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Everything posted by mibby

  1. PS. I'm betting that once Overloud sees how many plugins they sell at this price we'll see some more "flash" sales...
  2. Done! finally a real sale on another Gem. THIS is a price I can live with! ?
  3. $13.31 at BestService: https://www.bestservice.com/voxducker.html I think they mis-marketed this one. It basically a "ducker" ala TrackSpacer. It has some nice options too.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear Philip. We had to put my little dog down last April because she had congestive heart failure and it was getting worse and worse. I try to tell myself that it was the "humane" thing to do, but honestly, it crushed me to be holding her while the vet injected the "meds". It just plain sux when something happens to our furry companions. And it never gets easier...
  5. Log in to your account there to pick up other FREEBIES too. https://www.waproduction.com/plugins/items/free
  6. Dude. I am sooooo beyond envious right now! Besides the UAD stuff, I literally just mixed a song where the Townsend mic was used on a few of the tracks. It was a blast playing with the Sphere plugin, and really pretty amazing at the different tones you could get. Really cool stuff! You said in your earlier post you got a USB UAD audio interface, but your link is to a Thunderbolt. Do need need a specific sound card to use a Thunderbolt cable? Hey @cclarry didn't you get into the UAD stuff a while ago, then get out? Someone tell me something "bad" about UAD (besides the price) PLEASE! I stopped even considering UAD stuff because of the price a long time ago...
  7. Where does one get a "great deal" on anything UAD? Inquiring minds want to know! ?
  8. From UVI in the comments on the video...
  9. Under the "Support" menu: https://www.liquidsonics.com/contact/
  10. Just so you know Peter, that wasn't a jab at IK!
  11. Well, at least for those of us on Windows, we can now run out IK plugins on the latest Mac OS! ?
  12. Yup. I was in for $30 bucks. $60 (my loyalty price) = no thanks.
  13. I got my reply from support: Oh well, you snooze you lose! ? Now what were those other plugins I was thinking about? ?
  14. Telefunken's Live From the Lab has a bunch of live tracks. https://www.telefunken-elektroakustik.com/livefromthelab
  15. Had Bucket -500 and VPRE-2C from a recent giveaway and the other freebies, previously bought Flywheel, and added VCL-25A and VCL-4. Just too good a price to pass up!
  16. Well, in this case I guess it saved me $30 bucks. I emailed support. We'll see what happens...
  17. Haha! Yes. Timezone difference maybe? I'm in the US... I saw it this morning but thought I'd wait.
  18. I'm not seeing the loyalty discount for SmartComp2 anymore...
  19. Got me some Flaw for about $20! https://www.tritik.com/product/flaw/
  20. Don't forget - 35% OFF all Tritik plugins until Wednesday!
  21. They finally released their Tape Delay, etc. plugin and have a moderate 20% discount on their other plugins. https://korneffaudio.com/
  22. Interesting, because that's the one up at UJam for $30 bucks and Voodoo is $25 at BestService. I'm just wondering if there is anything these do that I can't do with the many plugins I already own, especially Retro since I just picked up Flaw at Tritik for $30!
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