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Dave Maffris

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Everything posted by Dave Maffris

  1. Do we have to use the download installer to get it? THere's no toast notification and check for updates says I have the latest version. Assuming the answer is yes?
  2. I have a serious problem figuring this one out> I'm trying to make stems out of several tracks, which I used to do by using the bounce to track item, choosing my tracks and selecting a new track to bounce it to. When doing this now, it says the destination track is a new track, but when finished, it creates individual tracks for each selected track, and not a mix of the tracks to create a stem. If I'm doing something wrong, please tell me, because I absolutely cannot use this feature unless I can create and/or export the stems and not simply create single tracks when I attempt to bounce or export. Thanks! UPDATE August 28: I figured out what I had to do, and have solved the issue, I believe.
  3. I'm excited about the new export features--as a composer who has music in music libraries for sync placements, I need to export stems and cut down mixes, etc. This new update looks like it will streamline the process tremendously--and the tags/filenames will also help keep them properly labeled and sorted, both for myself and my music library. Also, for projects I produce for others this will be fabulous. Kudos to the Cakewalk bakers, this time you have really added a feature I expect to use extensively and that will make my life much easier so I can churn out new compositions more frequently. Will try this out over the next week once I install the release candidate and hope there are no bugs introduced. Thank you for this.
  4. Interesting looking update, I usually don't do early access, but I might this time. If I read this correctly, exporting individual arranger sections as audio would save me a huge amount of time and effort when exporting cut-downs of mixes that I need to create. Stem export also looks promising, too, as I also need to export stems frequently in my work as a composer. Gonna give this a spin, I thin'
  5. So I bought Majestica yesterday, at 65% off. However, no freebie was sent as of yet. So I see the next day they offer Majestica at 55% off and with the free Choir--I am going to see if I can get in on that somehow by contacting 8DIO. UPDATE: good news, yesterday the freebie was ostinato strings (another one I would like) and I contacted them, and while I didn't see it in my account initially, it's now there, so I'm downloading now! Yay.
  6. May I ask how you rate this library, I am starting to use more of 8DIO's products lately and like them. However I do have two other orchestral libraries that are very good, Spitfire's Abby Road One and BBC Orchestra Core. I would love to get this and the price is right, but don't know if it will supplement or duplicate what I already am using extensively.
  7. will do. Sometimes it's good to have choices, other times...too many, lol.
  8. So after contacting Izotope, they were able to create a link for me to get the subscription for $49 first year. It's a risk if it's worth it in the longer run, but I went ahead and took the plunge. I use their products on every project extensively--would love the new features, and the first year deal is great, including groove 3 pass (which I have yet to try out). So once I get updated with all the latest versions, etc. I'll have an idea if I made the right decision. If not, I guess by next year I'll know if some other suite of tools (like Fabfilter, Universal Audio, Waves) would be as good or better to switch too. Wish me luck into the dark side of subscription software membership....(shuddering)...
  9. Do you own the Abby Road or BBC Core like I do, and how do they compare/contrast, if I may ask? Thanks as always...
  10. Still I may bite on this for $179--although I'm using Abby Road and BBC orchestras by Spitfire, this is an impressive product, plus I'd get the Ostinato Strings for free. Any thoughts on whether this orchestra would supplement/complement or duplicate my BBC Core and Abbey Road One collection, before I plunk down my hard-earned $$$? Thanks.
  11. Hmm, been eyeing an external, was gonna go with SSD to match my computer's drives, but really, for storage? That's a good deal. But reading reviews of it on BB site, a lot of folks were able to score this drive for $190 during Black Friday, so I might just hold off and see what is offered then--
  12. I contacted Izotope today, and while they had no immediate answer for me, they said they would see about it on Monday--apparently they use an algorithm to send out the offers, and there could be a glitch and users who should have been targeted for this offer were not. We'll see. Too bad for them, I am a loyal customer, and now I wouldn't purchase this at $149 under any circumstances, so frankly they may have lost a sale and future full-price subscription. I'm surprised they didn't just go ahead and make the offer to me--it's bad customer relations to put me off with a "maybe Monday" answer. This company is based in my former home State, too! Geez. Anyway..maybe it's time I switched to Fabfilter plug ins, which everyone raves about. Just for spite.
  13. I get plenty of emails from them, but not this one, which ironically is one of the few I would actually jump on. I'll try the chat, thanks!
  14. Very interested in this one...GAS strikes again?
  15. and I own most of their products, have upgraded frequently....wonder why I don't have that offer....got an email from izotope today, the only "deal" was to purchase the Music Production Suite 4 for $149.00. Not.
  16. I didn't get this offer...yet,...but if I do, I'm going there. Yes, subscriptions are a difficult pill to swallow when one has always "purchased" software, but on the other hand, we do upgrade regularly, and that costs $$$$, too. I used to feel the same about "owning" digital music, now I subscribe to Apple Music, for example. Convenience has its cost, I guess. The world is changing fast, and this is the model that is catching on everywhere with businesses and the music business is not immune to it. So philosophically and psychologically it's a shift, but I'm gradually being converted to a subscription person. So be it, if you can't beat em...
  17. 98 or greater than 98, the website says more than 98, and they have a few interesting ones priced exactly at 98...just wondering. I may go for another one, anyway that I've been looking at. Lucky for you, though!
  18. How did you get the freebie only spending 34 bucks?
  19. Agreed, it's a clear winner and I have several good ones, too. This will replace them in most, if not all use cases. And I have owned a Fender Rhodes (forget which model) and played many a suitcase model one during my younger playing days in Chicago.
  20. THe Harp is excellent, use it a lot! As are all of OTS' products, of which I own every one.
  21. I have NI action strings, but don't really like it, therefore I was hoping this one would be an upgrade. Still haven't pulled the trigger, however.
  22. Was looking at this one the other day after getting an email from KHS, and I almost got it then...I think that means I'm gonna get it...
  23. Wow. Just wow. Trying to keep from jumping...I finally got Noire, then I found and acquired Ascend, I have a couple of felt pianos, as well as yada yada others...and still...I want this...GAS strikes again...beautiful walkthrough...
  24. My computer appararently also won't run Windows 11, and I'm shocked, since it's only a couple of year's old and a monster built by Jim Roseberry--maybe you could weigh in on this subject, Jim, if you are still watching this forum? I am reluctant to mess with BIOS settings, etc., because frankly I don't know what I'm doing on that level and if my machine goes out, I'm in big trouble...
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