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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. they must have fixed it. now i get the discount in the cart. but i swear, i didnt see it last time i tried. either way.. all full on AT5 at the moment.
  2. I own Mesa one and no discount for me. Either way. I think I am all stocked up for AT5 amps. I think one would really really need to totally love the Mesa Boogie sound to want to get this this soon.
  3. cool. but until IKM fix the trail mode bug, i will not buy anything. its really annoying constantly re-activating purchases in custom shop.
  4. tequila silver. tequila gold. after many a bottle consumer, we have come to the conclusion that silver is smoother and give less headache. gold is rough and will mess you up -- stomache too.
  5. its what keeps me alive. party start at around 9 or 10.. then its a crazy mad dash to drink as many bottles and shots as you can of the silver smooth.. before you are totally wasted around 11pm.. you take a little nap from 11 to 11:30... you wake up and do it all over again.. and keep doing it until 3 or 4am. but remember.. dont ever mix the gold and silver.. bad things will happen to you..
  6. good times depression eddie.. ?
  7. after watching that.. I don't know why.. but i feel like calling my good buddy carlos and drinking a bottle of tequila now. (he looks just like one of them and has just as many tatoos.. fuggin latinos.. all the same everywhere..i tell you )
  8. yo.. you call? wa you want?!
  9. telecode 101

    Some LoFi deals

    the bundle is same price https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/thenatan-tape-piano-expansion-bundle/
  10. there might be a new customer somewhere that was hiding under a rock
  11. I sort of agree. The advertised sales were not that great. I think Arturia was the only one that sort of did what they usually do, offer a great incentive to get and upgrade into their collection if you are an interested customer.
  12. What I have found is, you can't really compare Softube to IKM plugins. The are just totally different. Just like you can't compare a Apple macbook to an Acer laptop. They are just too different.
  13. FWIW.. I started tracking Softube volume release dates. It seems they usually release in March and sometimes as late as May. My guess is, the next Volume release will be march 2022. I am waiting to see what will be included. It seems those are best ways to get their stuff.
  14. Use code TTCOMPLETE55 for get it for $199 https://www.softube.com/complete-collection
  15. good product... my fav bass library.
  16. i still don't get the wording. all these new features you already have if you have ST4 and you install Syntronic 2 CS, right ? The dual engine is in Syntronic 2 CS right? So you get all these if you have ST4 and Syntronic 2 CS installed, right? New presets use the updated SampleTank 4* engine All legacy presets and samples included sound identical to Syntronik 1 with our dual-engine architecture New EDIT panel with modulation matrix offers deep editing beyond the capabilities of the original hardware synths All synths work as libraries inside SampleTank 4 alongside SampleTron 2, Miroslav Philharmonik 2, Cinekinetik, Electromagnetik, etc.
  17. heh... the pulled the AAS expansions from the freebies..
  18. I just tried SYN 2 today. I installed SYN 2 then downloaded the sounds. they come in 2 zip files and you extract them to where you put your sounds. I guess you can not install SYN 2 sounds. It seems to me there are updated sounds for older SYN 1 synths. When I looked at it, i can see a SYN 2 filter and then it filters a bunch of older SYN 1 synths. I guess those are the new presets for them for SYN 2.
  19. I think I will take the next year to spend some more time with FL while i sit out and see how the new Cubase 12 and the new licensing plays out .. It seems daft to buy an upgrade for something you have no clue what is in it.
  20. I picked up Softube Vol 5 and "upped my game". ?
  21. Parrots?!!! Damn.. I need those samples!!
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