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telecode 101

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Everything posted by telecode 101

  1. I use Focusrite Scarlett 8i6. I really like it. FWIW.. if you can afford a Clarett, get that one. It's much better for vocals and acoustic guitars. The pre-amps are night and day difference. But I switched for the Scarlett as I don't really do vocals or acoustic recording much.
  2. very cool stuff. i have been debating lately i gotta try to join a folk band or something in my community. my old band mate started making rock and roll again and i have been putting down tracks and stuff, but many times i keep thinking . why i am doing this loud trashy music? will try to get some east coast folk music books from the local library and try to see what i can learn to play.
  3. Hi OP. two things I can add. I have hearing loss. The loss of normal frequencies that go at around middle age. I also have tinnitus and it can get bad when I am tierd. I also occasionally get a clicking sound at night before bed. I suspect it might be related to pressure build up in the ears. either way. i am sure the hearing doc will be able to tell you what you have. dont sweat it.
  4. Yeah. I think that was common. I also notice in the SOS articles a lot of guitars where just DI into the board. So I started using that a lot as well. I turn off the speaker cab and just use a compressor into an amp head and then stick a British channel insert after it. Sounds nice to me.
  5. FWIW.. the way I started using AT5, I don't use any eq's at the beginning. I mix and match the mics and move them around in the virtual environment until I sort of get the tone I am looking for. And then I start playing around with tone knobs and eq's. Seems to work for me. I find I like ribbon mics mixed with sm57 a lot. In the case of Leslie. I first got the AT5 version which I used fora few years. Loved the thing. Then finally for the T-racks version in last GB. Now am in heaven.
  6. I never knew they used it on that record. I am a big Buckingham fan. I gotta check that book out next. For me , I just like the sound and vibe of the Leslie. It has that 60s bluesy sound that is vintage and odd which I am into. In case anyone into this stuff. They had a very cool interview in SOS on the making of the Buckingham/McVie record where they interviewed the engineer that did that record. I was shocked he uses so many very common plugins to get that sound. https://www.soundonsound.com/techniques/inside-track-buckingham-mcvie-feel-about-you
  7. Stealth Limiter is permanently on my mastering chain. Amplitube Leslie I find amazing for the kinds of sounds i like working with. Both stellar.
  8. meh.. still waiting to see these guys give a deal on bluesbreaker
  9. Do you own V Col? Which version? This doesn't show up for me. I own Pigments and V Col 6.
  10. tele has multiple email accounts and soundclound accounts. shhh. dont tell anyone.. ?
  11. maybe. i guess. i just started to think this free plugins are a lingering doing nothing but slowing loadup.
  12. yeah. that's what I did. ust got rid of all these freebie stuff that i never use. i actually started using IK MixBox more lately. I just load up one insert of FX and add as needed in it. Works well for what I do. I dont make records at home. It's mostly all singer songwirter demo stuff. I just need the DAW to load up fast so I can get the stuff down as fast as possible. 123 and we done baby.
  13. I swear I have heard this stuff before. I think my kid and his little buddies buy these pre made loops to make their hiphop songs..
  14. i got it but will sit back and hold on before installing. i started clearing out all the VST effects I have which I dont use. My DAW loads up so much faster.
  15. weird. i logged in and i dont see the triad deal. is the pigments 3.5 upgrade paid upgrade for existing owners?
  16. piggy presets! cool. to be honest, i have yet to find time to delve into the preset deal i got 6 months from them. https://www.arturia.com/community/presets
  17. thanks. entered. may i win some iloud monitors ? hey.. i think them IKM boys may have fixed the trial mode bug in AT5. i patched it a few days ago. I was able to tinker with it today for about 1 hour and it did not prompt me for missing stuff.
  18. RIP.. such a cool player. loved this record back in the day
  19. ha.. actually, fun little tad bit.. so i wound up going to this show a few months ago and had the weirdest seats. we sat behind the band and kept looking at their backs. but it was a great way to see these people do what the do live. i hasn't seen a real drummer in along time. all this pop and EDM and all you hear is hi-hats. the guy hardly ever touched the hi-hit. it was all toms when keeping the 8th and 16th notes beats. very cool player. the next day I went back into my Modo Drum MIDI stuff and switched all the hi-hats to toms notes. sounds so much better. ?
  20. oh yeah.. this works. some nice 4 on the floor going on there.
  21. now you people are gonna make me listen to ABBA to find the best song with best drums. i am a drum addict.
  22. you just keep on posting and you gonna make me blow $20 ?
  23. cool. under the volcano looks really great. they made some classic records in that studio back then. I am still looking to find a place to stream My Dear Vivian. The doc about Johnny Cash's first wife and the controversy over her.
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