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Everything posted by jude77

  1. One of the things that drives me crazy about PS is how weird it is to try and copy a track (especially midi) that's made of smaller independent sections so that it's one contiguous track without the various sections. One of the other things but bugs me (and this is purely a personal preference) is that GUI! Every time I sit down with PS I feel like I'm making beats in the bedroom with a 17 year old "producer". Can't they make that UI more professional looking? When you first open it, it looks like a box of Gummy Bears for heaven sakes. Yes, you can adjust the colors, but that's about it. They need to take a look at SONAR and Reaper.
  2. A day late, but Happy Easter nevertheless. We will get through this thing. Just keep those Beenie Weenies stocked.
  3. Revalver 4 is a bargain. You can buy amps for $7.99 each, thematching impulse player is $4.99 (but there are some free ones online), and speaker ir's are $1.99 each (but there are a zillion free ones online). The webpage and store are a little confusing, but work with it for a minute and it'll make sense. https://www.audiomediaresearch.com/revalver-4
  4. If Larry tanks, we all tank. For his preservation and safety, I say we all send him a bottle of hand sanitizer and a roll of toilet paper.
  5. jude77

    Slate VMS ML-2

    That's a good price.
  6. I'm delighted to see the Italian software guys stepping up like this. I'm in.
  7. jude77

    Banned from KVR

    How strange to ban someone who takes a huge amount of their time, for no personal gain, to provide a helpful and useful service to other forum members.
  8. jude77

    RME Babyface Pro

    So true. Plus, I have an original Babyface and they are STILL supporting the drivers.
  9. That's a really good idea.
  10. It looks like the "Waves $29 Deal" is slowly becoming the norm in plugin world. It's a good time to be making music.
  11. I clicked the link but got a 404 message.
  12. It doesn't come out sounding exactly like a Martin, but it comes out sounding more like an acoustic guitar.
  13. And that for me is the bottom line. Larry has never failed us!
  14. Has Agnes Patoot been writing you too! That hussy, she told me I was the only one
  15. If you're looking for FX there are a zillion free ones online. Some are great, some are dreadful. Here are a few links to get you started https://blog.landr.com/10-vst-plugin-effects-spice-up-your-mix/ https://bedroomproducersblog.com/free-vst-plugins/ And here is a link to a massive list right here on this forum https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/5064-favorite-freeware-fx-thread/
  16. It was!!! And I never dreamed I would fill even one.
  17. The first computer I ever bought used floppies that held 144 megs. You bought them in packs of 10 and I remember thinking I would never fill them all. And now 80TB? The crazy part is I KNOW I'd fill it up.
  18. I thought it was just me.
  19. https://www.positivegrid.com/promo/?trk_msg=4OMQNMH52UV4J6FLRE05C9CN3C&trk_contact=PEL8U1R6VBQVT36H498DRDPK6G&trk_sid=S6V89LBIDEGG8KOQ42UR61RC2K&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=BIAS+Software+-+Discover+More&utm_campaign=20200110General&utm_content=0131General-greetings
  20. The price of great plugins is mind-blowing. A modern hardware Pultec is about $4,000. And here's the software version for 25 bucks. We live in good days people!
  21. jude77

    HoRNet ELM128 MK2

    While HoRNet plugins won't win a beauty contest, they're very affordable, rock-solid utility plugins and well worth the modest price.
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