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Everything posted by Tez

  1. I constructed a track template with 1 Audio and 4 Aux tracks as follow: Audio track: output to Aux1. Aux1: output to Aux4, 1 send Aux 2, 1 send Aux 3. Aux2: output to Aux4. Aux3: output to Aux4. Aux4: output to 1 hardware output. The Audio track is just an anchor to enable the construction the track template. If a new empty project is opened the Template inserts as designed, but... If it’s inserted into an existing project The Aux4 shows up as an Audio track with no input and an output to one of the other Aux tracks. The patch point for Aux4 exists, and in order to make it work as intended for the misassigned “Aux4 Audio”, the Aux4 patch point has to be assigned to the audio input and the output assigned to the required hardware output manually, which of course converts it to an Aux track. This feels like a bug, has anyone else experienced strange Template behavior? Incidentally I’m using WASAPI with 3 stereo hardware outputs.
  2. Rabbit holes, Ha... Glad you got out of that one ?
  3. Good luck if you do... Just in case did you try "To bypass the current volume and pan settings when scrubbing, hold down the ALT key. This will force scrubbing to play back at unity gain and centered", just a thought...
  4. Not that I'm aware of, @scook the font CbB knowledge may know ? Regardless, as far as I can tell for MIDI, the scrub tool only works in the PRV and the Staff View, the audio engine must be on and the now time line follows the mouse's pace as dragged . In the track view for an audio clip, for a single track, the mouse must be in the track lane, the audio engine if off should get switched on at the start of the drag, but if the speed of the drag is greater than the tempo would move the now time line, it will move the now time at the speed of the tempo. If you slip out of the track into a non-audio space whilst still dragging the sound will stop but the now time line still follows the mouse. When the drag stops, the audio engine is switched off. So, for me it seems to work as expected... The only thing I can suggest is to have the latest version installed and maybe apply the latest hotfix for numerous bugs: That's what I've got installed... Just for completeness: https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf#G18.1091347
  5. @johnpeeee I get the scrub tool to work in the PRV for midi, for an audio track in the track view first drag with the scrub tool in the horizontal ruler, to hear all tracks, then try an individual track, that's how I got it work...
  6. Well, not exactly, what I found " ...\AppData\Roaming\BandLab Assistant" a remnant of v5.0.4, the folder name differs from the current "bandlab-assistant" found in "Roaming", all other locations ...\AppData\Local & .\AppData\Local\Programs only contain the current "bandlab-assistant" & "bandlab-assistant-updater" 6.3.0 versions and "Programs and Features" only shows the current version. So, I surmise the uninstall for v5.0.4 was sloppy and incomplete. Depending on the BA install history, it could be different for each individual system.
  7. I was running BA v6.1.0 and saw the update notification, since prior BA's failed to self update I downloaded what I thought would be the latest from website and ran it, this was BA v6.2.0 and as of this moment is the current website download . When BA v6.2.0 opened it once again showed the update notification. This time I used the BA self update option, and updated BA, closed any running versions and relaunched BA and viola it worked, this latest version of BA is v6.3.0 hence the prior update notification. So it seems the website is one version behind. Also v6.2.0 was the first version in a while that actually self updated swiftly and without a glitch!
  8. The only thing I can suggest is does "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk" actually exist on your system? If it does you need to move it to your desired location before creating a soft link or a junction to that location. As for running as an administrator the simplest way I know is to be logged on as an administrator, right click the batch file and select "Run as administrator"...
  9. Thanks for that info... Since it's next to Scroll Lock, I'll hit it accidentally and end up rebooting CbB to reset the mode... Ya live & learn ?
  10. I guessed as much, the iLok component that enables a fast VST load time is the "PACE License Services", stop this service and the load times go back to a protracted 20+ seconds, for those of us who use "Authorized to Computer". If you stopped this service as an iLok user I imagine your authorization would fail...
  11. Hey @Billy86, glad you're in good shape, there is a temporary resolution for those of us who use "Authorized to Computer" and not iLok, and for the record below is an extract from the last response I received from an iZotope support assistant (iZotope Customer Care), acknowledging the issue: "My apologies for the delay we were able to reproduce this issue for the moment having iLok license manager on the machine is the best workaround for this. We also have another customer who reported the same issue so we have logged this so our team can take a closer look at this issue. " ... So if you have iLok installed you wouldn't have seen any problems...
  12. It's a good thought, but the O9 issue has been, for the time being, resolved. See this post: And... finally an iZotope support assistant, acknowledged the issue despite claiming they'd had no previous reports, and the guy said he would try and reproduce it... ?
  13. Yup, I thought maybe you might have iLok after I installed it! If you check the Task Manager you'll see for CbB with an open O9 window high GPU and Power usage, O7 is half or less, close the window and it drops to zero and low, iLok installed or not, the price of "Pretty" graphics ?...
  14. Tez

    Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

    For the Record see the post: @noynekker maybe this will help speed up your load times...
  15. @Neil Cummins just as an FYI, O9 and O9 advanced component VSTs took 20+ seconds to load in CbB and FLStudio so, not specific to a DAW, and installing iLok, which I'm not intending to use, fixed this issue. 20+ seconds to load a VST is obscene especially since Nectar 3 and Neutron 3 Advanced didn't have this problem. Post load performance will depend on your spec, but if you have a protracted load time each O9 component instance compounds, which can seriously slow opening CbB projects that use multiples, if this is your situation maybe iLok can help. Update: FYI - It seems that the iLok component that enables a fast VST load time is the "PACE License Services", stop this service and the load times go back to a protracted 20+ seconds...
  16. Wow... I should of listen to you 10 months ago... After getting no useful help from iZotope support I finally, out of frustration, installed iLok... All the O9 Advanced components now load swiftly, 2-3 seconds ?. So, thanks @earhears for the tip! iLok installs Apples "Bonjour Service", I guess it's used for iLok license management, but since I'm 100% computer authorized I stopped the service which, fortunately, had no negative effects. So why iLok fixed the load times is a still mystery. It's a pity that a 1/4 of Gigs worth of software had to be downloaded to fix it. Update: FYI - It seems that the iLok component that enables a fast VST load time is the "PACE License Services", stop this service and the load times go back to a protracted 20+ seconds...
  17. Thanks for the response, I'm sure the elements might load quickly. I've got the Tonal Balance Bundle; Nectar 3 , Neutron 3 Advanced and Ozone 9 Advanced, the components exclusive to Nectar and Neutron all load quickly, none do for Ozone 9 including "Tonal Balance Control 2". Both the Nectar 3 & Neutron 3 VSTs (last updated 2019) have roughly the same high GPU and power usage as does the Ozone 9 VST (updated 2020), so I surmise the gui graphics techniques should be similar, but not vst load time is 20+ seconds for O9. Not all systems have this issue, it's a mystery what the significant system difference is!
  18. Glad to hear it, and no pesky audio dropout (1)s here... Meanwhile I'm trying track down my O9 issue... Do you have Ozone 9?
  19. Tez

    Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

    @fossile Thanks for the response... I'm the admin, paths are fine, full control on everything & I even run CbB as an admin, but it was a thought. The significant difference between you and me is "Intel 4000 video" vs "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960", the driver's up to date, whereas the slow load times confirmed in the post above is on a system with a "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660Ti". So, despite having up to date drivers it could be GPU related depending on the graphics card, who knows, probably iZotope... Regardless, it's extremely frustrating. I set up a track template, audio out & midi for a vst3 instrument, buses with reverb FX & the master out and in the in the instrument's audio out FX rack is Ozone 7 with a match EQ and vintage limiter, and this loaded in seconds. The exact same setup for a template using Ozone 9, same EQ match, identical limiter preset, took way much longer to load. The GUI graphics are different & O9's EQ match is a separate module, but the functionality seems almost the same and for the limiter I see no difference at all. Yet, the O9 standalone has no major problems. It makes me wonder apart from the graphics, how much has really changed under the hood for the same modules and that the value of an upgrade is only for the extras... It's a pity it's inconsistent between the 2 version for some of us..
  20. Tez

    Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

    They operate just fine for me once loaded, vst2 or vst3 in CbB. I can see in the task manager CbB's power usage is low, GPU usage 0%. Open an O9 window and the power usage steps up to very high and GPU usage to 17%. That's not a problem for me... What is a problem is if you insert a new O9 or one of it's components into an FX rack it takes 15-20 seconds to load. Ozone 7 and any other iZotope plugin that's not an O9 component takes about 2 seconds to load. I've used many instances of O7 in prior projects, and the projects open quickly. With O9 or it's components each instance adds to the time to open a project which would take several minutes to open if lots of O9 instances or it's components are used, not ideal nor practical. That's why I asked just how long on your system it takes to insert a new O9 into an FX rack until it's loaded. If you could check how many seconds it takes, that would be terrific and I'd be most grateful ?
  21. Thought I'd ask... My new quest: Fix the O9 vst components load times ?
  22. You're most welcome... Got Ozone 9? ?
  23. Tez

    Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

    That's great... How about the vst load time for O9 components in CbB?
  24. As I said before: "Meanwhile, there's no guarantee spikes won't occur", but with the power tweaks ACPI should be better, another spike source, and I guess you could adjust the power management on your network adapters, if you feel they're a problem. I can live with an odd and hopefully rare audio dropout (3), if the endless (1)s have stopped. One final thought on the “Dell SupportAssist Remediation” service, and as I understand it, it requires the internet to communicate with a Dell node. Hence, I speculate that by disabling the network adapters, ergo the internet in a manner that differs from say pulling an Ethernet plug from a router, then this may inhibit the service's functionality and prevent it from interacting with hardware devices and in this way is effectively equivalent to disabling it. Which if true should be reassuring... Meanwhile if you have Ozone 9, I'd be obliged if you could confirm the slow vst load times mentioned above, as I'm trying to get iZotope to fix it, and any quotable confirmation would help ?
  25. Tez

    Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

    Then it's an issue across the board! I've contacted iZotope support regarding this... The more people who do and just maybe they'll do something!
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