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Dave Maffris

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Everything posted by Dave Maffris

  1. I am intrigued. As a dedicated SD3 user, it would have to be very good to compete with SD3. I am, however, an enthusiastic user of the Modo Bass, which I got at a great promo price in the early days of it's launch. I also have other physically modeled instruments I love, such as Pianoteq and AAS Lounge Lizard, for examples. Physically modeled virtual instruments have a couple of advantages over sampled VST's. One is the smaller footprint and faster load times. The other, more importantly, is that a physical model simulates real world playing better than samples. A recorded sample is just that, a recording that cannot be altered, just processed. However, a physically modeled instrument can predict variations in performance on the fly and provide greater variety of articulations, in that a human being will never hit the keys/drums/cymbals/guitar/bass strings the same each time, and will vary the articulation either purposefully or randomly. Samples w round-robin are great, too, but still limited; and I believe (not absolutely sure of this) that the variations are virtually limitless in a physically modeled instrument. Mathematics algorithms are used to produce the variations (if your arm is getting fatigued you might hit the strings with less force or at a different angle, for example). It sounds crazy, but I believe it is the future of VST's. I will always use and enjoy both types of virtual instruments, but MODO bass convinced me that IK can do the job well enough to risk the expenditure (it would be $150 for me as a MODO bass user). Still mulling it over, and don't know when the actual release is scheduled, but I'm inclined to give this a whirl.
  2. This could be a very fine deal, given it's usual price ($598). I have read good things about it, but not sure if it's worth the deal.
  3. Woohoo. This should be good. I’m sure I’ll be getting this at some point, currently I only have a small amount of orange slices.
  4. sounds really good...have yet to be happy with any virtual sax I've owned--and have not sprung for the Samplemodeling ones, which are the only ones up to now that sounded authentic to me. This sounds as good, yet is half the price.
  5. How does this compare with Izotope RX6 standard, which for me would cost at least $150?
  6. I had an SC8850 I loved for years, but it is long gone. My virtual instruments now are superior to it, except for that wonderful saxophone that growled when struck at high velocity on the keyboard.
  7. Orangetree Sample's vibes are excellent go to orangetreesamples.com and give a listen. https://www.orangetreesamples.com/products/pure-jazz-vibes
  8. Thanks, everyone. I had to uninstall it and re-download the latest version. Trying to update it with "run as administrator" did not make a difference. I used to be able to update with a simple click, but we'll see at the next update what gives. All set now, though, thanks.
  9. For some reason I can no longer update Bandlab Assistant. I get an error and the program becomes inoperable, in that I cannot get into settings or update my software. I can update CbB online, but not with the Bandlab Assistant tool. This is recent, and my only changes were Windows 7 Pro updates that occur from time to time on my machine. I click the update button, and it says "update failed, please try again." However clicking the update button does nothing, I have to close the program. If you can help, please let me know, thanks.
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