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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I have yet to try Syntronic 2. Oh well, good thing I got rid of Syntronic 1. It was taking up too much space, and quite frankly, I don't really like the sounds of it that much.
  2. Does anyone on here ever wonder, maybe I need to spend less on plugins and more on a new wardrobe to make cooler music? https://www.waves.com/the-art-of-lofi
  3. Rigid is one of those funny guys that do the "hey, regular price $800 but now on sale for $4... " dance..
  4. Damn. Waves got you good. I got bunt by Roland once for $350 or so. It looked like a good idea at the time. I was gonna make my rock and roll masterpiece on a netbook. What a idiot i was. ??
  5. Pigments. I bought it without thinking much at the time as i got suckered in with the intro promo price. but I never use it.
  6. never tried them. i did check out the funk TRU once.. it was cool. here's the Softube JMC from my stem from the project. i don't think it mattes if i share it as it will probably get chopped up and editing a lot. the producer said, give me Bad Company.. you know Bad Company..? I was like, hell yes, they changed my life man. I feel like making love, oh yeah!! ? Just kidding, i wound up listening to some of their back catalog. He was a good vocalist that Paul Rogers dude.
  7. This is one reason I am kind of holding off buying an upgrade. Waiting to see what will happen to old licensing. I also haven't seen much that says the new Cubase will work any faster on my system. Quite frankly, I don't need any more features. What I have already has more than I ever use. I recently looked at FL Studio again. My kid uses it and I bought him a copy (which of course is mine as he has no money of his own, he's only 14) ,so its on my system as well. We tinkered around with some stuff last week. He knows it better than me.. and was showing me some stuff with audio tracks. He makes EDM and DnB so it's totally different music that I work on. but I was trying out the different 3rd party plugins in it... Softube works better and doesn't crash as much as in Cubase with ASIO guard on. It's also really weird, as I could swear, the sound on the export sounds totally different than Cubase. It's as if the DAW has a different favor to the exported 24/48 wave file.
  8. I don't have the Kerry King. I just have the basic one. My opinion on it is, the GUI is very cleverly designed. I like the concept of being able to click on the amp or effects and it becomes a larger view so you can see better what you are doing. I have only used the basic Marshall JCM800 and the 100 Silver on a session I started working on early Nov in AT5 with. So I sort of replicated the same setup in AmpRoom and it sounds totally different to my ears. Still a lot to learn as I have only barely scratched the surface of it. Its worth checking out the manuals. https://www.softube.com/manuals/amp-room I have found so far with Softube, its quite CPU heavy, but not that much more than IKM AT5. Here is what they have say about it. "Some competing products offer a low-quality mode to preserve CPU. We do not do that, as such a mode would neither live up to Softube's quality standards nor to the quality standards of our partnering companies, such as Doepfer and Intellijel. Softube's reputation for being heads and shoulders above the competition is what convinced our partners to work with us in the first place." good luck
  9. there were some $4.98 presets if you look. check presents for your fav synth. i picked up a few serum ones to get the freebie. they are okay. hold on.. I win!! found something for $3 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/8077-Bloom
  10. Am I the only one who is starting to feel that *maybe* I got suckered into buying a lot of, what is to become, obsolete software instruments in this last Group Buy? Don't get me wrong, I do really enjoy using MODO Bass, Drums and the new SampleTank I really like to tinker with the drum samples and effects in it. I just feel this might all become software that will ever get patched or updated and will just become trashed as the company changes ownership and loses direction? They did the big 25 group buy deal to heavily bump up the numbers of users who own their entire instruments, no?
  11. ran it. updates to all synths. havent seen any issues.
  12. I recently started playing around with AmpRoom.. it covers same ground as AT 5, but it sounds very different (to my ears). The cleans are really really good.
  13. yeah.. i enjoy his YouTube shows.. i learnt lots of stuff from his shows that i never knew.
  14. They already took all my money. Now I am broke. But their stuff is super A++ good.
  15. will wait for it to get added to volume 6...
  16. i got for intro price. i think $79 or so. have not seen it less yet.
  17. just gimme my lo-fi freebie and shut up Waves!! :0)
  18. Electro Acoustic I want. But I blew all my cash on softube .. :0(
  19. I am dumb. Is Arouser the same thing as Exciter? Are the IKM Complexxor and Softube Mike-E same as this?
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