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Kevin Walsh

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Kevin Walsh last won the day on December 28 2018

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435 Excellent


About Kevin Walsh

  • Birthday 05/11/1957

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  1. Wonderful piece with heartbreaking lyrics. I love the sparse arrangement and mix. The guitar is just perfect and the ambience is great.
  2. I do believe you have a single here, if such things are still done. Brilliant pop-rock piece with a relentlessly uplifting feel. You always have such fresh melodies. Just a perfect mix with flawless performances. Well done, best of luck with your album!
  3. Epic song, like everyone else I was sold with opening. I dig everything you guys do, but you've raised the bar with this one.
  4. Super clean mix, wish I could get basslines to sound that good. I love the sax parts, you seem to have it well in hand. I liked the way you faded with a suspenseful motif. It's a lovely song.
  5. I popped on my nice Sony noise cancelling phones and drfited away with this. Loved it but it was too short!
  6. Wow, great one Steve, loved the mix. Such a complex arrangement, like 10cc meets Gentle Giant - I absolutely love this! I listened to the audio first, then again with the video. The visuals pull the lyrics together in a completely different way for me, very cool experience. All the hard work really pays off in this one.
  7. Kevin Walsh


    Bass line rocks and the groove is inescapable, buth that synth lead is just wonderful.
  8. I still haven't really stressed my 3950x. It's a beast that tears through all manner of workloads without breaking a sweat and with the latest perf updates in Sonar it's a dream DAW. I can't imagine what a monster the 9950x is. I want one.
  9. Thanks for your response. It looks to me like MS is finally getting it together wrt ARM and Windows. The performance numbers of the Snapdragon Elite are extremely promising.
  10. Thank you, Wookie, I'm grateful you gave it a spin and for your kind words. I've been going over many of the individual tracks of my version and frankly the playing isn't terribly good, which just shows that it takes an awful lot to screw up a really good song!
  11. I respect your opinion and while what you say may well have once been true, it isn't anymore. Microsoft, Lenovo, Dell, HP and Acer are among the hardware manufacturers realeasing new ARM-based machines running Windows 11 this year that compare very well to x86 devices. The company I work for is working hard to provide native support on Windows 11 on ARM for our flagship applications, so I'm in a position to have some knowledge of the capabilities of this new crop of tablets and laptops. https://www.tomshardware.com/software/windows/microsoft-copilot-pcs-all-we-know Not so limited a population as it once was, thus my Sonar question. Thanks! Edit: the article I posted is a bit out of date, itsays the devices will be released when they have in fact hit the shelves.
  12. Gosh, I guess I'm the only one hoping for a native ARM Sonar. I'm just ahead of my time!
  13. Hey, thank you, Lynn, so glad you listened!
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