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Posts posted by KSband

  1. This is a good one Kevin!  Great  arrangement with the guitars and keys really complimenting the vocals. Mix sounds good to me.

  2. Thanks for the listen Tom. I think it was panned some , don't remember I'll take a look. I think I panned the rhythm guitar and the strings opposite each other. 

  3. 11 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

    The sax is the stand out - the classical guitar could maybe use a slight lift? I don't know, it sounds a little lost in the mix on my headphones - perhaps a touch of reverb would give it some more presence but these are very fine margins. An extremely well done piece - very enjoyable listen.


    Thanks for listening.  I'll take another look at the guitar level. It does have reverb, I feel like I have overdone the reverb in the past so was trying to be more conservative.  

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