture, dimension and rap pro. I’ve had cake staff walk me thru installation, change stuff behind the scenes and those synths still pop up with bad registrations. It is hardly worth it (tho I love them). No doubt I’ll open an old project one day and have to spend the time to get one of them working. so no. The solutions advocated don’t always work. They should but don’t. It is probably because I have a dozen different installs going of the sfz synths and not even cake knows which one works. It took a week working with Joshua to get them working last time. That ain’t right. Bandlab can’t afford to provide such service for dead products.
  7. Try a hardware 1176. They are more expensive but a lot more fun. You get to play guitar and comp at once.
  8. Don’t know what positive grid riff is but as far as drivers go, you get one asio driver only. So Cakewalk will only see its asio driver not two.
  9. Nice song that works. I thought originally the voice should be angrier. But I think the idea of raising the temperature of the voice as the song goes on, esp at the end. Make the vocal different at the end, emotionally and rhythmically. That will help with the feeling the song doesn’t go anywhere. It starts out upset but doesn’t reach a positive outcome. Build up to a real anger. See early John Cale for examples. and yea, the vocals need to come down some but you can bring them up toward the end.
  10. The Audient ID44 has a power switch on the rear, don’t know about the others. But as pointed out above, there are other methods for turning it on/off. That is hardly disqualifying in my mind, but if you need that feature … While real interfaces (as opposed to internal sound cards) aren’t designed for handling many of the video/audio codecs of the internet, I’ve never had problems. Except if I have the audio set loud and some of the windows sounds are too loud. good luck
  11. I would think most any interface meets your 7 wants. The most important thing is money. for 3000$ you can get a racked lynx with all sorts of digital modules or go from 8 to 16 ADA for another grand. No pres, however. on a more affordable scale I think the Audient is a great line. Their new 2x2 unit ought to work fine for you. For about a tenth of the lynx cost. If Motu has worked out the kinks with windows, the motu mk 5 looks like a winner, tho it has a plethora of ins outs for about $600. I almost got a motu mk 5 but wasn’t sure how well that would work on pc. So nice to know about the 4 software, rsinger .
  12. Alan Tubbs


    Perfect tempo for the song. Really nice.. the production does feel a little light for the first minute. Then the lead moves lower and fills in th bass frequencies. And the drums come up a little and fills in the sonic space. Nit picking, really, but something to listen for. @
  13. Very nicely done. Couldn’t think of any complaints. Clever lyrics.
  14. Bad expectation. I still miss my Komplexer synth. your best bet is to try to contact some of the old staff who have helped others. Do a search on Rapture synth demo mode should give you a name (s).
  15. Black hole is one of my favs. there are also several new (granular reverbs out that that can produce textured backgrounds that are in sync and in tune. things texture, arturia Fragments and outputs Portal.
  16. Nice poppy tune. It might need some more space in the background sounds, thin them out to make room for the vocal. Just a little. And I would, at the end when the lead instrument comes in, thin out the rest of the tracks and fade them out by the end so all that is left t is the lead, which has a great texture. @
  17. Nice groove when it gets started. I’d like to hear more. Nice keys work, too.
  18. I’ve bought one wave plugin and wasn’t impressed. Besides, about 10 years ago they sent people around studios surreptitiously and if the studio had any unregistered wave products waves sued them. made me want to use their product for sure. Nice folk.
  19. There seem to be some problems with dim pro and rapture pro. It turns to demo mode and won’t reinstate.. there is one fix which bandlab can do. Otherwise there is a long process that can help but that was thru cakewalk, too.
  20. You have to go to. The Bandlab site, register and then download your free cakewalk by Bandlab.
  21. Great effect. Only regret is I paid twice that.
  22. HardwarenD Shaping while recording makes it much easier to shape in the box or using external hardware. -3dB while recording means you can use another - 3 dB compression, making a gentler, more natural sound from compression than slamming it in the box or mastering. And the imperfections are part of the charm. The best engineering of vox I’ve ever done was gain riding an la2a itself during the take. Glorious saturation while controlling the volume. Cant do that with software, I think, tho there may be work arounds. the most interesting bit of kit I’ve bought lately is the RND Orbit summing mixer. It is transformer coupled on the outputs. Running a hot signal thru the output shows exactly how much a transformer (by Rupert Neve) can sweeten the sound. Once you hear it you can’t not hear it. To my ears software solutions are great for precision control of vol for comps or surgical cuts for eq. But if I want mojo on a channel, it is hardware. and as for pro mixers who are in the box, one often forgets their tracks have been recorded in pro tuned rooms with expensive hardware . They already have all the analog magic built in.
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