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Everything posted by Tez

  1. My scan option is set to Automatic Background Scan, and typically on a CbB startup when there’s no new plugins the scan popup will show either searching for plugins and/or the Scan Complete no new plugins found list and no plugin scan notice, but since adding a Waves Audio plugin this shows up as being scanned, albeit very swiftly, prior to no new plugins found list each time on a CbB startup. The WA plugin is an indirect Shell to the actual plugin, is this why the scan occurs or, in general, a quirk of Waves Audio, or something else?
  2. I second the question, maybe you'll get a reply, I didn't see my post It's the same issue but as a reply in a different topic. good luck...
  3. Track Folder Buttons: In this and prior versions when an existing project is opened the Track Folder buttons rarely reflect the state of the tracks for all Track Folders. For example folders that only contain functioning Aux tracks should have the the "Input Echo" button on, and frequently don't. Similarly other buttons may not be properly synchronized with track states and this can occur whilst working on a project. A minor inconvenience, but still, it might reflect CbB GUI rendering issues that might be of some importance...
  4. I guess you're right, I know they overhauled the GUI code for O9, which it seems is little more resource intensive and has a couple of minor glitches, and in their thrust to push out new products they just might skimp on regression testing! Their collaboration with Exponential Audio only has iLok plugins, no CBA, maybe it's gonna be the trend?
  5. I believe this is an iZtope issue as this has occurred with other DAWS and doesn't apply to all iZotope plugins. The versions of Ozone for example, prior to Ozone 9 loaded just fine without iLok and other iZotope plugins also load swiftly without iLok, so it would seem Cakewalk's off the hook on this one ?
  6. @msmcleod Not sure if this is a bug but, in the Tempo inspector if there's just the initial tempo node (M.B.T 1:01:000) and a later node is added for the same tempo value, just that single node appears, but if the tempo value is different 2 nodes appear 1 at the desired M.B.T. and 1 at the end of the project. This seems like odd behavior?
  7. There's a known issue with Ozone 9 Advanced modules loading slowly if they were computer authorized, which all my iZotope plugins are. The solution is to install the iLok software even though iLok authorization is NOT being used, and this enables normal fast load times. I verified this issue with iZotope support a while ago. If you don't have iLok installed, this solution might help ...
  8. The website BandLab Assistant Setup file version is not the latest. This next update for which you see the notice, I believe, will be the 5th update since the beginning of March and the last couple of times I've made the request to update the website link which has not been in sync with latest update. So, BandLab support is aware, but I guess they're just taking a while to fix it... Ho Hum...
  9. When the number of tracks in the PRV is large enough to require scrolling, the scroll bar will gain focus but a “right mouse button press and drag” does nothing. The mouse wheel will scroll as does the UP & DOWN arrow buttons... Other scroll-able panes, so far, seem just fine. A minor irritation, but still...
  10. The website file version is now the latest version, as of 03/22/21...
  11. If I have a stereo track, either an audio or VSTi associated, and set the output to a new Aux track, the generated Aux: Aux 1 is also stereo, the Aux input is “Aux 1: Stereo”. If the Aux input is set to “Aux 1: Right (mono)”, the Aux track still appears to function in stereo, that is the stereo meter shows independent Left/Right activity. Is this to be expected and because the Aux track is basically a stereo audio track with a patch point input? Any insight would be appreciated...
  12. Thank you John, One Drive worked a treat... ?
  13. Tez

    PRV Gradient

    Indeed, and that was the only reference to PRV note colour I could find... It seems like another INI option might do the trick ?
  14. Tez

