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Everything posted by Tez

  1. I don't know if this has any bearing but here goes... In my project in the tracks view I've got 3 synths (primary output & midi tracks) , 2 with midi input set, 1 with input echo on. 3 aux tracks associated with 1 synth that has no midi input set.. and a bunch of FX plugins. In the PRV I was editiing the midi track for the synth set with input echo on, which was shown selected in the PRV & the track view. On switching from the PRV to the track view the dreaded audio dropout toast popped up which I ignored... Now this is the weird part, at this point I stepped away from the DAW to briefly take care of something else, after a few minutes I heard a chord of random notes from the selected synth with input echo on. I returned to the DAW stopped the audio engine and on restarting it heard the decaying chord notes and in the PRV a random set of piano roll keys were greyed out and could not be reset! Fortunately I could save my changes & rebooted the DAW to clear the greyed out keys. This feels like something strange is going on in the output stream, quite what I've no idea.. Any suggestions?? Monday FYI just found out the latest w10 monthly update "August 30, 2019—KB4512941 (OS Build 18362.329)" did do something! It caused a 20% cpu spike due to a cortana bug, because I had searching the web from Windows Desktop Search disabled. It's enabled now & the cpu is back to normal, will see if this bug was affecting the dropout frequency, who knows what was behind the spike & what, if any, side effects were caused...
  2. Very interesting Mr @Colin Nicholls ... Unfortunately it's not a viable solution pour moi, and the idle dropout suggests something else is going on. I'm wondering, have you tried a project with audio only, that is no synths or FXs? In the past the only time I'd get one of these recurrent sporadic dropouts with splat, as I recall, was a project using "Rapture Pro". I mention this because on loading a Rapture Pro project sometimes Splat and now CbB will instantly crash with an "Access Violation" C0000005, caused by Rapture Pro, which I imagine is some pointer holding a bad address, and on a restart the project loads fine, which suggest an issue with the synth plugin, also sporadic. The current project that's giving me the toasts grief also has an instance of Rapture Pro, so is it possible a wayward synth is the root cause? Just a thought... Oh and with all due respects to Mr @Noel Borthwick, as for "I wouldnt worry too much about that toast", when it does happen on several occasions the PRV shows a random selection of greyed out piano keys, which sometimes can only be reset by closing and restarting CbB...
  3. Stoopid question ? How do you create the "at sign" black background member reference... I've not ever used that anywhere??
  4. I keep backups of the prior "Cakewalk Core" folders, you may or may not already know this but if not check out this post My 2019.05 backup is a composite of the 2019.03 hotfix full install, and the 2019.05 update, I suppose there is or was a full installer...
  5. Call me crazy but... Since 2019.07 I get a higher frequency of the sporadic "audio dropout" toast when editing events, in the PRV, not in the PRV and no audio or midi activity (the keyboard was switched off). The last time it occurred though, was at the start and at the end of a "bounce to tracks", this messed up the start of the rendered audio... On initiating the bounce, up popped the toast and I canceled it without saving the partial, restarted the bounce and let it finish and the toast appeared as stated, start and end. I had to close CbB and after a restart the bounce was fine. I appreciated Noel's remarks but it does feel like something's amiss, a bad pointer, memory leak or something... I don't know if the latest w10 monthly update "August 30, 2019—KB4512941 (OS Build 18362.329)" did something?
  6. The key entries I found at the update time were: [2019-08-31 15:21:29.029] [info] Checking for update [2019-08-31 15:21:29.121] [error] Error: TypeError: this.app.whenReady is not a function the rest in the log I looked at is code entry points (+ corresponding personal info) ... Personally I happy to download the exe & run it manually, that's 99.9% likely to work, if it's predecessor had no problem, rather than rely on auto-update code to do the job, and going forward that's just what I might do... ?
  7. 5.0.6 works fine here... Don't use BA on startup, so had to launch the assistant which issued an update notification, but on selecting update, presumably a self update, it failed, followed by an instruction to download BA (bandlab-assistant-windows-latest.exe) and manually install via the exe, which is ok... Just remember to run as Administrator. Was this your experience, or was this just a glitch going from 5.0.4 (which was my initial BA install) to 5.06, if anyone knows??
  8. Patch Tuesday is precarious... I've had various settings weirdness after an update restart, some vanish on a reboot, others not... One mo' thing to add to the check list, post update ?
  9. Good Catch... Just checked and yup, Game Mode was on! When did you notice this??
  10. FYI... My current project has 4 instances of Kontakt, 1 with 10 instruments loaded, 1 with 3 and 2 each with one, separate outputs & midi channels. The single instrument instances were breakouts from the multis, as there seemed to be performances quirks for those instruments, for unknown reasons, but I suspect it might have been due to a combination older libraries (Kontakt 2) with current ones, so there may have been some compatibility issue, or a scripting issue who knows, as also a chunk of midi CCs are used for all of them...
