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Everything posted by scook

  1. The CbB theme editor is one of the Add-ons. In BA, click the menu under the red arrow, then click Install Add-ons....
  2. Create a ticket with support https://help.bandlab.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Make sure to include your system information and attach the dmp file mentioned in the error message
  3. Have you played around with the MIDI Event Chase settings?
  4. System issues are beyond the scope of this thread. Extreme settings tend to create problems rather than solve them. There is a setting in Aud.ini to reduce sensitivity to dropouts but there may be more going on in this case, possibly DPC latency, background processes or a hardware issue.
  5. You should have already saved the installers. My post above explains where CCC will place them on the new machine. If you have access to the old drive, the installers may still be on it. Placing the installers in the download folder will cause CCC to skip the download and go straight to install and activate.
  6. Yeah, the installers are in your account if you do not want to install right away. If you elect to install using CCC, the same installers are stored in a folder. The default is "C:\ProgramData\Cakewalk\Command Center\Downloads" The actual download folder is show on the Path tab in the CCC setup. Click the gear in the upper right of the CCC UI to open set up. BTW, Addictive Drums and Melodyne need to be installed using those manufacturers methods. For Addictive Drums, it means installing the XLN Installer. For Melodyne, it means getting the installer from your Celemony Account. Both of these manufacturers track installs and allow two active installs at a time. The activations are managed in your user accounts on their sites.
  7. Because Platinum and CbB share some utilities. There is a small chance Platinum will overwrite some of the newer software added by CbB. It is safer to add the old DAW first. The installers are not supposed to overwrite newer software but it happens sometimes and can cause problems. The CbB uninstall and re-install is good insurance.
  8. Cakewalk Command Center still works. The Platinum installers should still be in your old Cakewalk account too. The easiest way to get Platinum back is install the Command Center and re-install Platinum using the Command Center. After that install BandLab Assistand and CbB. If CbB is installed now, it may be better to uninstall CbB from the menu in BA before installing Platinum, then install Platinum and re-install CbB.
  9. Probably BA wanted to shut down before proceeding to update itself. This is normal.
  10. After thinking about this a little more, I believe I know what happened. The MIDI file was saved instead of saving as a Cakewalk project. The start screen at step 24 shows the most recent project was Seals_And_Crofts_Summer_Breeze.mid. Had the project been saved as a Cakewalk project, the start screen would have an image of the project and the file name would be Seals_And_Crofts_Summer_Breeze.cwp. MIDI files cannot save the audio portion of an instrument track, audio tracks or soft synth assignments because these are not MIDI data. The critical difference in my test is it starts with a cakewalk project instead of opening a MIDI file. Save writes out the data based on what file type was opened. When opening a MIDI file, save writes out a MIDI file, "Save As" lets one select the file type. After adding non-MIDI data to the opened MIDI file, it must be saved as a Cakewalk project so that the non-MIDI data is saved. This is an easy mistake to make and is compounded by the fact that MIDI song files must be opened instead of imported into a project in order to preserve tempo data.
  11. Starting with a new project and following the 9 step formula, I cannot reproduce the problem. Does the problem occur in a new project? If not, there may be something in the existing project causing the problem. If it does, try setting the lens menu to None.
  12. A partial personalization (holding the SHIFT key while starting CbB) will restore any BandLab supplied files missing from the user directory (%appdata%\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core). This is not necessary for three ini files, Aud.ini, Cakewalk.ini and TTSSEQ.ini. These three files are automatically recreated if missing when CbB starts up. As mentioned above, renaming the ini files (instead of overwriting or deleting) can be useful for comparing to the factory default settings.
  13. Yes, software (IOW synth plug-ins) and hardware synths read MIDI data and generate audio from it. Opening a GM MIDI file in CbB will automatically add TTS-1 and make the appropriate instrument assignments as long as there are no MIDI output assignments in preferences. Of course, one can manually make the assignments or use other synths but the automatic TTS-1 feature is the easiest way to get started.
  14. Update whenever ready. In addition to backup, copying the current CbB program folder to a new name leaves the current version and the update available for use. Multiple versions may be stored online. For example, before updating to CbB 2019.01 I copied "C:\Programs Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core" to "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core-18-11" After updating, CbB 2019.01 was the default but I can launch the previous version of CbB by going into "C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core-18-11" and running Cakewalk.exe. This is how I managed Platinum and currently have several Platinum versions and every CbB version online. So what is the risk? If there is a problem with the shared utilities, all versions of SONAR and CbB are affected. This is where backup comes in handy. Even then backup is not the only recourse, it is possible to keep a copy of "C:\Programs Files\Cakewalk\Shared Utilities" online or retain copies of the installers.
  15. As noted above, this is a known bug in all releases of Melodyne 4.2. There are two ways to deal with the problem 1) 2) Contact Celemony support and request Melodyne 4.1
  16. Running as administrator is not required. The only reason I can think of for running CbB as administrator is old 3rd party plug-ins that write to privileged areas of the registry or hard drive. SI-Bass is not one of these plug-in. I am not sure what this means Is this a question about how to display the plug-in UI? Or the the plug-in actually missing from the project? IOW, the plug-in is not listed in the synth rack.
  17. scook

    Importing audio

    If there were no errors reported chances are the files are broadcast waves and Always Import Broadcast Waves at Their Timestamp is enabled. Check far to the right on the timeline. If the files are there; they are broadcast wave files. Turn the option off to insert these files anywhere on the timeline.
  18. Cakewalk starting shipping 64bit versions with SONAR 5. The SONAR 7 DVD should have both 32 and 64bit versions on the disk.
  19. Depends on your keyboard. Mine is the rightmost key on the line with the function keys.
  20. I believe deselecting "Show Update Notifications" in preferences is what you want. Also signing out of BA or disconnecting from the internet should suppress the messages regardless of the preference setting.
  21. Try copying the project file from a working project over to the new PC. Did you perform an advanced install to get the VX-64 on the new PC?
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