    PRV Gradient

    https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf pg 746 By default, note events in the Piano Roll are colorized based on velocity. Darker shades of the basic track color indicate higher velocities. Lighter shades of the basic track color indicate lower velocities.This behavior can be bypassed by adding the following INI variable to the WinCake section of Cakewalk.ini (see “Cakewalk.ini”on page 1346): PRVColorizeVelocity=0
  15. On a dell audio dropouts can be caused by the “Dell SupportAssist Remediation” service, if you haven't already tried this, try disabling the service... That's what us dell users have had to do.
  16. Hey @Glenn Stanton, the stereo bus with the output & sends defined for the hardware outs works fine except when soloed, as mentioned. There's a known issue with routing with patch point/aux tracks in Track Templates, that I previously ran into, which in my case involved hardware outs, and this was just more glitchy routing behavior I wanted to draw attention to. The actual bus I use Ive dubbed "Audio" the real master sends to this as the final output so, I don't need to solo it. The same thing occurs if it's an aux track instead of a bus, set up the same way with an out & 2 sends and is soloed. A workaround is simple, 3 buses - Master, M1 & M2 as follows: Master: output 1/2, 1 send M1 and 1 send M2, M1: output3/4, and M2: output 5/6 and simply group the solo buttons... Voilà But as I said I don't need it, and a surround bus definitely doesn't serve my purpose, not to mention the additional resources it could potentially consume.
  17. Well for me it doesn't... I configured and checked out the surround bus as a master. A track or a bus targeting the master gets a surround panner, and that's flaky, the speaker mute and LFE solo don't work. The panner algorithms for distributing surround channel signals might be fine if you're designing a surround mix, but this is in contrast to the hardware out levels in the console view which can also be adjusted. I'm only interested in a stereo render, and a stereo master with output & sends defined for the hardware outs is a better fit sound-wise, for the stereo bounce I'm after. It's a whole lot less fiddling around and more precise just managing the basic output levels in the console. Yes it's possible to route everything to a pre-master bus or Aux track that targets a surround bus, eliminate the solo issue and only have a single panner to deal with, but the sound is not ideal...
  18. Frankly I dunno... I'll take a look & see if it makes a difference, but FYI 1/2 = Front L & R, 3/4 = Center (L) & Sub woofer (R) and 5/6 = Rear L & R. So, console view allows specific control of each speaker...
  19. My 5.1 system has 3 hardware outs 1/2, 3/4 and 5/6. As a test of the soloing issue I created a test project with 2 audio tracks and a single master bus as follows: Audio Track 1: output 1/2, 1 send 3/4 and 1 send 5/6. Audio Track 2: output Master Bus. Master Bus: output 1/2, 1 send 3/4 and 1 send 5/6. Soloing Audio Track 1 the console view shows all 3 hardware outs active: expected result. Soloing the Master Bus the console view only shows the output target, hardware out 1/2 active: unexpected result. Further if Audio Track 1 and the master bus are soloed, and despite the fact that Audio Track 1 independently targets all 3 hardware outs, once again the console view only shows hardware out 1/2 active when playing Audio Track 1. This appears to be a bus soloing bug related to multiple hardware outs...
  20. Thank you sir... That's all I was hoping for, your efforts are appreciated and... It's nice to know I'm not entirely demented yet ?...
  21. @Clovis Ramsay I appreciate your response, but unless I've misunderstood, I believe in this case your conjecture is inaccurate. I can open a project that only has all the available hardware outs defined in a master bus, and the track template as described, which has no feedback loops and a single hardware output endpoint, inserts flawlessly and works as intended, in this and other projects . Moreover as previously stated the correct patch point exists for the misassigned final target Aux4 track which appears as an audio track which, after reassigning the unassigned input to the patch point and the output to the hardware output originally specified, becomes the Aux track as originally intended. The initial audio track is just an anchor for the template with no input, intended to be deleted. This is a sporadic misassignment potential bug, that can occur in a given project but not all, and in this particular case it's a MIDI project with no external audio inputs or any Aux tracks defined. I believe this is related to CbB's handling of the WASAPI output drivers under certain circumstances. So as we say up North "Go figure"...
  22. I have a track Template issue which I posted in the main forum but I think maybe it should have been in this thread?
  23. This is a real issue with templates, and similar assignment quirks have been previously experienced, so any serious insights would be appreciated, in order to resolve this! Quaint observations aside ...
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