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Everything posted by mibby

  1. mibby

    WUP is back

    I haven't used it Peter but there are a few of them out there. The first two that come to mind are Izotope's Nectar3 harmony Module and Melda's MHarmonizer. I'm sure you could do the same with Melodyne too, but I have tried. --- edit --- Also Eventide's Octa/Quadra Vox plugins...
  2. Thanks for the reset PA, but bummer on the price changes. I was going to pick up the BX Flanger for free next, but....
  3. Honestly, this changes nothing for me except for my mindset. I will continue to use the plugins I've got until they don't work any longer or I've replaced them. Nothing is different because I was never a WUPPER either. What HAS changed is that now there is no option for me to move forward as a Waves customer. I cannot buy another plugin if I wanted to NOR can I upgrade my existing ones to get them working again. So Waves has successfully severed me as a current and long-term prospective customer, because I cannot foresee ever wanting to subscribe. As I said earlier and has been pointed out a number of times, I think they crunched the numbers and this portion of the business (perpetual licenses) was not cost effective. So now, they'll move forward with their licensing deals with the various manufactures and support those who subscribe (like pro studios) who as a result are always on the most current version of the Waves plugins. And now they have a more predictable and recurring revenue stream. It makes things a whole lot easier on their end. It's just business.
  4. What's the point of that? They already have our information...
  5. Now WHY on earth would we do that??
  6. I like the different flavors of Saturators. It's a little disappointing that no FX are included like IK's Mixbox, but not a deal breaker. I figure 1 insert slot to shape your sound, then sweeten it with your various FX with all of your leftover Inserts and Sends. Here's the PSP page.... https://www.pspaudioware.com/products/psp-infinistrip#module-list
  7. Me too! I watched a couple of videos on it (again) and it seems really well thought out. I certainly don't need it, but what a price for a bunch of quality plugins!
  8. I was just thinking along these lines as well. They introduced HUGE price drops over the last few years to squeeze every last penny out of the hobbyist market. And now that revenue source has mostly dried up in a much more mature plugin market. So they have gotten what they can from us (hobbyists). Now, Waves has licensing deals with auto and PC manufactures. ($$) The perpetual licensing is just additional overhead - keeping up with the different versions, customer support, etc. So it is probably costing them money at this point - or their margins are just too tight to make it worthwhile. I have no doubt, pros and studios will sign on to the Waves subscription service as a cost of doing business. In return, they get top notch customer service and always the latest version of the software and a more stable code set. So Waves is really a subscription to an audio-processing service. A well established one. And for them, they only need to support the latest couple of versions. ANY support call will beging with "are you on the latest version?". They can lock in the recurring revenue with subscriptions instead of the unpredictable WUP. It actually seems like a predictable and smart business move.
  9. We don't need to stinkin' Waves channel strips and/or plugins!
  10. Good thing I finally got my v9 licenses working again yesterday after the latest Central update and/or Studio One update. Regardless, they work now and I can uninstall Waves Central to make sure I never get another update from them that breaks things again. I have v9-v14 now. I wonder if it's too late to download ALL the offline installers? PS. I'm sorry, but this is just a plain stupid move. WHY would Waves cut the perpetual license revenue (and users)?? Why not add the subscription as an option and try to get people to warm to the idea? This just pisses off a whole swath of user base that has been customers for years and years. It makes no sense.
  11. Banner says "Blast Delay - Intuitive Delay Plugin"...
  12. Lowest price ever! I almost pulled the trigger when it was $79 (I think). I gave up watching it after picking up IK's Mixbox for $49 awhile back. But... I have a few of these, but I use PSP Twin-L on every mix and adore the 2445 EMT reverb! Oh oh.
  13. Except the small developers. No complaints as a plugin consumer, but I feel for guys trying to make a go of it developing their own stuff. This was my initial reaction as well. But they have given us plenty of warning and time to tidy up out licenses. With a huge user base and a lot of software licenses out there, this is no small undertaking. I just hope they are making a change to something better thought out than WUP...
  14. Here's hoping they sound half as good as they look!
  15. Thanks. Yes, I'm this close (pinches fingers) to doing it. If there was a 1/2 bundle sale right now, more bass products would have pushed me over the edge. I love the Kuassa stuff too. Especially that you can use the plugins outside of the A360 ecosystem, which I do all the time. (Yes, I'm talking to YOU IK!)
  16. Do they always throw in the new ones? Did you get the Harmitron and Whammo for free when they came out too? I'm in the same boat I was with SoundToys. I've been buying bits and pieces until my "all in" price on Black Friday passes my imaginary threshold and I pull the trigger for the "Complete My Amplifikation 360 Bundle"...
  17. LIVE now! Get while the gettin's good! https://bedroomproducersblog.com/2023/02/21/mastering-the-mix-animate/
  18. @Music Software Deals I had some "Price Alert" emails this morning - thanks! FR - can you put the name of the plugin in the subject of the email? Right now each email says "Price Alert" in the subject. How about "Price Alert - Softube Tape" instead? Thanks!
  19. Just a heads up MSD guy. I'm not getting any email reminders. I've had Audio Thing's Other Desert Cities in my list for quite a while. It's on sale now and no email.
  20. There are 4 "modules" inside Animate. I have 3 of the 4 as previous freebies (except the drive one)...
  21. ?? Weird! Did they leave Plugin Alliance? It still looks like the PA version, although it's under "Black Box Design".
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