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Dave Maffris

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Everything posted by Dave Maffris

  1. The price for professional upgrade from 4 to 5 is only $75, half the standard upgrade price, and way below the best price of $128 I've seen online. But anyone know what the requirements are. At B&H photo I could put it in my cart and check out, but at what point will the "educational institution" prevent one from installing and/or operating it? Anyone know, I am too chicken to just hit the "Place Order" button....
  2. I have quite a few, like Pianoteq, Lounge Lizard, Scarbee's Rhodes 88 (my current daily go-to), but I have to admit this sounds as good or better than any of them. W Orange slices, it's still about $119, so I think I will wait a bit, but inevitably I will get it, I have all their other products and they are daily staples for me. And someday I'll probably spring for Spectrasonics product. But it is curious how many great EP's there are, and I guess it's just an individual thing. As a former Rhodes and Wurly owner, I enjoy all the emulations, and they are surely easier to carry, lol.
  3. cool, I might go in, if only for the notation and stage features--could get me to switch from CbB eventually.
  4. I was interested, but the whole Satanic emblem thing is giving me pause, too. Plus, I'm not a metal guy at all, farthest from it, in fact. I'm guessing it would sound good on different genres, but for now I guess it's not really something I need. Still, the features are great and the price is right...hmm..principles or practicality always struggle with each other.
  5. True enough. Never been a fan of subscription software services, anyway. Unless the other add-ons have any value, and I'm not at all sure...it's only a psychological ploy to myself to get me to deep dive into SO, rather than having paid good $$ for it to sit on the shelf, so to speak. Oh, well, there's no rush for me on this...
  6. At that price I may bite...however, although I've never been a fan of the subscription model, maybe if I do a year subscription (litle more than the upgrade would cost, it would put some pressure on me to finally really learn the software and decide if I want to start using it regularly. Kind of "try after you buy," since I've already invested in it, but never found the sweet spot for useage (mostly just mastering a project of several recordings/album). The live thing and collaboration might well be of interest, and the notation upgrade could help me a lot, too.
  7. https://commercial.presonus.com/about/presonus-history#:~:text=PreSonus History-,PreSonus History,%2C hardware%2C and related accessories. Presonus history
  8. Hmmm....ok that's 1 product. Not sure if I'm excited or not...and the other?
  9. I'm considering trying this out. I have been putting together a new album, and also have videos I've made of many of the tunes, too. Looks promising, since I am not giging right now due to the Covid-19 situation, all my time's been spent in studio..
  10. Was not something I thought about, since I do not own Cubase (I do own Cubasis for ipad, however, but it's not relevant, either). And FWIW, through the years when looking at Cubase I just never took a liking to it, somehow finding it more difficult than other DAW's to learn, or with limitations (despite the powerful featues they do have). I also am down on dongles. But I am doing a lot more video production now, and so Nuendo (which an old friend of mine has used for years) at a relatively low price for entry, is kind of tickling me in the wallet. Just sayin'.
  11. Competitive crossgrade for owners of Sonar Platinum or Professional x2 or later (not CbB) or Studio One Professional. I have both . Probably won't do it, but that's a decent price, I'd say. https://new.steinberg.net/nuendo/20-years/
  12. I've been having this issue intermittently recently, when first booting up. A reboot solves it. My interface is a Presonus Quantum. I havent changed anything nor do I do anything different when booting up in the morning. It doesn't happen all the time, but has happened more in the last week or two than before. Easy enough to resolve, but annoying, nonetheless.
  13. So the drum kits are unique with this library, so better to use it in EZ. It will play in Superior, but some of the stuff may need to be remapped or even not used, because I didn't see a way to load the Cuban drum kit pieces in Superior. Still, it is unique and hopefully will come in handy for the right music productions.
  14. I'm still installing, but my other EZ drummer libraries load fine in SD3..
  15. Quick listen of the demo and this sounds great, I think it's very different from the Latin Perc kit, which I have owned and used for years. It has a mix of traditional drum heads and percussion, plus the beats, the afro-cuban, etc. are more distinctly latin and less generic. I'm springing for this one...
  16. Audiodeluxe has the same for 129.99, because of the Spring Coupon Code...SPRING2020, auto applied in the cart area. I'm weakening now....
  17. Yes, yes, yes,...have to upgrade...soon....
  18. Still wondering if I really need this. I recently broke down for a sale price and got MODO Drums (I like the bass), and after trying it on one project, I preferred the sound of my Superior 3 kits, or at least I could get them to sound the way I want. But the MODO drums has some good midi grooves I can use. For the price, is probably worth trying, it does have capabilities that other programs don't have. And they sound fantastic, too. What the heck...
  19. The walkthrough video was impressive. Pondering, at that price (normally $199) it seems like it might well be worthwhile. And the dude playing it was phenomenal.
  20. Thanks, Scott! I use a lot of their products and was looking for another sale to save a bit on the titles I don't yet own. Will go there and check this out.
  21. Would you mind providing a few details, such as: is it inserted as a plug-in in the Pro Channel strip? Or as an FX insert, or as part of an FX chain. Currently, I use Cakewalk's Console Emulator on each channel and bus. Any feedback on whether this is superior to that? Your favorite emulation and how you dial it in? For $19 I would think it's a no-brainer. And I would be trying it out on Studio One which doesn't have the ProChannel strip, but has their own branded console emulation as an add-on, I believe. Thanks.
  22. All I needed was to watch the video and at $49, just bought it on the spot! This sounds pretty dang good, I will use this thang. Installing now...
  23. Most everything is great on the new update (I have the release candidate) but I noticed one thing that's different that is a small problem--I use Toontrack's Superior Drummer 3 and previously, I could use the inspector's clip properties to identify which midi loop I used by it's full name by hovering over it at the top, but now it seems to just give me a truncated name--the clip itself has the name, but it's too small to read. I may be imagining this issue, but I think not. Later on I will see if I can pull up a screen shot if needed.
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