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Everything posted by BTP

  1. AmpliTube Nu-Tron III Giveaway Free to all new and existing AmpliTube 5 users (including CS) https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=NuTronGiveaway2022 Login to your user area to get it. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/userarea/
  2. It's a great system every company should have. You're always getting a fair price automatically.
  3. It's started. Better deals than last year. Originals Media Toolkit & Originals Epic Strings & Originals Epic Brass and Woodwinds 59 £/€/$ https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/essentials-bundle/ Aperture The Stack 50% off 125 £/€/$ https://www.spitfireaudio.com/aperture-the-stack
  4. Libraries up to 50% off Bundles up to 65% off https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/
  5. Orchestral Bundle by Impact Soundworks $99.99 $585 . https://audioplugin.deals/impact-soundworks-orchestral-bundle-2/ SEKTOR by Initial Audio $24.99 $139. https://audioplugin.deals/sektor-by-initial-audio/ SHYMER – Ethereal Vocal Collection by GHOSTHACK $50 $232. https://audioplugin.deals/shymer-ethereal-vocal-collection-by-ghosthack/
  6. You had the full 1.0 version and 1.5 CS then. You couldn't have updated to 1.5 before the new kits were released, they were released with 1.5.
  7. If you had the full 1.5 version there was no point to buy SE. The full 1.5 version has all 13 kits.
  8. It was just wrong information on the APD page. The SE version doesn't give you all the kits, just the 5 (or the 3 new ones if you have the 1.0 version). They've removed the incorrect information. It doesn't mention 13 kits anymore.
  9. Read the previous posts, he's talking about the wrong information on the APD page.
  10. Oh right, it does say that on the APD page. Someone's just made a mistake. (I'm not surprised, it's pretty confusing to have CS, SE and full versions and 1.0 and 1.5 versions.)
  11. You must have 1.5 CS and 1.0 full version. The 1.5 full version price is low for you because you have the 1.0 full version. 1.5 is $299.99 for people who don't have 1.0.
  12. MODO Drum 1.5 SE $39.99 at APD They've also sent $5 off coupons. https://audioplugin.deals/modo-drum-1-5-se-by-ik-multimedia Looks like this one has the new 3 kits (Brit Custom, Metal and Silver) that 1.0 version owners don't have. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/mododrum/index.php?p=versions
  13. Still a few days left if anyone wants ANA2.
  14. It works if you sign out, there's just a message that you can't access online features until you sign in again.
  15. Nucleus Lite Edition (Made for Kontakt Player) $49 $99 https://www.audioimperia.com/collections/all/products/nucleus-lite-edition Constrictor (Cinematic Tension Strings for Kontakt Player) $179 $249 https://www.audioimperia.com/collections/all/products/constrictor No info if there will be other products on sale. Ends August 15.
  16. UVI Mission-6 Analog Polysynth Revival Intro price 49€. 38% off. Ends August 8. https://www.uvi.net/mission-6
  17. I don't think there's a thread about this. Hex Choir is a bitesize soprano choir (5 Singers) focused on tension and horror articulations. Full version of Kontakt required. Only available until August 1st, 2022. $39 https://www.audioimperia.com/products/flourish
  18. They've sent codes for extra 10% off. Your checkout value has to be over $100. Valid only today.
  19. BTP

    QUEEN Drums

    Of course not. (You'll have to sing the highest harmony parts Freddie couldn't sing.)
  20. Today's deal is Drum Fury 2 for Kontakt Retail 75% off $49.99. https://www.samplelogic.com/products/drum-fury-2/
  21. They've sent extra $20 off coupons.
  22. Spitfire Originals Epic Choir 29 $/£/€ https://www.spitfireaudio.com/originals/#epic-choir
  23. Today's deal is Cinematic Guitars Organic Atmospheres for Kontakt Player 75% off $74.99. https://www.samplelogic.com/products/cinematic-guitars-organic-atmospheres/
  24. I've tried that several times. It'll probably work for me tomorrow.
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