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Everything posted by KSband

  1. KSband


    Nice pop tune. I like the lead guitar.
  2. Very nice song John and good playing as always.
  3. KSband


    This is a very cool sounding track. The drums are a bit too frantic for me and I agree with Wook, too out front. I like your idea though. I have recently been thinking of trying either addictive drums or ezdrummer 2, I feel like my Jamstix is limited in its flexibility.
  4. Very nice song, very catchy. I like the sound of the drums, what are you using?
  5. It's a pretty tune. Nice playing too.
  6. KSband

    Sonic Gems

    Like the tone you're getting there, it has that Dumble sound to it, what are you playing through?
  7. It sounds very thin and the distortion sounds kind of muddy. Maybe a different amp plugin (if that's what you used). I think it would sound better with less distortion. After listening again the bass could be fattened up too.
  8. Very nice, like your voice, good melody too. Only thing wasn't crazy about was the guitar solo.
  9. KSband

    Troubled Times

    Sounds good, definitely an 80's vibe.
  10. That's a cool song! The vocals on the first verse don't sound as loud as the rest but other than that it's great.
  11. Nice song and vocals. The only thing I would change is have some stronger drums come in late in the song to change it up and then back down for the ending, hey it's good as is too.
  12. Cool sounding littlel tune!
  13. KSband


    Cool song, the recording sounds good.
  14. You have a nice voice. Interesting take on a pretty song.
  15. Sounds good but I don't think the harp improved it, I like the guitar better.
  16. KSband

    Precious Time

    You are really getting it dialed it, it's a really beautiful track. The bass sounds good. For me the snare is a little crispy, but other than that it sounds finished. Very nice.
  17. Good sounding production, she has a nice voice too.
  18. KSband

    Precious Time

    Sounds better, the organ is a big improvement, although I think I would use a leslie off and on for effect. The other keys sound cool. Still not crazy about the drums, I would experiment with some other kits, I think the bass and drums are better bit still low in volume. Nice track you're getting it polished.
  19. KSband

    Precious Time

    Thanks Rex, I think we all need another set of ears to listen. My wife gives me critique on my stuff and usually I agree, I'm hearing what she said but maybe was in denial that I needed to change it until it is pointed out.
  20. KSband

    Precious Time

    So my usual comment, the drums sound really weak like an after thought. I think they would sound better either louder or not there at all. I would replace the opening organ with a more B3 classic sounding one. It's a nice song, good vocals.
  21. I think you new mix sounds good!
  22. It's a good raw sounding rockin' blues tune I like it. Dig your guitar tones and playing. I do think the bass kind of gets lost, not sure if panning the guitar to one side a little would help maybe. I think the vocals might sound good thru some tube distortion, to give it that old harmonica mic sound. Or leave it alone it's a cool song.
  23. Nice melody and very good playing, good song.
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