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Posts posted by KSband


    Really like this, it's a toe tapper.  That bass line is too cool, the guitar, sax, keys all great stuff. Always excited to see one of your songs here, thanks for sharing.

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  1. I have weird random problems with various vst instruments that change settings on their own. My Jamstix drum program will go to zero volume or the kit will not produce sound and I have to reload the kit to get it back, I think I did this 5 times yesterday. My synth and keyboard plugins will keep dropping the volume to zero and sometimes change the sounds I have selected. Is there a setting somewhere that allows these changes?

  2. I can totally hear Petty there, love his stuff. Every time I finish a song I start thinking it's the last good one I'll ever come up with. Who knows where they come from and if it may dry up, but you gotta keep trying. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Things sound pretty good but the kick is really distracting. It's a big woofy over powering thump. I don't think it fits at all, but if you love it at least turn it down. The trumpet sounds great.

  4. Cool tune! Fusion is my favorite genre. Very good playing, I'm jealous.  Those drums must have been a lot of work, I can't imagine.  My only little niggle is the bass seems weak, I think the song would have more impact with a bit more bottom. Great job on this one man.

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  5. OMG, we used one of those 688's back in the 90's. All the punching in and out we ruined the heads and kind of barely salvaged a years worth of band recording.  I do think certain things sounded better recorded to tape, rhythm guitar sounds were great, vocals were better too. Don't remember mine being midi, just a cassette.

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    You never seem to run out ideas, amazing. Great guitar playing, cool changes. I dig that sultry trumpet too.

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