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Everything posted by jude77

  1. Chandler, many thanks man. As always, a GREAT video. Much appeciated.
  2. My sincere sympathies. Thank you for being willing to share that with us. I will pray for you and your family. I wish you peace and comfort.
  3. The freebie is really good, but I'm determined to get to pay version just to support this guy. Others meters that do what his does cost considerably more.
  4. This is a very good list. Here's a description of one piano. I wonder if the developer used Google translate? "Keyzone Classic is another straightforward and free piano VST that is likewise exceptionally appraised. Included in a straightforward manner, you’ll alter assault, rot, maintain, and a predetermined number of different settings. This assists with keeping the interface basic while as yet holding some measure of sound molding capacity. Notwithstanding having an incredible interface and astounding sounds, Keyzone Classic will likewise keep running on both macOS and Windows." After that description I HAD to download it!
  5. I had decided I was going to win it, but after that picture you deserve it.
  6. Give us a quick review. What do you think of it?
  7. When I first heard of digital I dreamed of the day I could afford it and leave the tape forever behind. Now here it is available to me for $79. Or $99 if I want even more.
  8. I'VE. GOT. TO. LEARN!! I just KNEW i had a scoop!!
  9. Scuffham amp sim is on sale $90. His sales are pretty rare. Ends July 14. https://www.scuffhamamps.com/
  10. jude77

    XLN FX Sale

    Dead gum it!! At $40 I could say "no", but $30? I'm in. It's also good to XLN do something. Other than "XO" they've been quiet for a long time. I wish they'd get something going with AD again.
  11. jude77

    IK Support

    The sudden lack of support brings back some bad memories.
  12. Good point. I just got one and it was only 33%. Nice, but still not 50%
  13. Through May 27 https://www.thehouseofkush.com/store
  14. This is all great. I can't thank you enough.
  15. SUPER!! Many, many thanks!
  16. Definitely post the links. I'm still doing some graphic design.
  17. This link was posted at the bottom of a thread about Dragonfly Reverb. Since it was at the bottom of an older thread I wasn't sure people were seeing it. So here it is. This is the new improved version. https://github.com/michaelwillis/dragonfly-reverb/releases/tag/1.9.6-beta
  18. I wish GM would publish some more packs! I've about gotten everything there I want.
  19. I had a problem too, and installed it in a custom folder I made and had PS look there.
  20. Only 40? Then you definitely need this one. Then when you hit an even 100 you can start working on reverbs. Or compressors. Or tape saturators. Or preamps. Or limiters. I don't care what those doctors say, it's not a problem.
  21. I'm glad you survived! Life is a beautiful and precious thing. I think you're going to need to change your user-name from "Bitflipper" to "Lazarus".
  22. Thanks for that, I don't think I would have ever found it.
  23. SONAR es un DAW totalmente profesional que puede hacer cualquier cosa con el audio que puedas imaginar. Me alegro de que te guste, y sí, hace mucho tiempo que falta una versión para MAC. Bienvenido al foro!
  24. I found GFX to good for a freebie. Not great, but good. As Sidney Earl above said, just don't expect it to go head to head with the big boys. I tried different speaker irs than the ones it came with and thought it sounded better. FWIW I couldn't get VST3 to install (actually it claimed it was installed, but darned if I could find it). VST2 installed fine.
  25. This is demo I've been looking for. Great job. And super playing. Happy Easter to you!
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