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Everything posted by jude77

  1. Total truth here. JS is deeeeep and will do amazing things, but you've got to be willing to put in the time to get the best out.
  2. This is very cool! Congradulations!
  3. How about some of you guys who have bought ST4 giving us your thoughts. Are there bugs (I seem to remember some problems with ST3 in the beginning)? Are the new sounds better/worse/the same as ST3? Are you glad you pulled the trigger? Sorry? If you had it to do over would you buy now or wait? Are there alternatives you prefer? Any thoughts at all would be appreciated. Thanks.
  4. I spent a Loooong time trying to figure out JS, and didn't get very far. Then I broke down and read the manual and a lot of things opened up. I still don't totally understand it, but it is an amazing program that can deliver the goods. Now I just wish Ray would develop a pack for folk/americana.
  5. It's government math. Sort of like "We want to tax your income and the rate will never be above 2%."
  6. jude77

    Steinberg Warning

    I finally created a dummy email just to sign up for that stuff. It gets some really interesting spam.
  7. jude77

    Steinberg Warning

    That's what gets me. It seems like Steinberg just blew him off. "So, somebody hacked your account and stole your stuff? Oh well, gotta run."
  8. jude77

    Steinberg Warning

    That's a very scary cautionary tale. I guess the lesson is start keeping every receipt. You figure that companies would keep their own receipts off line somewhere in case this sort of thing happens (which it seems to do every day).
  9. That's the truth. I prefer the sound of AD2 to EZ2, but EZ2 really is soooo easy when it comes to finding and auditioning parts. AD2 not so much.
  10. Flatulus sounds like a gastric accident.
  11. jude77

    Chord Potion

    it looks very interesting. Definitely going to demo it.
  12. Whew. You don't realize what a relief that is.
  13. I grabbed a pair of Blue Lola's on Ebait for $85 new (regular $250). They sound nice, have superb isolation, but can feel a bit clunky when you wear them. if you have the chance to audition they're definitely worth a listen.
  14. Wait. Stop. I'm reeling. Is this possible! Can we actually have TOO MANY plugins?
  15. I remember when these were all introduced in the $400-500 range. My how times have changed for the better.
  16. This is excellent advice. I bought a copy at X'mas (for $49!) on impulse and just don't care for it. It doesn't sound "bad", but it just isn't my cup of tea.
  17. Scott G: Good to see you here. I still use my SONAR Power books.
  18. jude77

    HorNET Sale Again

    Recently I grabbed a copy of their AutoGain plugin. Makes gain-staging easy-peasy.
  19. It's in the same install package as the VST3. When you install you get the usual choice of installing AAX/VST2/VST3. just make sure only VST2 is checked.
  20. I think if we wait long enough eventually everything will be part of the Slate Everything Bundle.
  21. Really, really good song here. Very pro sounding. Very strong vocals that are, like everyone else said, immensely sincere and heartfelt. I could hear Sting doing this.
  22. Bob, you beat me to it! Perfect description. I really liked this song. Very fun!! Thanks for posting!
  23. As a long shot maybe uninstall everything and just reinstall VST2. I had problems getting VST3 to install correctly.
  24. As always, you consistently do professional sounding material in terms of composition, arrangement and performance. I'm listening on tiny computer speakers so take this comment with a grain of salt, but it sounded to me like the vocal got lost a few times. I noticed no one else mentioned this, so again, it might just be my speakers. It's good to see you here and that you stayed with CW.
  25. Hello Michael, I listened to your songs (albeit on small computer speakers) so I can't comment on the mixes in depth, but I do think the vocals tended to be a little too dry. Try some reverb/delay and I think you'll be happier with them. Also, I think your mixes are better than you think they are. In my opinion, part of your perception that they aren't that good is because your comparing your material with other material that's been professionally mastered. Good mastering can bring the best out of a track. There are several mastering services online that are not terribly expensive. You might try one of them and see if you're happier with your material. If you want to try your own hand at mastering Izoptope has Ozone 8 on sale right now and Waves has Abbey Road TG Mastering chain on sale as well. Both have demos if you're up to it. Best of luck with you music.
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