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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. wow.. now thats pretty "extreme tech"
  2. it also looks like their other stuff is on sale as well. https://relabdevelopment.com/relab-store/ I keep seeing their promo's all the time and I can't quite understand this product. What makes these reverbs so much better than others to justify the much higher cost? I also have in my collection the IKM reverbs and also Softube TSAR and one of the Valhallas. They just all sound like reverbs. I don't know. I guess I don't know what I am supposed to be listening for to tell the difference. I know the big benefit of the softube one is it's supposedly better and more efficient algorithms and if you want a good reverb that you don't what to tweak all sorts of settings (such as the IKM CSR's).. that's why you would use the TSAR.
  3. just making sure everyone knows what i posted (in case there are some really young pees here who have no idea .. thats "carmen electra".. she was big in the 90s.. hence the post .:-)
  4. almost 31.5k buys. it's been an amazing GB. good for IKM. i got a bunch of cool tools that have proven to be really great sounding .
  5. Nothing. I just posted in wrong thread. I found a weird bug in IKM Ampeg. But I cant reproduce it. ?
  6. yes. i am eyeing the Mutator as well. relased in 2014. need to demo it. updates: so i demoed it and picked it up. There are other similar products out there that do similar stuff (listed below). I was also trying to wiggle similar sounds out of MixBox and NI Drive.. but this Softube one has a particular quality that makes it very analog sounding (to me) and better suited for the more alt rock I do, it seems to work really well. Seems like a decent deal for this price. I dont think I have seen it for less than that. https://www.soundtoys.com/product/filterfreak/ https://sugar-bytes.de/wow2 https://cytomic.com/drop
  7. is this a decent deal for mutator? it doesn't appear in the collection right? as neither does valley people
  8. Works here. I need to try my new toys. Has anyone used the Drums SSX? I am a drum addict and might bite here.. soo.. $6 for the guitar pedal bundle. Huh.. https://fuseaudiolabs.com/#/pages/product?id=300982337
  9. to quote my friends in Queen.. "I Want it All and I want it now"
  10. i guess the graph "Gain Reduction Graph provides a visual representation of Gain Reduction across the frequency spectrum"
  11. you know.. with the words "super" and "rack" in the title.. then could really get inventive with the marketing. ?
  12. man.. these sales are so out of hand. literally every weekend a new sales starts somewhere jumping on whatever is in calendar.
  13. that last keys bundle deal was pretty sweet. it was $200 for all the keys. i only didn't get it b/c i have way too many pianos and keys.
  14. i would recommend get hardware using jam points. i think it has more usefulness than just software. the software you will get free them. over the years i for z-tone, and irigs.. and it was good hardware.
  15. I personally like the idea behind the Play series. Some of them are really cool, my favorites are the Modular Icons, Butch Vig.. and believe it or not.. I use Hybrid Keys and Analog Dreams a lot. I am able to get some great results with them.. This one though.. I am not sure about. I was tinkering around with it. . it seems all over the place. I guess because it supposed to cover all the different sounds of the NI product portfolio. It seems to be a little all over the map soundwise. I like the Play series that are focused on a particular genre .. so you know you are using a tool for a particular purpose. The problem with play series instruments is , they are a performance hit, depending on the number of effects in the preset.
  16. how does this compare to the UAD version? its on sale too for 50% off. https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/ampeg-b15n.html I been listening to the production on the record it was used on. fauk thats a good bass sound. i guess it helps if you have good player too. ? https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/inside-track-buckingham-mcvie-feel-about-you
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