My voice has't completely gone, it's raspy and sounds like I have a severe case of laryngitis. The classic old man gravelly hoarse thing. At least I can still order a coffee! And because I have something like a voice there's hope. Thanks for the encouragement!
Another badass Bats Brew rocker! I love the guitar work (but I always do) and the killer vocals over those riffs. A real winner, hope you sell a crap-ton of downloads!
Well done, enjoyed the guitar work, great tones, and love the chord choices! The song kept me interested and you did a good job on the vocals.
I feel your pain, I had COVID and lost voice too. Not sure if it will ever come back, but one hopes.
Very good song, wish I'd written it! I concur with the psychedelic comment, very much an early Pink Floyd vibe. A nice tribute, Jesse, very sorry for your loss.