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Everything posted by HIBI

  1. Just guessing because I don't have AirTurn QUAD... Maybe you have to change the mode to send space bar signal on the AirTurn QUAD. Mode 2 or 6, seems these modes have "Space". See: Page 8~10 of BT 106 Manual (Note: Direct link)
  2. Are there any effect plugins like a limiter which output is set to -5dB on Master bus or other bus? Screenshot of Console view might help.
  3. As far as I know, display language of Cakewalk is localized only a few times a year. So we have to wait until next localization if added new menus by updates.
  4. Aight i did but it didn't work still... I don't know why did you move Iowa Piano - 64.dll file, too. Anyway glad to hear that now it's works.
  5. @António Brites Iowa Piano - 64.mse file must be located in a sub folder it's named Iowa Piano - 64.instruments, I think. So make Iowa Piano - 64.instruments folder there and then move Iowa Piano - 64.mse file into that folder.
  6. @António Brites Seems missing "Iowa Piano - 64.mse" file. Is there "Iowa Piano - 64.instruments" folder it contains "Iowa Piano - 64.mse" in "Iowa_Piano_-_64" folder which installed (copied) to plugin folder?
  7. It's my pleasure. I'm glad to hear it works well now.
  8. I don't know why you had to switch off the FX inside BFD. In BFD, you can use General Trim in Tech panel per kit or the console volume faders to avoid clipping. I don't know why BFD crashes when saving preset. and I think saving kits is not necessary before saving presets. If you do that on BFD standalone mode, is it works well?
  9. If the bass track has a region of the waveform which contains only humming noise (no electric bass sound), Noise Reduction in Audacity may be works.
  10. What is a tick box for cakewalk? I've never seen it since when first distributing of Cakewalk by BandLab is starting. To install Cakewalk, just click install button at the Apps tab and no need ticking Add-ons install. Seems BandLab Assistant on your screenshot is still having Install button. The issue you have is Install button is not change to Open button even if did installing Cakewalk? Is there a shortcut of Cakewalk by BandLab on your desktop? Have you tried launching Cakewalk? If run it, It's a demo mode?
  11. I did try it. In conclusion, ".Instrument Definitions" section is necessary. So the minimum configuration of .ins file for importing is ".Instrument Definitions" and ".Note Names" sections. Now, I can add "Note Names" what I made to the drop down list in the Note Names dialog box! Thank you so much!
  12. Thank you for your reply! The minimum configuration of .ins files that can be imported is .Note Names section? Also needs containing .Instrument Definitions section? or all the other sections are required?
  13. You can also mention with using username like this => @haskins02 Just typing username after "@" This will send a notification to the user.
  14. Anyone? My description is bad?
  15. Yes, <-||-> S cursor will appiear at where Now time was located when you did clear the selection last time. Already Bakers know that and I believe it's fixed next update.
  16. Thanks! Updating took longer than expected... So I was worried because there was no progress indicator or something like that. I got no error message and anything happened but indicator of network router was blinking so I was waiting about 10 minutes or more. Seemed it was downloading. Finaly it's completed updating and then login window appeared.
  17. It's really easy. Just try it. Select Snare on the console in BFD3 to get focus. At right side [Bleed] section in BFD3, turn Return knob to the left. If you turn Return knob to the left, you will never hear Bass drum, Hi-Hat and Cymbals from Snare track. You can check these options behavior on BFD3 Operation Manual.
  18. Yes, BFD has bleed option. Check "Bleed section" out on BFD3 Operation Manual.
  19. According to ProChannel EQ in the Track Inspector, seems it's getting signal. If disabling plugins on "out BFD Snare" bus C, you can hear snare sound? FX Chain maybe contain a plugin which is in the way the signal?
  20. Sorry for asking back. You mean I should have the Fx only in the busses, and not in the tracks? What exactly do you mean when saying, "I would disable these..." I intend to have some Fx exclusively for one track, and others in the busses, affecting the sounds of more instruments (tracks). I don't think that following three SENDs are needed as @ChernobylStudios said. SENDs on Track 17 - BFD_Snare (to BFD Snare bus) SENDs on Track 23 - Z3TA+2_64 1 (to BassBus) SENDs on Bus C - BFD Snare (to BFD Master bus F) These are correctly routed in In/Out module already. So if you are also using SENDs is like double routing to same bus.
  21. This is good things to know when recommending CbB to newbies. Also tempo mapping with drag and drop to the timeline ruler is works?
  22. You might want to install only Cakewalk first without Add-ons. There are case in which this is works.
  23. Can we make "Note Names" for some virtual instruments which have articulation key switches and add it to "Use these Note Names instead" drop down list in the Note Names dialog box at the PRV? Need making .ins file to just realize it? or making drum maps instead is better?
  24. I got errors twice. When registering AudioPluginDeals account. Resolved with just reload the page. (Already I was logging in.) When registering a new product on Eventide. Resolved with going My Products page. (Already Quadravox Native was added.) Now, downloading...
  25. Studio Instruments should appear as VST Instruments (VSTi) in the Cakewalk Plug-in Manager. (Open from Utilities menu) If those plugins are listed in there, scan was already succeed.
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