  11. Thanks. That was my guess, hence the question... As to external audio, that's not an issue as there is none for my midi projects. The issue for me is Kontakt, on a fast bounce it might glitch, midi events sometimes get lost. I 'll have to experiment to see if there's an audible improvement on a higher than the default buffer size, not that the render sounds bad, but it's the potential for lost midi events such as cc data that doesn't easily get noticed unlike a missing note which can happen even with fast bounce unchecked.
  12. For an ostensibly midi project, on a “Bounce to Track(s)” when “Fast Bounce” is unchecked, does the “MIDI Prepare Buffer Size” value make a difference for the render??
  13. If you’re using “Native Access” to update Kontakt which is the prescribed method, under the user icon’s (that’s the little head & shoulders) drop down menu is “preferences”, click on that and see the install vst paths that Native Access uses... Then check CbB Utilities>Cakewalk Plug-in Manger>VST Instruments (VSTi) & locate the “Kontakt” registered plugin and select to see it’s location... Copy the new to that location. That’s essentially what I do, as I keep all my NI stuff in a specific location...
  14. see this topic it's probably CbB zeroing the controllers...
  15. Indeed... And it seems recording is only way to see the waveform behind the envelopes after stopping the recording. Just checked a track with vst automation and the waveform preview has the same issue as the bus. This was for a stereo track with the double waveform, don't know if it's same for a mono?
  16. No it's not just you... But going forward for this & other reasons I'm taking Mr. Scooks advice...
  17. Terrific... jBridge is not free & the demo's limitations make it only useful for a review, be nice if there's a fix for BitBridge. Meanwhile is there any other free alternatives out there someone could recommend??
  18. I loaded the test project in the final Splat 64 bit, originally created for final Splat 32 bit. I can confirm that, yes indeed, in spite of the preset indicating the one that was saved, it was in fact the 1st in the preset list “Bass Gratification”, and re-selecting the checked preset that was originally saved will restore it. Re-saving the project under a different name from Splat 64 bit made no difference on the Splat 64 bit reload. This was with BitBridge, so it seems that whatever the preset parameter is, is not being recognized or applied to the vst via the bridge on loading in Splat 64 bit, yet the Splat 64 saved version opens in Splat 32 bit without any problems. It might work with JBridge but that I can’t test.
  19. Interesting synth... I created a test project for final Splat 32 bit, using two (2) instances of “Prodigious Synthesizer V1.2” each setup with a different “Prodigious Factory patch”, recorded a midi sequence for each midi track per instance. Also loaded an instance of AD2 and setup a midi drum sequence and saved and closed the project. On reloading the project all returned as saved no problems! Since this is a 32 bit synthedit VST, I hesitate to use it in CbB, having had problems with some 32 bit VSTs and BitBridge, causing crashes in Splat 64 bit. I assume your issue is in CbB, who knows it might be whatever bridge you’re using in conjunction with Prodigious, or another plugin in the mix? And, I always run the Splats & CbB as an administrator...
  20. Nah... That has nothing to do with it... Me thinks it's a bug that after the tempo map change operation via "Fit to Time", the progress bar fails to render, and further, the condition subsequently remains until CbB is closed & re-launched, even if a new project is opened followed by a simple save operation prior to the CbB shutdown... Yet the "save' or the "bounce" nevertheless succeeds.
  21. After a Process>Fit to Time, using the tempo map option is followed with a project save (Cntrl + S) the "Now Time" remains and doesn't switch to the "Saving Project" progress bar. If I recall correctly, the same thing happens on a "Bounce to Track(s)", that is after a "Fit to Time", using the tempo map, the progress bar fails to appear, but it seems the bounce continued, but in that case thinking something bad was happening (i.e. a error loop), I shut down CbB, to find a partial bounce .wav in the audio folder...
  22. After a Process>Fit to Time, using the tempo map option is followed with a project save (Cntrl +) the "Now Time" remains and doesn't switch to the "Saving Project" progress bar. If I recall correctly, the same thing happens on a "Bounce to Track(s)", that is after a "Fit to Time", using the tempo map, the progress bar fails to appear, but it seems the bounce continued, but in that case thinking something bad was happening (i.e. a error loop), I shut down CbB, to find a partial bounce .wav in the audio folder...
  23. I've use iZotope Dynamic Delay, when hooked to the hosts tempo, and using changes to the tempo map, you can get some weird artifacts. You could try what I do, that is put the delay on a separate bus/aux track and set the dry to 0% the wet to 100%, and on the track where you want the delay use a send to the DDLs track... It's a thought...
  24. For a smooth tempo transition I insert the start & end tempos, disable snap and use "draw line" from start point to end point... Then re-enable snap...
  25. So that's what the little keyboard's for... As evah, thank you so much... ?
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